Friday, March 9, 2012

Heart Strings!!!!

Hi everyone! Ready for the weekend!?

I put this little top together...heart strings!! I did not use up all the red strings I had, so I packaged them all back up and put them away for another day.

I had the opportunity to go to the Dallas Quilt Show today!

I met Lois Arnold, a wonderful friend met through this blog. Lois is just as nice in person as She is on her blog...and she is a quilt author and wow! A wonderful quilter!! Please click on her name to go to her blog. I also saw friends old and new...quilters, nurses and both! Even a pAtient's wife who had recently been hospitalized. It was great fun!!

Have a great day, all!



Angie said...

Love your heart strings quilt, Julie and aren't quilt shows so much fun!

Missy Shay said...

I'm glad you got to go, I was going to go with a friend but her son got sick so I had to miss, didn't want to drive that far by myself. I live in Mansfield.

Nancy said...

What a cute heart quilt. Is this a wall hanging, a baby quilt, or a miniature quilt?

Tazzie said...

Oh my goodness, your heart strings are just gorgeous! Makes me want to go make one right now!

KaHolly said...

Julie, are you in Texas? My goodness. I am going to be just west of Ft. Worth next week - just missing the quilt show. So sad. I used to go to the one in Ft. Worth and just loved it. They always did such a great job. Glad you had the opportunity to attend. Your quilt is just beautiful. You're like a whirling dirvish!! You accomplish so much.

Dianne Mitzel said...

I love your Snail's Trail quilt! May I ask which pattern you used, I would love to try it, love your colors..

Anonymous said...

Awesome Heart Strings quilt. Such a sweet piece.

It will be interesting to see how you quilt it.

Have a great weekend :)

Janet O. said...

Fun use of your red strings, Julie. Love it!

Vicki W said...

I love that quilt. I need to make one of those!

Quilter Kathy said...

Great heart strings always have something fun on the go!

June D said...

Really a cute quilt - glad I got to see it!

Leanne said...

OOh thouse red heart strings are beautiful!

Love Leanne

Betsy said...

Great quilt Julie

Cheryl said...

What a SWEET string quilt and a great use of red scraps!

Finn said...

What a fun little project, and very creative! You did a great job on it *VBS* So happy you got to attend another quilt show with a friend, new or old. It's always nicer if you have someone to share it with! Hugs, Finnie XXX

Merilyn said...

Oh! Julie, you did a great job with the heart strings quilt, I love it, well done! I especially love how you did the border!

Rosa said...

It`s fantastic.I lve it!

Debi said...

Your heart strings is beautiful. I also went yesterday to the DAllas Quilt Show and met up with another blogger from FW...we had a great time.

Rosa said...

It`s fantastic!!

AnnieO said...

Beautiful hearts! Glad you got out to meet some friends and see some quilts. That's always soul refreshing!

Mary said...

I love your little heart quilt. String quilts are so much fun!

Caryl @ cinnamon holiday workshop said...

super cute heart strings quilt!!

Jan said...

I wasat the quilt show on Saturday and had a great time. It was a good show. I like your heart quilt.

Pat said...

Your heart quilt is wonderful! You are so clever.

Floss said...

Nice heart quilt, I like the use of the strings in it.

Lois Arnold said...

Julie, It was so great to finally meet you in person! I wish we had been able to spend a lot more time visiting. There were periods when the booth was totally quiet, but it was so very busy when you were there! We'll have to plan another time when we can sit and chat.

Love the heart quilt! The strings are growing on me, I might have to make a string quilt one of these days!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...