Monday, July 6, 2015

Mystery day is here!!!

 Turning Twenty Mystery quilt day is here!!!  This is the first block, in two sizes.  I am making mine in red, white, and blues.  Tricia of Turning Twenty is making hers of gorgeous Kaffe fabrics...and she is offering kits too!!

Please see Tricia's blog at:

To sign up, go here!!:

The mystery quilt blocks are being released every first and Third  Mondays of the next six months.  So here we go!!!  I was lucky enough to meet Tricia as I was caring for her and her family recently, and we have become fast friends.  I love it that we were brought together!!!

Speaking of Red, white, and blue  (and plaids)...Lori at Humble quilts had a quilt on one her beds, decorating for the Fourth of July, that I just loved.  It is a wonderful log cabin variation, and somehow, I just loved it!   I asked Lori for her permission to recreate a version of it, and she said yes.   So...I scrounged and hunted and found all my red and blue plaids, and some patriotic fabrics given to me by Nancy at .   So Nancy, I am using those fabrics you sent!!  I have cut them all into strips...and away I go!  Can't wait for time to really make some tracks on this project!!

 Yep!!  I have Startitis!!  It is a very contagious disease that quilters are quite susceptible to...STARTING NEW PROJECTS!!  Never mind that we are not done with the old is infectious!!  BE CAREFUL OUT might get it too!!!  Hee!!So above, is a block I made for another quilt.  But I love this I cut out twenty more and they are all ready to go too.

That is my story, and I am sticking to it!!
 Kyle R, who blogs at:, recently sent me this wonderful basket and labels and such a cute card!  I won a drawing on her blog.  Now Kyle is a real quilter...a quilter's quilter!!  Please click on her blog and pay her a will love her quilts!!  Thank you, Kyle!
And an early birthday gift!!  All the way from Australia, from my darling friend Lyn.  Please see her blog too!  Lyn and I have known each other for so many years, and I am so lucky to be her friend, and she a marvelous quilter too!!

And I am off work today!!  So I am doing laundry and cutting fabric and generally having a ball.  Hope you are too!!!



Tired Teacher said...

Your Seeing Stars block is fabulous. I downloaded the pattern this morning, but don't know when I will get to it.

Glad that you found a use for my scraps: I was delighted to get them out of my house. ;o)

Happy sewing

Gina said...

Love your version of the first block. I'm off to my sewing room to dig out some fabric. I'm doing mine scrappy.
I think I've caught startitis ( my new favourite word) from you as I'm about to start three new quilts this month. I'm going to be busy

Kyle said...

July is perfect for anything R,W, B. Great starts ( yes, I have startitis too). Glad you like basket. Have a fun day just cutting and cutting and cutting.

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Sounds like you're making the best of your day off ... some necesssary work and some fun!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I signed up for the Turning 20 BOM. I'll be out of state (and not near internet) on one of the post dates, but, I hope she will work with me on that one. It's not till Oct 1st, so, I have time to ask. Enjoy your day off (and your new gifts).

Lesley said...

Beautiful blocks!

Chantal said...

I love your first Turning Twenty block. I have just signed up and hope that I'll be able to keep up lol. Very nice little presents you've received. Enjoy your day off!!

Missy Shay said...

I love your blocks!

Val's Quilting Studio said...

I'm signed up too and plan to make mine a stash buster too! Love your BWB idea!

Flickenstichlerin said...

Oh Julie,
what an exciting post. Lots of goodies to see and a great day off from work.

Lori said...

The mystery block is so cute! How fun to be sewing such fun projects on your day off.

Happy New Year, full of plans and promise!!

Good morning!!  Happy Sunday, or Monday to those in Australia and other places in the world! Above is my Amaryllis.  This is the second stem...