Sunday, October 30, 2011

Working on it!

I received the blue and white quilt back...all quilted! I love the texture, and just have to finish the binding. It is not big enough...just twin sized, about...I need to concentrate on making bigger quilts, to cover the whole bed, queen sized. I do love this quilt, it is from Bonnie Hunter's book! A big thank you to "The Bonnie" for all her inspiration!

Slow progress is being made on these blocks...they are fun, but seem to take more time than they should. I have had a medication change with the thyroid meds, and I think that is the culprit...everything is taking more time than I think it should!!

Just look at all these gorgeous fabrics! Four friends and I exchanged fat 1/8ths of fabric...what fun mail that was!! Thank you so much Joyce, Maggie, Lois and have such generous hearts...and I can't wait to make Jacob's Ladder blocks from all these gorgeous fabrics!!

I found this stitchery on the web, and on a lark, stitched it up...single thread of red. It was such fun!!

Close up of the words.....

**************************Nurse's Notes*****************************

I had such a profound experience at work this last week...a poor patient just keep on and on going into V-tach! This is a shock able rhythm, for those non medical folks...that day I defibrillated him 14 times. Eerie....quiet in the room...then the v-tach...did not call codes, just quietly coded the patient myself. Just could not stabilize him with any meds at all!! I truly felt God's presence in the room, watching out over the patient, and for me too. Eerily peaceful in the chaos...


My neighbor gave me a quilt last year, that was given to her doctor father in lieu of payment. Very old...and very lovely. This darling lady told me about all her quilts...she has since passed away, and her entire lovely house and goods are up for sale in an estate sale today. Her easel, her artists paints, all her crystal and china and silver and just everything she used everyday too. The quilt her mother made 65 years ago for her just made my heart ache to see that no family member really wanted anything of hers...I am going to try and buy the quilt if it is not too dear. She told me the story of how her mother had pieced and hand appliqued this quilt, then hand quilted it over a whole year. She was so proud of it,and carefully and proudly displayed it on her old antique tester bed. I will show you a picture if I get has never been washed, and looks just like new.


Have a great day all!!


Tuesday, October 18, 2011


OK, I have remade two blocks. I decided to do the traditional Jacob's Ladder blocks...I really like them!! Originally, I had attempted to make the blocks kind of positive and negative, but I think I will like this better. Of course, I will have lots of fall colors! I am excited to have time to work on this!
I cut out a cheddar and blue quilt, a little different than some that are being made now out there in blog land.. Sewing time? Don't know when! but I know I will not be patient enough to do this as a leader/ender! The cheddar was in the throw away pile of a friends stash clean the trash can. I asked if I could have it...there are about 3 yards in the piece. One quilter's trash is another quilter's treasure, right?

And lastly...remember this quilt? All plaids...well, since it is throw size, and I need bed sized quilts, I am making another one...bigger! About 3 times as big! So, I am working on the pieces and parts, and having a wonderful time with my plaids. Plaids are my favorites!! Seems like I cut and cut and cut...and still have plaids to spare!

Have a super day, all!!!


Monday, October 17, 2011

Fall is coming!!

HI Y'all! don't know why exactly that I am having a bit of trouble with loading the pictures, but I wanted to say Hi to everyone and say that I have been having a blast sewing! Above are Jacob's ladder blocks. Now, I know nothing about the pattern, just have been seeing some of these gorgeous quilts and wanted to make the pattern, so of course I have to experiment to find out the pattern. All this great big internet, and I have to figure it out myself? Hmmmmm...This version of Jacob's Ladder is actually two different blocks ...I love just the two colors alone! This quilt, however, will be all fall time colors...these pretty fabrics were exchanged with friends in Arizona. I am really liking the way the blocks play together. The blocks are 9 inches finished. This should be so much fun!!!
Clematis...pretty huh? My friend Jennifer said that new blossoms come on new growth, so I did not mind that my darling husband cut them down to the ground earlier in the season. I love this color!

Some of our exchanged fabrics!! Thank you Diane, Maggie, Joyce and Lois...I truly love these fabrics!!! Thank you, thank you, and I hope you like yours!!

Speaking of Lois...she is an author! Lois has a wonderful blog too, please click here! She sent me one of her books, and it is just so cool. Thank you, Lois!

I have also cut out another plaid quilt....and the picture would not load. Oh well...more later when I have more to show! Also, I cut out an entire cheddar and blue bow tie quilt! I get in these moods where I just want to plan and plot and go through all my scraps and cut quilts out! How about you?

Have a super great day!


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Little bits of everything...

Hi Y'all! This Candy Corn boot is quilted! A stipple all over...I was really scared to have sewing over the embroidery, but it looks OK, and I am now coloring in the boot and jacks. I see now why I should have done the coloring first. But hey, I may make another version of this someday...if I can pluck the gumption to do all that embroidery again!!
Hand quilting in progress on the little circle quilt...
Lyn's quilt is done to the binding stage...I left the center empty, as that is where I am putting my candle holder, and this piece will be a table topper. Love it!
Threads (always, I cut mine all at once at the last of a project)...and hand quilting in progress on the Poodle Paw quilt...I love this a lot!
A little leftover quilt, made out of pieces of this and that...may become a bathmat!!

And scraps!! I am cutting out these blocks...have quite a few cut out and they are really fun to make!! Tyring to use every little piece of fabric up!!! These are eight inches finished.

I hope each of you has a great day today!!


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My house is just not big enough for this quilt!

OK, it is done! At least to the flimsy stage...and this UFO bites the dust! It is so big...very big, like king sized!! Dear hubby will like that...and I am glad to be done with circles! I gave away the last of my circles too. Rosie the poodle kept on walking back and forth on top of the quilt top, so I gave up on straightening it up for the really is pretty straight. :)
I have been stitching on the Pretty Gypsie of fall! At least that is what I think of her...look at those pretty blue eyes, and enticing smile! Isn't she cute? but really...I think we ALL need a purple and green hat with a huge purple ribbon, and a little pumpkin nestled in the brim of the hat! Don't you need a hat like that?? I goofed up a bit on this, but it doesn't bother me in the least...I kept losing count! The hearts are not the same size, and are not straight across from each other. Now these little things would have bothered me in years past, but not at all now...guess I have let go of that part, the perfectionist part...and maybe never had it at all in me, LOL!!

I have been working and such...imagine that! I did not forget the giveaway, I just did not have time to post about it! Random numbers were chosen, and Pat, and Loris! You two are the winners! Please send me your snail mail addresses and I will send you your goodies!!!

Everyone, have a super day!!!


Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!

Rainbow quilts!!!  I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...