Thursday, March 8, 2012

Good morning to everyone! I hope your day is going well...this is what I finished this morning. I tried to stick to mostly bright colors, but a few muddy ones crept in there too. These blocks were great fun!! The pieces are pretty large, so the quilt came along quickly.

This is a pretty large quilt...for a bed. I like it so much! Hey, I just noticed a humility block there...can you see it?? Hee!!

Strings! are still on my mind...all the red ones are sorted out, and I have been
making heart string blocks. Did you know that the human heart really has "heart strings?" They are the Chordae Tendineae, and along with the papillary muscles, help to open and close the heart valves. I recently had a patient with a Chordae that ruptured...he had to go for an emergent mitral valve replacement. He is doing great, and surprising, had never been to the doctor or hospital is his life before!

I have a wild restlessness about me if I can't stand another day of sameness. Do you ever feel this way? And what do you do about it??

Have a great day, all!!



*karendianne. said...

Oh I love this one. You're such a prolific quilter and I do, I do, I do love the humility block. It's so charming. And yes, I do get restless. Definitely. I can't really think of what I do because I think I get to restless to notice. ;) *karendianne. who sure enjoys all your work.

Anita in Florida said...

Your quilt is just beautiful. One thing that always stands out, to me, about your quilts are the beautiful borders you always manage to put on them! If your restless...just start ANOTHER string quilt!!!!

Janet O. said...

Love the snail trail quilt. I've always wanted to make one! Found the humility block--wouldn't have seen it if I wasn't looking for it.
When I get restless I go to lunch with friends, or drive to a more distant LQS (30-40 miles) or if I am homebound I start a new small project. Sometimes I just take a walk or a bike ride.

Elaine Adair said...

I FINALLY found your humility block - hope you leave it in, for character! It's a great looking quilt, bright and cheery.

Restless - I take a drive out in the big spaces, where there is no traffic, no road signs, only the truthfulness that I am such a small unique character in this gigantic space. Where I live, finding big space is easy, if I just DO it. 8-)))

Anonymous said...

Just a quick note to let you know that it appears 2 of the four patches are turned wrong. One brown and one green. It may be that I am seeing it wrong but would hate for you to see it after it's been quilted.

Angie said...

Beautiful beautiful BEAUTIFUL!! It is stunning, Julie---and I love your heart blocks. :) I track these 'outbreaks' of restlessness by the moon phases. Have the you noticed the moon the last couple of nights??

julieQ said...

A big thanks to you, anonymous!! I did not catch the second humility block...I will fix one, and save the other for fun, for someone in posterity to wonder about!! Julie

Nicky said...

I only spotted one but I love those and would leave both in Julie but then I don't like unpicking! I think it is fabulous - But I always love your scrappy quilts - you do colours so well

Lois Arnold said...

Love it! Can't wait to meet you tomorrow and any other Dallas area quilters! Come to the NQA booth, it is right by the lunch area.

Anonymous said...

Your quilt is gorgeous!!! You may have inspired me to make one.
I do have a question, where did you find the pattern for the string hearts? Inquiring minds need to know.

Merilyn said...

Your quilt turned out beautifully, I had a good long hard look, and I think I saw the humility block, but not too sure, anyways once it quilted and on a bed no-one is going to notice what is barely noticeable LOL!!!! Love the border treatment too!!! The heart strings are very cute!!!!

Anonymous said...

I very much like your quilt! Once again, great fabrics.

Sameness....yes, I agree that I get restless too! I also agree with Anita in Florida..."Start another string quilt."

ThreadCatcher said...

Love the snail block quilt...great borders! Thanks for sharing. Time to get out of the house and go for a nice long walk. Notice every bird sound, budding plant or laughing child. It helps. Then start a new quilt!

Nancy said...

I agree the Snail's Trail is gorgeous! Nice job.

KaHolly said...

Snail's Trail has always been one of my favorite blocks to look at, but I find them frustrating to make. This quilt is beautiful, just like all your others. ~karen

Karen said...

You really have to watch how the triangles are turned in making a Snail's Trail quilt. Easy to get one turned the wrong way.

AnnieO said...

Beauty beauty beauty! And those more drab colors really play up the bright ones, so don't think they detract one iota! Congrats on a great flimsy. I only know about chordae tendinae from my transcription work and rupturing one is on my list of conditions not to get!

I think we're all restless this time of year.

Quilter Kathy said...

Love your scrappy snail trail...really fabulous! When I get restless, I go on a quilty trip!

Helen in the UK said...

Love the new quilt top. It's amazing what becomes obvious in a photo that we just don't/can't see in real life! Glad you spotted it while there's still a chance to fix it :)

Deanna said...

The "muddy" blocks are what makes the others shine. Really a happy quilt.

Darcie said...

You are as busy as ever! Your quilts are looking just fantastic, Jules!

Miss you! Love and hugs....

~Kelie~ said...

Wow, that is beyond gorgeous!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...