Thursday, January 28, 2021

Mysterious update!

Bonnie Hunter's Quiltville mystery quilt is something lots of us look forward to each year!!  Here is my block progress so far...the fun thing about this is that I have all of my block parts all ready to go. Just need seven more blocks!
I really like this block...note that Texas fabric.  I only had a scrap...about 1/2 of an inch left of it, which was used in a squishy hotpad. 
Maybe we need a little Valentine's décor!!  I polished the dining room table and filled the little basket with some pillows that were made with love!
Ok.  As many of you know, I am on a mission to declutter my life.   This is my basket for work.  There is a lady I work with, Billie (who has been dreadfully ill but is on the mend), and she has a big thing for office supplies.  Like quilters love fabric, Billie loves office supplies.  Almost every day, she brings a big bag of pens, or pencils,  and gives them out to everyone...5, 6, or even a dozen to each nurse at a time!!!  OH wow...that gets crazy in a hurry.  So here WAS my basket of pens...silliness!! Also bandage scissors, hemostats, alcohol swabs, hand sanitizer, just lot of junk from my pockets.  An over flowing basket, OH my!

 I sorted out about 3/4 of these and took them to the post office! I kept the pens I really use, and the cute ones that have been gifted to me.   The post office never has a pen...this way, they have a stash of pens and pencils for use.  Yahoo!  One more mess you see, I still have a TON of writing utensils, but it is a lot better.  Pens are something I use a lot of.  As a nurse, I write a lot, despite having a "paperless" charting system.  And someone always needs a pen to use, to have, patients and visitors and doctors.  So this is much better.

My de-clutter so far this year includes:  

1.  Pantry

2.  Linens

3.  Coats

4.  The pen basket! and other office supplies. 


I actually went to the library and checked out some books of the 1930's.  Actually, these were history books of the 20th century, so I will look at another library for great books on just the 1930's.  I don't know why I love history so much, but I do...and this period profoundly shaped my family.  I am reading some incredible things...and will share the best with you!

*******************************Healthy habits!****************************

So far we have been:

1.  strengthening those abs, to support our backs!

2.  Drinking our water.

3.  Taking our vitamins

4.  Adding a walk to our days

So now...lets add a few exercises!  I do this listen here, don't try to be Hercules and start an exercise routine unless you are OK physically to do it and your doctor approves!! Be careful if you are sedentary...go slow but be relentless in doing something!

I do this each morning...takes me about 10 minutes.

squats (10 x 2 sets), push ups (10 x 2 sets), leg lifts (10 x 2 sets), crunches (10), sit-ups (10) back arches (10), and lying leg lifts with both leg together (10).  

DONE!!!  The key is to do it every single day.  No equipment is required, and you will feel better, I promise!  You can always add more...



susan q said...

Keep those health tips coming! I can always use more. I will try to donate pens to the post office but during this pandemic this might not work at mine. Have a safe and healthy week♥

Rebecca said...

I love the colors you used on the Mystery Quilt.
While I can not see myself ever making one of her quilts I love to see the color ways people come up with and the differences it makes in each quilt and what you see.

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Libraries also welcome pen and pencil donations. I love the thin black strip on the corners of your blocks.

Julierose said...

I love your Valentine table runner--I have my little red/white Swedish SAL I made with Lori at Humble Quilts two years ago...I was going to make one in Greens for St Patrick's Day and never got to it, maybe this is the year??? Will have to look up that pattern...
Hugs and stay safe Julierose

Loris said...

Your mystery blocks are looking lovely! It's amazing how much you get done aside from working too but looking at your healthy habits I can see how you keep your energy up :-)
I have been de-cluttering too along with a lot of YouTube watchers of Minimal Mom and Cas at ClutterBug. It has been kind of fun though I've been de-cluttering for years and it's just an ongoing effort to maintain. My DH is finally on board a bit now too which is a help.
We are getting tons of rain here right in my neighborhood! Our usual is 17" a year and we've had 10" in the last 24 hours! We are fine with only a bit of a leaning fence that I was able to shore up but there's flooding in town and mudslides up the coast especially where there were fires last summer. So prayers again for those effected by the weather!

Binsa said...

Enjoyed your post Julie. I exercise everyday but in a warm shower.

berylthepearl said...

I like the little black strip on your Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt. It will really look cool when finished. I finally have my center quilt put together and that was the most fun part! I do her mystery every year....I’ve given several away and kept several. I think they are all masterpieces!
Good luck with exercise, I walk or treadmill every it!

Flickenstichlerin said...

Lovely mystery blocks, they look fantastic. Your Valentine decoration is also very nice. Good to declutter ever once in a while.

QuiltGranma said...

thank you all for suggestions on where to donate excess pens!

Lynn Dykstra said...

Back when pens were provided at work (that statement illustrates so much about how support of nurses has declined over the years) we would every once in a while have a "Bring Back Your Pens" Day. The unit would be overloaded with pens.
(This was back when Days charted in blue, PMs in black, and Nights in red.)

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Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...