Saturday, March 24, 2012


Well...I wanted to piece...that is my favorite thing for a day off!! I wanted to start something new, but instead, started something old. I mean, worked on something old...a UF-OLDIE!! The red baskets from last post reminded me that I have another basket quilt in the works...this one. (By the way, thank you so much everyone for helping me decide how to set the red basket blocks...on point! I am still hand appliqueing the handles)
I had an old BOM that I just really didn't like once I had I made basket blocks instead from the fabric.

So, here are the basket blocks on point, but I thought that maybe I could make blocks as above? Again, what is your opinion? Thank you for your help!
The basket block is 4 inches finished, and very easy and fun to do.
Speaking of OLDIES....I made a turtle quilt many years ago, of all greens. Now at that time, I just used whatever greens I could find, and made the quilt. The original quilt that I found inspiration from was in my mother in law's home...she said I could have it, but another family member wanted it. So, I determined to make a pattern from her original quilt and make one for my husband. And so I did! Anyway, long story longer, I found that I had lots more blocks cut out and stashed away...enough for a whole other quilt. Yahoo!! So I am finishing them up, and the curved piecing is really not hard at all, because the pieces are huge! 6 inches at least...12 inch blocks...easy-peasy!!
Have a great day, all!!


*karendianne. said...

Julie! You're such a fun quilter. You make my day. I love the basket blocks no matter which way you place them but my heart leans towards the first setting. I know that doesn't give you much size tho.

And can I just jump for joy over those turtle blocks? How cuteamous!!! Again… the fun quilter, a happy quilter. Joyful.

Karen said...

I like the first setting with four baskets in the same color range facing in.

I remember making a couple of those turtle blocks years ago. I don't know what happened to them. I didn't put them into a quilt.

Janet O. said...

I'm liking the baskets both ways. My preference is on point, but I think they are cute the other way, too. Wow, wish I had such fun (and almost finished) UFOs at my house. That turtle block is very fun!

Regina said...

the turtles are adorable - I am a turtle quilt lover and have a few in the works ... do you recall the pattern, or was this your own??

Leeanne said...

What can I say Julie....those turtle blocks are something I have never seen before so different.
I guess you would set your basket blocks on point for a larger quilt.I quite like the first setting & use it a table setting.Just my 2cents....have a fab day!

Unknown said...

oh my gosh, I love those turtle blocks. Do you have the pattern for these?

Shari said...

I've made one of these turtle blocks before. It's an orphan at the moment. What a great Drunkard's Path variation.

Love your basket quilt. I kind of like the first setting, but it will work practically any way you try it. Such tiny baskets!

Pat said...

I love that first basket clever to turn the baskets in that way! The turtle blocks are adorable...I knew Tonya would love them...she is a turtle fanatic!!! LOL

Nancy said...

What fun to finish these projects. The blocks are wonderful and will make two beautiful and unique quilts.

I really like the first setting for the baskets, but ultimately, you are the one who has to live with the quilt.

Merilyn said...

Those basket blocks are just so cute I love them!!! Love the first setting, however it won't give you a bit quilt, on-point they look good too, bigger quilt, so I guess it depends on what size you want your quilt - either way a beautiful project!
I looked at the turtle blocks before I read, and for the life of me could not figure out what on earth......LOL! How clever is that....!!!! would never have guessed, thought they were just left over bits sewn together - just goes to show I should read before I look at the photos properly!! The turtle blocks are quite a unique look, and remind me of vintage quilts say from the 30's when you would see stuff like that a lot - You are working on some great projects at the moment!!!

Anne said...

4-square is my vote. Sometimes the concentration in one spot gives you more bang for your buck, especially arranging them by colour like you have. Separated out, they seem to get lost. Yes, you'll end up with a smaller finished piece, but not every quilt needs to be monster-sized!

Thanks for all the inspiration you provide. I always love seeing what you are working on, old or new. And your header quilt is still one of my favourites in blogland :)

Quilter Kathy said...

I like both of the basket layouts...both are fun!

Missy Shay said...

Do you think you might be able to share the pattern for the turtles? I love it's uniqueness!

regan said...

I'm loving the baskets in the blocks of 4 setting. Sweet! And those turtle blocks are adorable!

Lurline said...

I just love the baskets ..... One day!
Hugs Lurline!

Kristie said...

I like the baskests both ways! I can't wait to see what you decide. Those turtles are so darn cute.

Anita in Florida said...

Julie, you are amazing! I don't know how you do all that you do...and work!! I love the turtles...beyond cute. As for the basket blocks, I kind of like the first setting of 4. Would you put sashing? You are always and inspiration.

Nicky said...

One advantage of the first setting is it looks good any way up meaning you can turn it round and get even wear on the quilt whereas on point it is one way only! Both are lovely Julie!

Lori said...

I've always loved the 4 baskets set facing each other. What a great quilt it will be no matter what you decide!
The turtles are so cute!!

Carolyn said...

I love these baskets, especially on point. What a sweet quilt this will be, no matter how you set them!

Just Ducky said...

I like your first setting with all the same color baskets together. I think it would be pretty with sashing between the sets of four that make stars in the junctions.


Mary said...

The turtles make me smile! I love this pattern! The baskets are awesome too!

I can't wait to post some pics on what I've been doing! I've been making progress too!

Rita said...

I like the first setting with the four basket blocks together but both will look wonderful. Your blog always inspires me...thanks!

Lois Arnold said...

Love the cute little baskets! My friend Diane did a turtle quilt several years ago. She has some real tortoises and are really huge! Glad you got a day off to something fun!

Jan said...

your turtles are just so cute. That is a drunkard Path pattern isn't it? That would be fun to try. Love the baskets either setting.

A Garden of Threads said...

Wow Julie, you have been busy. I get tired just reading all you can accomplish in a short time. I love the basket quilt blocks in fours and the turtle quilt looks like a fun quilt. Hope you have a great week:)

Terry said...

I honestly like the first layout better for your baskets! And those turtle blocks are so cute! :0)

Stephanie D said...

I've never seen turtle blocks before--those are so cute!

Teri said...

Since those baskets finish at 4", some 4 patches (or 16 pathces if you want to go small) would look great as alternate blocks. Love the turtles. I think I saved this pattern long ago also.

Floss said...

I like the basket in the little squares (first setting)
I love the turtles.

Sandra Kaye said...

I love your baskets....and the turtle blocks are just precious!!! Hey, do you by chance have the basket pattern that Alex Anderson put out years ago?? They finish as 4 inches. I am trying to hunt it down. I think it is in a book maybe...but I can't find it. Thanks for the help. Hugs

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