Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Mini quilt for June!!!

 I finished my little "Corona Cottages" quilt, and it is my mini quilt for June!  Hurrah for a finish!  I just made a few cottages, to represent our days in viral quarantine, at home.  I was hoping for a short time, so just made a little quilt!  Some quilters have made a block a day for months, and some have made multiple house quilts. 

Please see the quilters, below...all are making some really fun little quilts each month!!  Thank you, Wendy...she encourages all of us!

http://theconstantquilter.blogspot.com/  This is Wendy's blog.  Wendy makes pot holder quilts, and are they ever gorgeous and fun!

Cynthia (Wabi-Sabi Quilts)
Quilting Babcia (Amity Quilter)

I also finished some more glass cases, made out of pockets from old uniforms.  Waste not...want not!  Thanks Mom for teaching me that!

Hugs to all!


Mrs. Lincoln Sampler update, and Mary Brown too!

 This is my latest applique block for my Mrs. Lincoln Sampler quilt. Simple applique; it was so much fun to stitch!
 Cathy and I are also piecing a block, too, for each month.
So here are both blocks together! I sure hope I have enough of the ticking scraps to finish the quilt sashing! I continue to add the sashing and sew blocks together as I go. 

  The following quilters are participating.  We will be showing completed blocks on the 30th of each month!  Take the time to visit them to see their completed monthly blocks!

Karen – Log Cabin Quilter

Cathy – Biglakequilter

Jennie  – Overthehillandrunning

Julie K –  Juliekquilts

Robin –   solsticestudio

Nanette – Doitrightquilter

Jan – Nanette will show her progress on her blog.  \\

******************************Nurse's Notes*********************************

Well, the covid 19 virus has hit our hospital, state and country very hard, like a tornado, in fact.    Five of my co-workers, on my floor, have the virus. Our unit secretary, who sits in the middle of the nurse's station, our night charge nurse, one respiratory therapist, our unit coordinator, and one other nurse all have it.  Also, one doctor as well.  One is very ill, with 104 degree fevers.  A 32 year old nurse! So the virus is definitely here.  It is frankly, very frightening to go to work, but all I can do is pray, and do my utmost in safety practices so that I do not get this, or spread it to home.  

Dozens of nurses and therapists throughout the rest of the hospital are ill.   We are at 100% capacity for bed occupancy in the covid ICU unit, with every patient intubated, and opened a covid floor, which is also full.  This is serious business, all...strange and scary times for nurses.  I know they are practicing with the tents on the lawn out front, just in case, also to expand to the doctor's office building next door, if need be.  I don't know where they are going to get the personnel to take care of all these people, though.  

I do know they are offering travel contracts, paying 95-110 dollars an hour, for a eight week contract. Some nurses will take the cash and travel.  McAllen Texas hospital keeps on contacting me to go down there!  Just like it was in New York. 

Stay as well as you can, dear friends.


Stay well and safe, 


Sunday, June 21, 2020

Slow stitching on Father's Day Sunday

Happy Father's Day to all Fathers!!! 

Today is slow stitching day, as decreed by our friend Kathy!!  I am linking to her, HERE.    I have been hand quilting these little quilts.  The vintage star is from the 1930's, and it still needs some quilting in the background.  The binding is ready to stitch down!  I hand quilted through each string, and it was fun to enjoy these fabric from around 90 years ago.

The little Corona Cottages quilt is my take on a house quilt, for this quarantine time in our lives.  What an amazing and strange time we are living through!  It is hand quilted, and just needs the binding stitched as well.

The tiny flower is just because I love flowers so much...just little sparklers of happy, for me!! 

The rainbow quilt is just that. Binding is in black, which is the combination of all colors!!! 
So I am making progress!  Whoop!!

I am also linking to Cynthia, HERE.  She has all kinds of scrappy fun projects going!!!

************************Nurse's Notes*****************************

I have had a whirlwind in my nursing life.  I was floated from CCU, (open heart surgery recovery), to telemetry.  These tele patients are easy...few meds, just a careful eye on them, and all walkie/talkie patients.  In fact, I sent them all home on the day I worked tele!!

The next day, I got floated to an ICU unit...the sickest of the sick.  Honestly, it was really very fun!  I had a pneumonia patient (rule out covid...she was 28 years old and a horrible pneumonia...fever...cough...could not taste or smell.)  What does that sound like to you?  Anyway, she tested covid negative!  She had just had a baby 8 days prior, so I was anxious for her to get well and get home to her baby.

Another patients was a BRAIN SURGERY PATIENT! Ok, so in my 30+ years of nursing, I had never taken care of a fresh brain surgery patient, and I really had no business being assigned to that patient...but it was great fun!  He was a doll...37 years old...two INCH tumor removed from his brain.  Two drains from his skull, including a Ventriculostomy...so first time for me taking care of that.  I learned so very much, and enjoyed his sweet hUmor and love for his daughter.  Remember, all these patients are pretty much by themselves in the hospital, due to no visitors (Corona virus precautions). 

The next day, I was back on my home unit.  One guy on the ventilator was mine...until a patient developed sudden kidney failure, and I had to put him on continuous dialysis, and take my other patient too!  These are supposed to be one on one patients...but there was no one else, so I did both.  Happily, no one coded and all was well!!  I did not eat or tinkle all day, just ran room to room and back again!


I am off today...made a large breakfast for dear husband to celebrate Father's Day, and now I am doing laundry and sewing...and writing to you!

Have a lovely day, all!!


Monday, June 15, 2020

Farmhouse sampler applique update

The above block is my current block for my Farmhouse Sampler.  I added the little pink circle in the center of the block.  On we go!  Three blocks down and six blocks to go! 20 inch blocks make this quilt go fast!

Please see Karen's block, here, as we are enjoying making this quilt together.

I am finishing up blocks and pieces...these blocks were cut out and now they are finished!  Hurrah!  There are really 15 of them...odd number, there!

Hope each of you is finding joy in your journey, no matter what!  I am determined to do that!


Thursday, June 4, 2020

Embroidery progress, and selling some things.

I have finished the embroidery on this little quilt.  Except for the one blank square, which will be a signature and date square.  I have been sitting in one little corner, slowly and quietly stitching away on this piece.  

 I am selling some quilt things.  This quilt top is one I always intended to hand quilt, but I guess I will sell it instead.  It is a double wedding ring, as you see. 
 It is not perfect.  The rings are sewn by machine, and the melons are sewn by hand, at least the ones I saw.  There are a few water marks/stains like this one below, as is often the case with a vintage article. 
 The edges are ruffled, a bit. 
 So you do you think it is worth $25.00?  I do know some of the fabric are 1930's originals.

Thank you for your opinion, and if you want it let me know.
The whole thing.

I will be selling all my antique and vintage quilt tops, so stay tuned.

Have a great day,


Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!

Rainbow quilts!!!  I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...