Monday, July 16, 2012

Little pieces!!

 This zig-zagging makes me dizzy!  At least putting this quilt together did...I put my little seam ripper to good use, LOL!!  Don't know why it was hard to keep the blocks straight, but it is finally in one piece.  I tried a pieced border, but it really detreact3ed from the movement of the rail fences, so I BOUGHT NEW FABRIC and used it as a border!  did you catch that?  NEW FABRIC!!  That was fun!
 Just another dizzy picture...I love all the little pieces, and all the colors...these blocks are 3 inch finished.
And another Barrister's block too...and that was my day!

I spent a great deal of the day cleaning know, deep down cleaning, moving things about and vacuuming and dusting...and that feels really good.  I have a home cooked meal on the stove...and that feels good too!

********************Nurse's notes***************************

My last day at work?  Was the very worst of my nursing career.  It was truly awful.  That is all I will say, except that a lot of tears and a few cuss words were used.  Sorry for the cuss words...


Hey, a couple guys ran across the interstate right in front of me today!  Scared me to death...they were so, so close to becoming organ donors, it was downright frightening!  Cars going 80 miles an hour out there!


A scam...

We were recently in a hotel room, having gotten away for a couple later.  We got a phone call about 10 pm one night, and it was coming from the hotel itself.  A gentleman said that their data base had gone down, and could we tell him our name, address, and credit card number again, please?  WELL, NO, we could not!  We told him we would go down to the desk...sure enough, when we got to the front desk, they had not this is a scam to watch out for!

Have a great day, all!!!



shannon said...

congrats on such a beautiful finish!! i love it...i might have to make my own now. :)

thanks for sharing!

Merilyn said...

What a wonderful finish, and I love the red border too!!!! It's a great scrappy, well done!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's truly a pretty quilt!!

Darlene said...

It's a beautiful quilt, Julie! I love it.

Kim said...

You've retired from nursing?

The quilt is a real beauty......I do love the border fabric and hope it pleases you too....onto the quilting, have you made a plan?

Happy Sewing

Loris said...

How fun to buy new fabric :-) I don't do that very often either but is sure is fun. And yours look great with the rail fence. Love your Barrister's block.
I can only think of a couple of worst days...fortunately, I forget some finally. They can be awfully hard to get through and over sometimes. Hang in there. I read an article recently about how working with your hands can help deal with the stress we kidding! Time digging in the ground for planting and stitching fabric together can be priceless therapy!

Janet O. said...

The good old patterns made with scraps turn out the best quilts, Julie. This rail fence is great! And NEW FABRIC for the border--woohoo!
I like that Barrister's block.
Sounds like your personal life is providing plenty of reasons to get some fabric therapy!

Mary said...

I love the zigzag quilt! Gorgeous! Sorry you had a bad day at work. Hugs! I think your totally awesome!
I've been sewing Dogbone pillows. It started off me wanting to make a patient a neck pillow. He has the worse case of MG I've ever seen. His neck was killing him. They are so comfy, I made me one. Now the girls want one! They are so fun to make!

Leeanne said...

Cool Zig Zag quilt! crazy people running in front of you!!
Have you retired from nursing? Oh....maybe I missed a post?

Helen in the UK said...

That zig-zag is beautiful. I think you're right it needed a 'calm' border to set off the zigs.
When you said 'last day at work' did you mean the most recent day you worked or your last ever nursing day, as in finished work? I'm wondering if I've missed some important news by skimming some blog entries :)

Deanna said...

Yes, Julie, like a few others I wonder if I missed something. "Last" as in "of this shift" or "Last" as in "no more"?

But, the quilt is beautiful. With those empty containers piling up you might need more strings?

*karendianne. said...

Oh! Stunning. I love the border. Great job.

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Add me to those who are wondering the meaning of "last day at work". ?? ;-)

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

And I love that border how that border complements but doesn't overshadow the rail fences. Hope you bought enough of it to add to your stash. ;-)

Karen said...

The hotel credit card scam is one I have never heard of. I can see how someone might fall for it. There seems to be an abundance of personal info scams happening of late.

I can see where a pieced border on your quilt would not work and you chose well with the new fabric. Lots of little pieces in your quilt.

Debi said...

Love the quilt and so sorry for your last day of work. I have heard of the hotel scam before in a newsletter I receive. It is terrible how so many scams are out there.

Nancy said...

Love your zig-zag quilt. I have TONS of small scraps that just may become a zig-zag.

AnnieO said...

I'm dizzy just thinking that you bought new fabric!!! LOL Looks wonderful.

Was that your FINAL day at the job, or just the last time you were at work? I would hate to have tears and cussing be my FINAL day!! Hope the next one is better.

Running across the highway? OMG.

Scam--wow, will have to remember that. Guess they are thinking to catch folks too sleepy to put their brains in gear before giving an answer!

Denise in PA said...

Okay, so I'm not the only one thinking - did I miss something about your job?? So sorry you had a really bad day. I just brought my husband home from the hospital two hours ago - he had a heart attack on Saturday - and the nurses were absolutely amazing. That scam is scary - I would hope that I would not have given the info. I'm pretty up on that kind of thing, but this one is weird!

Linda O said...

Great choice on the border for the Zig Zag - Really looks great! Sorry about the yucko day at work, those are no fun. Hopefully stitching is such good therapy. Crazy about the guys on the freeway! Good catch on the scam...

Jenni said...

I too immediately thought you had lost your job Julie - what gives? Hoping it isn't bad news.

Jenni said...

I too immediately thought you had lost your job Julie - what gives? Hoping it isn't bad news.

Lori said...

Love that quilt!! I also love the fabric in the border.
I'm confused about your last day too? It doesn't take much to confuse me though...

marilyn said...

your blocks finish at 3 inches, so the strips are cut at 1 1/2 ? I'm terrible at the math, but love that quilt so much it looks like I need to make me one! Just gorgeous.

marilyn said...

I have to tell you I was up half the night dreaming about your zig zag quilt! I just couldn't stop thinking about it and now I know I have to make it :) It is just so beautiful. I'm going to start cutting pieces from my scrap bucket this morning and make it a leader/ender project and hope I can stick with it long enough to actually finish it. Thanks for the inspiration.

Happy New Year, full of plans and promise!!

Good morning!!  Happy Sunday, or Monday to those in Australia and other places in the world! Above is my Amaryllis.  This is the second stem...