Friday, May 17, 2013

Coons again this spring

 Can you see these pretty eyes peering up out from our chimney? This is the view down from the top.  Yes, I got on the roof...but dear husband took the pictures.  And yes, we did have the chimney covered!  The coons deftly torn the cover off, and squeezed down here during the tornado storms the other night...
Babies!!  Three babies and a Momma coonie...I love them.  I know a lot of you don't like them, but they are gorgeous creatures to me.  So, we again wove a rope ladder for them, and I am sure they will be gone before morning.  Our poodle goes crazy when the coonies move in!

Have a great weekend!!



WoolenSails said...

It is a good thing you care enough to help them out, not the smartest thing for them to do, lol.


Janet O. said...

That is incredible!
No, coons are not my favorite animal, since they strip the corn stalks just before they are ready to pick. How clever to give them a rope ladder!

Nancy said...

I love raccoons. Maybe I wouldn't love them in the chimney, though. It's very kind of you to give them a ladder. It's surprising that they weren't injured on the way down the chimney!

Nana said...

I love them too but in Germany we don´t have alot (if we have them at all). It´s nice of you to help them.

We have a poodle too.


Leeanne said...

Not the best home for them. thankfully you care about them.

Kim said...

You big softy :0)

At my old house they use to swim in the pool.

Happy Sewing, your pinwheels look terrific.....I gotta finish putting mine around the center

Kyle said...

They've loved our chimney too.

Anonymous said...

When I was a little girl our neighbor had one as a pet. Us kids would fish in the pond and bring the live fish in a bucket so we could watch the raccoon wash his hands and then grab and eat the fish. Mom had them coming after cat food she left outside!

Sharon said...

I like them from a distance, they really are amazing looking animals. Wow, that's a crazy place to find coons though, how smart to send down a ladder for them!

gale said...

eek!! They are cute but many raccoons carry a deadly (to humans and possibly other animals) type of roundworm. I prefer seeing them from afar. lol

Donna said...

we just had a momma and 4 babies moved from our attic, they did not go far, just to a falling apart shed about 50 feet away.. It's our first time with a family living here, not sure how I will feel when there are 5 fairly big racoons running around!

Merilyn said...

Aww!! the dear little things!!! I'm glad you have a soft spot for these gorgeous little critters!!! We don't have racoons downunder, be we sure get lot of visits from possums, who just love to run all over my roof jumping from the trees in the yard. Great idea of the rope ladder, you are kind, and I'm sure they appreciate it....

Potpourri said...

Did they vacate the premises?
Cute little pests!

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

My father was raised on a farm and said he had always wanted a raccoon. He found a young one on one of his trips and brought it home. The raccoon did NOT want to be a pet. Made for some interesting times.

Wonky Girl said...

Ah, cute! Thanks for the much needed smile today.

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...