Thursday, April 25, 2013

Weekly progress

 A few more of these blocks...these take about 30 minutes each for me to make.  Wonder why I am not faster at this?
 Some hand quilting on this...this quilt is just not straightened out, it is not this wonky!
 A dark picture to show the quilting...
 And a couple happy flower blocks!!
And that's it, folks!!!

**********************Nurse's notes*****************************

I am having to take a review course, for CEU's to renew my CCRN certification.  I attended a class today, and I learned a ton!!  Just listened...and absorbed...and bound a quilt!  I asked permission from the instructor before I did this...I did not want her to be offended at my quiet stitching.  That's right, a whole quilt seemed like I learned more as I just relaxed and listened and bound!  Wonder why?  Is this the "Zen" state that people used to talk about?  Anyway, it was a wonderfully productive day for me!!


Have a great day, everyone!!



Missy Shay said...

I have found that if I occupy my hands, I am able to focus better.

Leeanne said...

Lovely blocks. talk about multi go girl, sound just like what I would do!

Rachel said...

Same with me, I don't listen very well unless I am doing something with my hands. It can be taking notes or anything else at all! When I took my CCRN exam, I had spent the night before watching the review video again, the whole time crocheting. I finished my afghan, finally!

Vicki W said...

I love those flower blocks!

Quilter Kathy said...

Yes...I agree....that wonderful relaxed state of being able to take in information. How wonderful that the instructor allowed this!!
Wonderful hand quilting job there my friend!

Kim said...

I think of all the hours that I spent getting all those certifications and now I am retired and wonder if I could pass one of those exams today. It is a wonderful place of peace that hand works allows us to it Zen or meditation but it certainly does allow your brain to focus. Good luck on your exam too :0)

Happy Sewing

Sharon said...

I'm working on my Sisters Choice blocks right now as well. Love your applique, that zig zag fabric is perfect for those flowers.

Nancy said...

I like to knit while in meetings or conferences. Many instructors or presenters are intrigued by what I am making and do not mind my activity at all.

The blocks look large, so 30 minutes is a reasonable amount of time for each.

Your flower blocks are cheerful and so different from all your other projects. I love them!

Janet O. said...

Love Sister's Choice! How large are your blocks? I have this on my bucket list--maybe next year.
Oh, wow, those flower blocks are stunning. Seriously--they are so bold and graphic and bright and fun--and several other adjectives!! : )
Great job!

jofridsquilt said...

Nydelige blokker du har laga. Klem

Grit said...

Wonderful blocks.
Grit from Germany

antique quilter said...

beautiful, love the blocks
good for you asking and for her saying yes!
a quilt bound major accomplishment!

Nicky said...

Those flowers are so beautiful - they bring sunshine into my otherwise rainy day!

Lori said...

How nice to be productive with two things at once!! I agree about the Zen:)

Love your Sisters choice quilt!!

Kyle said...

You had a productive week. I always feel less productive if I'm just sitting and listening and not doing with my hands. I'm sure the instructor appreciated you asking.

Loris said...

Lovely work! I find the same true for me. If I'm doing handwork, I'm much more likely to be a good listener. I get distracted and daydream otherwise. My CCRN and CEN come due this year, so I'm catching up with the CE's. Only about 20 to go, I think.

Merilyn said...

The handquilting looks great, it is a lovely quilt!!!
Goodluck with your exam! I'm afraid we'd never be able to taking sewing or knitting to a lecture, it would be frowned upon big time! But it's true what you say, you do seem to take more in while doing something, proof of that is when I listen to audio-books while I'm sewing in the sewing room, I hear every word and really get into the story!! BTW what does CEU stand for?

Valerie the Pumpkin Patch Quilter said...

Gorgeous! You have such classic great taste, I love the colors. You go you multi-tasker you! ;)

Vic in NH said...

When you said it took you half an hour to make a Sister's Choice block, I laughed with you because it took me an hour each. They take time!
Yours look fabulous, BTW.

Carole said...

Lovely progress! Cheers!

Vesuviusmama said...

I am much better at processing info if my hands are busy while I am listening. Unfortunately, not every presenter/speaker/moderator is that comfortable with someone stitching away in a class or meeting. Glad you were able to!

Happy New Year, full of plans and promise!!

Good morning!!  Happy Sunday, or Monday to those in Australia and other places in the world! Above is my Amaryllis.  This is the second stem...