Tuesday, April 24, 2012

IN the Pink!!

 Well, It is back to work for me!  I did laundry, cleaned all the bathrooms, helped mow the lawn, swept and mopped, vacuumed...and still have to dust.  But in between all that, I played in the pinks!  I had,  some years ago, cut a strip from all my pink fabrics ( I did all my reds, too), and today?  This little quilt came into being!  The pattern is Bonnie Hunter's Pineapple blossom pattern, on the Quiltville website.  I like this pattern so much!
My favorite thing about this pattern?  You get a whole bunch of bonus half square triangles!!  Whoop!!!  Now these, I have a plan for...they will be the border of this quilt. So, I am not adding to my pile of hoarded half squares...

Hope y'all have a wonderful day!



~Joan said...

Pink is sooo not my color, but that IS adorable. I have made that pattern a couple times, but I've always put the sashing in with the light cornerstone. Love it!

Sue SA said...

Wow that is such a cute quilt, I love just the two colours, you can really focus on the pattern. How big is your "little" quilt? It looks lap size from the picture?

*karendianne. said...

I'm blossoming in pink!!! What a lovely quilt to share with us. What a goddess type thing to do. Be healthy while you be healing. :) *karendianne. happy visiting...

Anonymous said...

Such a sweet quilt...so girly!!

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

I don't know that I would ever make an all-pink quilt myself, but I have to say that sure is a gorgeous quilt! And the pattern ... well, let's just say I'll be heading to quiltville.com to get the instructions. I see one (probably not in pink - ha!) in my future!

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Ohh I love this! It reminds me that I have some brown and pink pineapple blocks I need to sew together! ;) My DD is crazy for pink and I started it for her, but then we moved and oops~ I have a ufo! :-o Have a great evening!!

Laurie said...

It's beautiful Julie! I've made one myself, and did use the extra triangles in the borders. Bonnie ROCKS! *hugs*

Nancy said...

It's a beauty. Try just a touch of milk chocolate brown with it to make it pop even more.

soscrappy said...

Great looking quilt. If is amazing what can happen when you toss together all your scraps in one color.

Janet O. said...

I'm not much of a pink girl, either, but I do love this quilt. Whenever someone posts this quilt I remember how much I want to make it! : )

Karen said...

My daughter would love this quilt as pink and blue are her favorite colors. I don't know which one she likes best. I seldom make quilts in those color combo.

berylthepearl said...

I love any shade of pink and your quilt is just so cute! Im going to have to make a pink quilt just for me...

Leeanne said...

OK so there are a few of us who are pink gals....but this is super pretty!

regan said...

Yet another gorgeous creation! You kill me with how much you get done!

Pat said...

How pretty and how nice to have those strips cut (awhile back) and sitting and waiting for you to come play with them!

A Garden of Threads said...

Pink, one of my favourite colours. I am hoping to making pink baby quilts soon, fingers crossed for a granddaughter. This is a gorgeous quilt Julie. Jen,xoxo

gale said...

Very pretty. I like that pattern-I'll have to look for it on Bonnie's site.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...


loulee said...

Somebody told me how to fix blogger!! I posted her suggestion on my blog. XX

Merilyn said...

Wow! This is looking so pretty - great work!!!

Nicky said...

Can you slow down just a tad as you put all the rest of us to shame Julie! Another wonderful quilt there!

Shari said...

I just love what you do on your days off! Love the pink!

Ellen said...

Oh so pretty! Nice to be able to just grab all of the pre-cut strips and get to work. Bonnie Hunter is full of great ideas!

Terry said...

What a pretty quilt! Great idea to use the leftovers for the border! :0)

dawn said...

OMG!! LOVE the pink! so pretty!

Lori said...

What a busy woman!! Love the pink quilt!!

Diane N said...

This is beautiful! I love the colors and the pattern!

McIrish Annie said...

Julie, I like this lots! Gotta check out her website more often for inspiring patterns. This is a beauty in pink.

Deanna said...

Beautiful--and, drat, you just added another quilt pattern to my "to do" list.

Helen in the UK said...

Very pretty!
Just wanted to say I love your posts and your nurses notes even though I don't always leave a comment ... bad me :)

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