Tuesday, October 18, 2011


OK, I have remade two blocks. I decided to do the traditional Jacob's Ladder blocks...I really like them!! Originally, I had attempted to make the blocks kind of positive and negative, but I think I will like this better. Of course, I will have lots of fall colors! I am excited to have time to work on this!
I cut out a cheddar and blue quilt, a little different than some that are being made now out there in blog land.. Sewing time? Don't know when! but I know I will not be patient enough to do this as a leader/ender! The cheddar was in the throw away pile of a friends stash clean out...in the trash can. I asked if I could have it...there are about 3 yards in the piece. One quilter's trash is another quilter's treasure, right?

And lastly...remember this quilt? All plaids...well, since it is throw size, and I need bed sized quilts, I am making another one...bigger! About 3 times as big! So, I am working on the pieces and parts, and having a wonderful time with my plaids. Plaids are my favorites!! Seems like I cut and cut and cut...and still have plaids to spare!

Have a super day, all!!!



Nancy said...

Oh yes, I like the Jacob's Ladder block much better. They will make a beautiful quilt.

Monica said...

Busy as usual I see! I can't even begin to imagine how much I could accomplish if I had even a fraction of your motivation. You go girl!

Pat said...

Can't wait to see what you do with that cheddar and blue fabric!

Lindah said...

You have some beautiful quilts going there! Ooooh, that cheddar and and blue one! I'm doing a cheddar with jewel tones leader/ender.
I especially like the plaid quilt. I would use more plaids... but where DO you find your plaids? They seem to be in short supply around here.

Quilter Kathy said...

I can't believe that someone would throw that cheddar in the garbage! Good thing you rescued it!

Kaaren said...

Love the Jacob's ladder block, Julie. What size are yours? I really would like to make and it's definitely on my bucket list. I just have to decide on color.

Speaking of color, your girlfriend was going to throw out her cheddar fabric? Yikes! I'd love to be able to dumpster dive in her trash can. *wink* A cheddar and blue quilt? Perfect! They are complimentary colors so you can't go wrong.

BTW, tell your hubby that I'm happy he enjoyed the zucchini bread. That and hot tea...yummo!

Karen said...

I had to look back at the previous post to see what was different with the way you made the blocks. I like the current ones best.

Janet O. said...

Love the Jacob's Ladder in the fall colors. It will be so inviting.
What fun to have a quilt all cut and ready to go whenever you are in the mood to work on it.
Another scrappy plaid quilt?--wonderful. You know I bought Evelyn Sloppy's book because of your header. I will make one someday!!

Loris said...

rushed on by and didn't comment on your last post but am happy to see these gorgeous blocks coming together. I do like this version. I hope to make a Jacob's Ladder someday (or year:-) soon.
The plaid is a favorite of mine still. Love, Love, Love it!
And congrats on the cheddar. It is good to know it found a warm home instead of heading out with the trash. I am looking for a certain goldy brown to go with those charming triangles you sent me. I have some that looks perfect but only have a small piece of it. Good excuse to shop :-)

paulette said...

Oooooh I love THAT quilt...love plaids too!! Can't imagine throwing away that Cheddar fabric!! It's going to make your quilts sing...
Take care!

Darlene said...

I had to look back, as well. :-) I like the new blocks, too. I like all the blocks and your plans. I can't believe someone would toss out that piece of cheddar!! Good save, Julie. :-)

Leeanne said...

Oh LOVE the plaid quilt, what is the pattern? As I would love to make it, yes using my plaids!

Lori said...

Great save on the cheddar fabric!!Love the colors together.

You will be making a humongous quilt!! It should be fun though especially if you aren't quilting it:)

A Garden of Threads said...

Hi Julie, I love the Jacob's Ladder block, it will look fabulous done in fall colours. Be sure to show the cheddar yellow and blue quilt when you finish it. How is the clematis doing, is a lovely shade of lavender. Take care my dear friend. hugs, Jen.

AnnieO said...

Beautiful colors in your ladders! You are quite a scrap user and that is great since you enjoy every part of it :)

Anne Heidi said...

Those ladder blocks are really nice! It will be fun to see your blue and cheddar quilt grow as well :-) Pretty colors!

Binsa said...

Hello Julie, enjoyed reading your post....looking forward to seeing the blue/cheddar quilt...Regards, O'faigh

Debi said...

Love that quilt, it is beautiful.

Yvette said...

Great blocks!
You already know how much I love those plaids. I am collecting now and I hope they multiply on their own too. LOL

Lois Arnold said...

Glad you saved that cheddar fabric! The quilt will be lovely in blue and cheddar. I can't wait to see the Jacob's in Fall colors all done. It will be gorgeous!

Sharon said...

I do like the traditional J.L. Yeah to 3 yards of free cheddar!

Anonymous said...

Oh boy do I love your working with plaids!!!

Janet said...

I love the traditional jacobs ladder too. your colours are going to be wonderful.

Nicky said...

I liked the positive/negative but like this version too!

You will get a reputation raiding the bins but you'll never have to buy fabric again!

Caryl @ cinnamon holiday workshop said...

I like the new blocks of Jacob's ladder....and in fall colors....it will be very striking!!

Merilyn said...

The Jacobs Ladder in Fall colours will be wonderful!!!! Oh my! another plaid quilt....and bigger.....my goodness you are a powerhouse!!!!! I'll be following with great interest!!!

MARCIE said...

Nice cheddar rescue! Love your Jacob's Ladder, and of course your plaids. Yes, bigger is always better! Except when it is small, then I love small. Go figure.

Leeanne said...

Hi Julie I have finally finished my scrappy strip quilt which was an inspiration from you. I hope it is OK that I have mentioned and linked to your blog.

YankeeQuilter said...

Like you Jacob's Ladder blocks...fall colors are a favorite!

Stephanie D said...

Someone will be warm this winter!

Lovin' your work, as usual.

Happy New Year, full of plans and promise!!

Good morning!!  Happy Sunday, or Monday to those in Australia and other places in the world! Above is my Amaryllis.  This is the second stem...