Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Mrs. Lincoln Sampler update, and Mary Brown too!

 This is my latest applique block for my Mrs. Lincoln Sampler quilt. Simple applique; it was so much fun to stitch!
 Cathy and I are also piecing a block, too, for each month.
So here are both blocks together! I sure hope I have enough of the ticking scraps to finish the quilt sashing! I continue to add the sashing and sew blocks together as I go. 

  The following quilters are participating.  We will be showing completed blocks on the 30th of each month!  Take the time to visit them to see their completed monthly blocks!

Karen – Log Cabin Quilter

Cathy – Biglakequilter

Jennie  – Overthehillandrunning

Julie K –  Juliekquilts

Robin –   solsticestudio

Nanette – Doitrightquilter

Jan – Nanette will show her progress on her blog.  \\

******************************Nurse's Notes*********************************

Well, the covid 19 virus has hit our hospital, state and country very hard, like a tornado, in fact.    Five of my co-workers, on my floor, have the virus. Our unit secretary, who sits in the middle of the nurse's station, our night charge nurse, one respiratory therapist, our unit coordinator, and one other nurse all have it.  Also, one doctor as well.  One is very ill, with 104 degree fevers.  A 32 year old nurse! So the virus is definitely here.  It is frankly, very frightening to go to work, but all I can do is pray, and do my utmost in safety practices so that I do not get this, or spread it to home.  

Dozens of nurses and therapists throughout the rest of the hospital are ill.   We are at 100% capacity for bed occupancy in the covid ICU unit, with every patient intubated, and opened a covid floor, which is also full.  This is serious business, all...strange and scary times for nurses.  I know they are practicing with the tents on the lawn out front, just in case, also to expand to the doctor's office building next door, if need be.  I don't know where they are going to get the personnel to take care of all these people, though.  

I do know they are offering travel contracts, paying 95-110 dollars an hour, for a eight week contract. Some nurses will take the cash and travel.  McAllen Texas hospital keeps on contacting me to go down there!  Just like it was in New York. 

Stay as well as you can, dear friends.


Stay well and safe, 



Cathy said...

I love your Mrs. Lincoln blocks. This virus is so scary. Around here people don't seem to take it that serious. I don't leave the house except to go to a doctor's appointment. Take care my friend. Hugs

---"Love" said...

Your new blocks are so pretty! Every block you add is so special! I do hope you will have enough of your sashing fabric; it is the perfect thing for all your blocks. After reading your "nurse" section, I'm wondering if I should keep an appointment I have next week with a new doctor deep in the downtown hospital district. (?) ---"Love"

AnnieO said...

Your stitching is always beautiful! Love the colors.

Very frightening times for the health industry. I have heard of doctors not wanting to go into rooms and sending nurses instead to check on patients, this was from a County Hospital nurse! We have had an uptick since wider opening but have had a very conservative official in charge of the opening guidelines who follows CDC and WHO recommendations, so total percent of infections and deaths is low for our county population. We are all still working from home, though several of our practice locations have begun to open with strict precautions. The doc I scribe for has health issues and says he does not want to be in the office until September....

Loris said...

Your lovely new blocks are a breath of fresh air. The simplicity in their design and pure colors work well. I'm so glad you had some time and energy to stitch. You are still in my thoughts and especially my prayers each day. That they still haven't manufactured enough PPE for my friends is heartbreaking. The guard has been dropped and we are all going to continue paying for it despite simple actions we could take. The Republican senator from Tennessee spoke in chambers asking the president to finally set an example and look out for his fellow man and stop making this a political issue instead of a health issue. I pray someone hears him! Our area is now filling the hospitals too. :-(

Wendy Caton Reed said...

Gorgeous blocks. I wish you the best in keeping Covid 19 at bay. I'm sure it is not easy.

Kyle said...

Your blocks are lovely. I'm sure they help relieve the stress. I hope you continue to stay safe and healthy and thank you for your dedication

Karen said...

My friend is back to making her Mrs. Lincoln blocks. I think of you every time my friend mentions what block she is working on for that quilt.

Chantal said...

Sending prayers so you stay safe in that infected hospital. Blessings. ;^)

Sherrill said...

Ooo, you guys are at 100%?! Yikes! Here I thought we were getting to a good place and whammo! I hate this--this year needs to be cancelled NOW! I know you're doing a good job of staying well, keep it up! What are you doing with the with the glasses cases?

TakeMeThereTotes said...

I follow you for your fun Quilts, but I truly enjoy your Nursing Notes. I pray for your safety and all of those working to save lives.

GO STARS! said...

My son works at a large church as their IT guy. A priest and a coworker just tested positive. Also at my mother-in-law’s facility - a memory care resident tested positive. My mother-in-law is in the assisted living side but it is still very scary.

My husband and I are staying home. We only go out if necessary.

That is so scary with so many of your coworkers sick! I will be praying that you stay safe!

Lynn Dykstra said...

Oh, Julie, my best to you and your colleagues. Things are steady here in Chicago for now. We are going to lose a lot more lives in this country and around the world.

Quilter Kathy said...

OH my goodness... that is terrible! So much stress for the health care workers.
Stay well my friend!

Lori said...

Scary stuff! Did they contract it at the hospital?
Chatted with my sis this morning who works in a clinic and it is spreading quickly in her county in Idaho as well. I'm glad she is retired from hospital duty.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Those are beautiful blocks,
Wow... that is too close to home!! You better stay safe!!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...