Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Re-thinking this...

Remember the Bullseye UFO quilt that I am trying to finish up? I was originally going to sash and cornerstone them...then I thought, I would really love to make a bigger, bed sized quilt out of these blocks. I made some quarter square triangle blocks, and just went to town!! Pretty scrappy, and all out of the stash.

Speaking of stash, I used to just sort all my fabrics into colors. Batics, reproductions, whatever, they all were sorted into colors and used that way. I have since refined the sorting into categories, and now strip sizes, but still go to the sorted stash of miscellaneous colors to use for my scrappy quilts. I have really made a dent in using that stash too!!
The corners...tada! I am so glad this will be big enough to use on the bed. Whoohoo!!

Thank you to everyone who entered the drawing for yesterday, I really appreciate you sharing your plans and reading my little blog!!!

Have a super great day!


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I would like to give some things away!

Well, I found the "Oldest Old Hag!" The oldest UFO ever! I cut out these triangles more than a decade ago, wanting to make a pyramid quilt...I just today put some together in the pyramids...and have decided that this is not fun for me. So....would you like to have the balance of the triangles already cut out and ready to sew??
What? You mean you do not put your cut out pieces into your largest mixing bowl...and then wonder where the bowl went to? Hmmmmm....Well, the prize is....all these pieces, already cut out, ready to sew. If you are interested, please leave a comment!

Excuse the poor picture, but this table runner kit is also up for grabs. All the wool and the pattern is just leave a comment stating which project you are interested in, and I will draw for a name on the first of October.

Have a great day, all!!!


Sunday, September 25, 2011


HI Everyone!! Hope you are enjoying some cooler at least is not over 100 degrees here, and that is great! Above is my Which Witch's boot...pattern from Crab Apple Hill. I do love this stitchery! I think I am going to call mine the Candy Corn Boot...I just really enjoyed the stitchery. me...this is not a simple pattern! I worked, and worked, and worked at that stitchery! A very nice lady at the quilt shop said, "Oh, you are going to make it for next year?" So, that was the gauntlet thrown down to finish it for this season, and I buckled down and finished it. I learned so much...satin stitch, how to improvise some of the directions...and I think I am not going to put the final borders. I like the patchwork being on the outside!!
I got fabrics for final borders...but think I am going to just leave it as is...I like it that way.
I am also working on a cross stitch for is what it is supposed to look like...
And here is where I am in the process. Time consuming!! But extra fun too!!


My dear husband got his pacemaker, that is why I have been a bit absent as of late, trying to take good care of him...I am so tickled about how fast he heals! It is very hard on him to not move his arm, to take time to heal....he wants to be on the move and working out and going to work...but he is trying to be good and just chomping at the bit to be all healed up!! What a blessing for us that we have access to this wonderful technology...and I must say, a heart rate of 60 is SOOOOooo much better than a heart rate of 30! I did not realize how gray and pale he he is pink and hearty looking! Whoohoo!!! Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers...we really felt them across the miles!!


Everyone, have a great day!


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bullseye! A REALLY old UFO!

Well, as I told you about a few posts ago...these bulls eye blocks are really, really, really old. So old that some of the fabrics are strangers to me! But then again, many of the fabrics are familiar friends. I have been tinkering around with several different setting...but think I am just going to sash these blocks up and call it a day. Maybe some kind of border will be added...probably so. See all those sashing pieces? They are from a very good blogging friend, Debi. She makes such wonderful quilts, and does so much quilting for charity. She had a giveaway, and I won a ton of 2.5 inch strips! So, I am using then, aren't you proud? Usually I would hoard them and take them out and admire them and put them back in the cupboard...but this time, I am using them! whoohoo!! I think Debi would like that!!
What do you do with your scraps? I am trying not to put anything away...I mean, I am cutting scraps up into usable sizes and filing them in the appropriate bin, or I am trying to use the little extra blocks and pieces to make something. I made a little purse...and hey, I machine quilted it! I discovered that the Bernina is fun to machine quilt on, not nearly so hard as my old Brother machine! Another yahoo!!!


We had our doctor's appointment today...and dear husband has to have a pacemaker asap...which we already knew...I will update when it is in and done!!! Now...if I can keep him in recovery mode for more than 20 minutes, I will be a lucky woman! He is hard to keep down for long!!


Have a great day!


Monday, September 12, 2011

Blues again!

Good morning, everyone!! I worked the I am off today...and unfortunately, so is the water at the house. Plumbers are on the way...hopefully...on the way? ARE YOU ON THE WAY?? Hee!! Monday is my home blessing no laundry or floor scrubbing (no water)...but I can vacuum and dust and that is what I will do.

Remember the quilt rows that were in a pile a couple posts ago? And I didn't like them because the quilt was going to be square?? Well...I fixed that! Now is it quilt shaped...I just need to sew a lot more, and it will be done. That means the rows are together, just need to get the borders done and it all put together. So here it is! My version of Bonnie's quilt. This is a UFO...but not an old one...not even a year old yet!! So it is a NEW UFO...NUFO!
Here is what I have so far...just a tiny bit left of the blue border fabric, I am glad it is used up, almost!!

I am working on a cross stitch for is darling!! Insomnia stitching, this is...I like it, but don't really have too much to show yet. I am also in love with the Witches Boot stitchery from Crab apple Hill...I have the pattern, but don't even have it started yet.

*********************************Nurse's notes**********************

I had wonderful patients the lastfew days. I love it when I am not in charge, not taking care of nurses, but rather taking care of patients. One bypass surgery and one LVAD candidate...both so nice and with sweet families too...I really enjoy working hard and using my brain a little and encouraging these it!!


Have a great day!


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Lyn's Retro Nine Patch BOM!!

Hi Everyone! Just wanted to show you my progress on Lyn of Bluebird Quilt's Stitchery BOM...I have 4/5 blocks done, but wanted to put it together so I could show you! I am in the process of appliqueing the basket handles down as we speak (write). I am too late for her fault, I let myself get side tracked from this one project that was really important for me to get done this summer...but oh well, I really love it and will enjoy it for many years!!! Please click HERE and see all the gorgeous quilts that were submitted for the contest...just so pretty!

I wanted to take this time to especially thank Lyn for doing the BOM for everyone. Not only did she stay two steps ahead of everyone, she shared her talent and generosity and hard work with the world. Thank you, Lyn!!

Everyone, have a great day!!!


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Does she save EVERYTHING!!?

HI Everyone! Happy Long weekend to all!! Above....well, do you remember the bulls eye blocks from last week...I cut out the center from behind the raw applique, to reduce the bulk in the blocks. Down fluttering to the floor came all these pretty colors...about an inch of quarter circle pieces, maybe a bit more...I wasn't careful in my trimming. I was sweeping them into the trash, honestly! But then I thought...what if I sew them together in rough circles, and then cut them into pretty circles, and then applique them onto a little quilt? So, this is what I came up with! Linda, you will recognize your scraps that you sent me here...and all those pretty pieces ended up being used!! Now really....I think it never ends, LOL!!!
I still have a bunch these will be appearing in future quilts, I just know it!!!

************************Nurse's Notes*************************

The patient mentioned in my last post was my dear husband...his heart rate was down to 32 on his 24 hour I am pretty sure he is going to need a pacemaker and soon! Thank you for your prayers and kind wishes for him!


Have a great weekend, everyone!!


Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!

Rainbow quilts!!!  I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...