Monday, May 20, 2013

Narrow Gauge through the Rockies

Hi to everyone!  I made another 48 blocks, for a total of 96...and that's all, folks!!  Next is the narrow black border, when I get all the blocks sewn together.  Then...maybe that's it!!  I love these blocks, they are just great fun to make!
I received a gift from the heart.  A long time blog friend gifted me with this gorgeous crocheted piece...I left it on the wrapping paper to photograph, so you could see the detail.  It is truly beautiful, and truly appreciated!!  Thank you so much, Nines!!

**************************Nurse's Notes***********************

I floated yesterday at the hospital...this is where administration takes a nurse, and send them to another totally unfamiliar unit to work, to help with staffing. Once I went to labor and delivery...once to the ER.  It is like taking a commuter driver and sending them to run the Indy 500...a totally different scene than the one the nurse is familiar with!!  Yet, this happens all the time...scary stuff, really...and the prayer is that you don't mess up!!  Any of you you float??  I lucked out and had simple, fun patients...whoohoo!!!

Have a great day, all!!



Sherrill said...

A bazillion years ago when I was working in the hospital (I worked as an aide, unit secretary and RN), I HATED being pulled. Not FUN!

Nancy said...

Narrow Gauge is gorgeous as is the crocheted doily.

Glad that your floating shift was uneventful.

Janet O. said...

Oh, Julie, what a beautiful scrap quilt! I can't get enough of it--just want to stare at it! : )

That sounds like a difficult nursing situation.

Kathleen said...

Oh we'll done, well done. Beautiful.

Merilyn said...

The Narrow Gauge blocks look great together!!! I love the little crochet doiley! I used to make them on night duty to help me stay awake!!!!
A few years ago I did what you call 'float'. The hospital has a pool of nurses (permanent staff)who do just that, float to any area to relieve for sick leave or gaps in the roster.
I did it for a couple of years and just loved it. It was a great way to revisit and maintain my clinical skills. Each day I went in I would be sent to anywhere: post-natal, operating theatre, CCU, orthopaedics, medical oncology, paediatrics, Emergency, Recovery, just anywhere and I functioned. Senior nurses with a broad range of experience are highly valued (some areas would actually ask for you if they needed a 'pool nurse' if they liked you!!) and when I chose to return to my speciality of acute mental health, the supervisors couldn't believe it LOL!!!! It was a great experience, got to know all the staff throughout the hospital, felt trusted and created good professional relationships with the other permanent staff. I was sorry to leave the 'pool', but an opportunity to work where I do now came up and I couldn't let it pass.

noelli said...

I didn't mind floating as far as patient care went but I never liked not knowing who I was working with, who would help and who were "good" workers and resources. I guess I always liked my team around me that I had grown to trust. Run a code with that team...piece of cake...float to unknown staff...scary stuff.
Glad you had an easy day of it :0) you know it can go either way.

Happy Sewing

9patchnurse said...

I love that quilt!! In over 34 years of nursing, every unit I have worked on has had periods of time where we floated. It can be so anxiety producing but, hopefully, with the right support, it's fun to try something different. I work in the OR now and each service is so specialized that we really struggle with making the practice of floating work and maintain safety.

Mary said...

I can't wait to see this quilt finished! It's so gorgeous!
Hmmm, didn't think they could float us to L&D. Not good, we're not PALS.

pcflamingo said...

Love your Narrow Gauge blocks - they DO look like fun! Maybe I'm just identifying with the name because my mom used to have a 1900s little red caboose that she had fixed up for a vacation cabin.

Leeanne said...

Tricky work situation. Not that it is the same, but when I worked part time in a department store, we got moved to different departments each weekend, so one weekend you were in shoes, the next small appliances, it made it very hard to get to know the products.
Love the scrappy strippy number!!

kmcallister said...

Love the Narrow Gauge and would be interested to know where to find the pattern.

Lori said...

Your quilt is looking so fantastic! That bit of black sets it off so nicely!!

Loris said...

Love your Narrow Gauge!
No more floating for me but did it for years. ICU was often like being in the float pool! ER is that in reverse...pts needing any dept can walk in the door :-/

Kindred Quilts said...

I agree with Lori... love the black in Narrow Gauge! My first job at 16 in a large retail store, I was hired as a floater. It was okay when I was in the Junior Girls department, but not so much fun in the luggage department!

Vic in NH said...

The Narrow Gauge scrap quilt is such fun to gaze at and appreciate all the different fabrics, good job! Is the neutral an unbleached muslin? Sure looks good!

Unknown said...

These are looking amazing thanks for the sharing and just keep up the good work.

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Karen said...

Very sweet blog.....not sure how I found it!.....but yes, I have floated in a paid position to be the daily are either a good nurse when a float or one that isn't...I hope that others saw me as one that they wanted to come to their units...I did critical care floating....learned tons!! on the I am a mixed variety retired....visit my blog at work is wonderful!! Thanks!! Karen

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...