Monday, July 30, 2012


 Good evening, all!!  This is a rare post, after work at the hospital.  I just had to share these gifts with you!  A very nice lady gave me these...a Dresden plate variation quilt.  She said she has at least 60 quilts in her home, and is down sizing.  I think maybe the fabrics are 1940's through 1960' you have any idea to help me age this quilt?   I love her border!!
 The blocks are machine zigzagged on to muslin...
 and each plate has a yellow center.
 A yellow backing, very wide, with no seams...and I think it is poly-cotton.  And an unusual finishing technique...never have seen this before.
 The quilter hand quilted simply around each plate and around each block.  So...I put it in the washer on gentle cold, and it just washed beautifully!!  Cool gift, huh??
She also gave me this quilt top.  These blocks were from a block lotto at her guild.   I think I will take the top apart and set the blocks differently, with different fabric...any ideas on this quilt??

Hope each of you had a  day that was great, and that you are all tucked in and sleeping like a baby, at least in this neck of the woods!!!



Nancy said...

Definitely great gifts! Yes, the blocks in the bottom photo need to be reset with a different fabric. As they are now, the blocks are overwhelmed.

Quilter Kathy said...

Sure wish I was sleeping, but nope!
I'm admiring your beautiful gifts! How cool is it to receive quilty gifts?!? What a great day!

Unknown said...

Can you provide me some more instruction about these gifts?

Kim said...

Oh great gifts indeed.
I would take those card trick blocks and set them in a nice dark background color in a zigzag pattern.

Lucky you :0)

Happy Sewing

Stephanie D said...

What wonderful gifts! Love that Dresden plate quilt, especially.

Sharon said...

Love the Dresden plate, as for the other one, unless you LOVE it, that's a lot of work, so why not donate it, keep passing the gift along.

Janet O. said...

Wonderful Dresden Plate quilt! I see some fabrics that look a lot like some dresses my Mom made for me in the sixties.
I would take the card tricks blocks apart, too. I think they look better when they are not set on point, and have a less powerful border! : )

Leeanne said...

A Couple more hours will see me in bed. Yummy Dresden, so sweet. Mmmmm no big ideas from me about the card trick one, I'm sure someone or yourself will think of something.

Helen in the UK said...

VERY cool gifts :)

Janet said...

What a lovely gift, obviously the lady knows you'd appreciate it. When you ake the card trick blocks apart, you'll enjoy having a play and deciding on a new setting. Sounds like fun to me.

Nicky said...

Fabulous gifts Julie!

Lucy | Charm About You said...

That Dresden quilt is fabulous! I really love the edging!

Robert said...

Love the Dresden and the border. I have found the Dresden's quilts very easy to make and on about my 5th large one. Also the card trick one needs to be disassembled and not put on point or put a plain block alternating. It's fair time here and have 6 or 7 quilts to show. Take care and keep on stitchin'.

Robert said...

Love the Dresden and the border. I have found the Dresden's quilts very easy to make and on about my 5th large one. Also the card trick one needs to be disassembled and not put on point or put a plain block alternating. It's fair time here and have 6 or 7 quilts to show. Take care and keep on stitchin'.

Debi said...

Wow what a great gift, the Dresden is beautiful.

Mary said...

Such lovely gifts! I love the Dresden Plate Quilt!
I'm lolly gagging around, instead of sleeping, and had to check out your blog before I go to sleep! Off today, then 2 on. I've been working on my Nana's flower garden, and falling in love with this top! I love peicing the prints and seeing how different it looks as flowers. Too much fun! Forgot to give you those freezer paper hexies to see if they're the right size for you. LOL..they're in my purse! Remind me next time you see me. I've been carrying them around forever, hoping I'd run into you, and then when I do, I forget! Duh!

Jeanne said...

Lucky you! I'm out of ideas at the present, but can't wait to see what you decide. The border on the dresden plate is very cute.

Lois Arnold said...

What lovely gifts! Enjoy! Can't wait to see what you do with the card trick blocks.

Just Ducky said...
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Merilyn said...

What a wonderful gift!! Love Dresden Plates, and this one looks to be in great condition!!!
Look forward to seeing what you do to breathe some new life into the Card Tricks blocks too!!!

Vic in NH said...

What treasures! I especially like the reverent attitude that you show when you say, " I honor her." That is so true, you do! I do not collect old quilts myself, but I spend many hours a month viewing old quilts on ebay and I am always inspired.
I'm glad that you are going to re-do the card tricks top because it deserves better than that dark plaid it was set with.

Lori said...

Such a sweet women to offer you lovely quilts. The Dresden plate is fantastic.

I think I'd reset the other one too.

Terry said...

Lovely quilts! I can't wait to see what you do with the bottom one! :0)

Linda O said...

Lucky you to get such great gifts! The border on the Dresden is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

The yellow backing on the dresden plate quilt that you say is wide with no seams is probably a sheet. This was in fashion for quilt backings in the 60's and 70's because the wide quilt backing fabrics were not so readily available as today except for wide muslin, and even that was hard to find sometimes. Sheets were hard to quilt through, I always thought it was the high thread count. I am the voice of experience since I made 2 with sheet backings for my 2 boys then learned not to do that again. Definitely take the card trick top apart. I like the previous suggestion of setting it with plain, alternating blocks in straight set. Love your blog. One day I am going to make a quilt like the plaid one on your heading. Plaid quilts are becoming a favorite of mine.

Annette said...

Definitely re-set the card trick blocks--maybe even just a simple sashing with cornerstones. The Dresden is too fun and a great cuddle quilt. Lucky girl!
(Ha! Auto correct "fixed" "sashing" for me two times! "Smashing" and "sashimi"! I guess auto correct doesn't quilt!)

handmade jewellery said...

Interesting and important information. It is really beneficial for us. Thanks

Happy New Year, full of plans and promise!!

Good morning!!  Happy Sunday, or Monday to those in Australia and other places in the world! Above is my Amaryllis.  This is the second stem...