Sunday, August 21, 2011

Another Woolie block

HI Y'all: I am working on the wool garden block above...and I think I am done. Would you please honor me with your opinion about this... am I done or not? Above is my block...
And this is what the block is supposed to look like. It looks pretty busy to me...what do you think? Do I keep on going and add all that stuff, or am I done prepping this block? By the way...I am finished prepping all 12 blocks!! Yahoo! Now to decide if I buy a finishing kit and make a big applique border, or just set the blocks together in some fashion of my own design. Decisions, decisions!!
It was my birthday recently! I received the most wonderful handmade gift from Lyn....She made this gorgeous basket liner!! It is a very large basket, just perfect for projects and things on the go...I love it! Thank you, Lyn!!!

******************In other news*****************

For my birthday, I decided to bike the number of miles that I have been alive. This means....47 big miles, ladies!!! Did I train for this? Nope, not really...just daily walking and a little running and riding my bike recreationally. Did I plan it out well? Nope! Just got up and told dear hubby..."Hey, this is what we are doing today!" I made it in two different sections...but dear friends, I made it! I rode my little bicycle 47 miles! Whoohooo!!! Surprisingly, I am not sore at all...don't know why, I should be dying at this point...I guess I should wait for tomorrow to judge. So what in the world will I come up with next birthday???

Have a great day!



Merilyn said...

What a lovely gift from Lyn! She is very generous! and I know you will find this basket very handy!
In answer to your question about your block - well I truly and humbly think the added embellishments make the block look a little less bare! It's a beautiful block anyway! Or maybe you could just add the flowers to the inner portion of the block and leave out the stems?!!!

sewprimitive karen said...

What a wonderful gift. What about some leaves running along the inside instead of the flowers, etc.?

Terry said...

Happy Birthday! I think riding 47 miles is pretty impressive! And I think your block looks better. The second one just looks too busy to me.

regan said...

Julie.....Happy belated Birthday! And congrats on your AMAZING bike ride! wow! With no training either! You are a wild woman at 47! Yay!

And the basket liner is beautiful.... what a great idea and a lovely gift!

On your block.....what did you do on the other 11? Were they just as busy as this one, and you did all of it, or do they resemble this your prepped block now? Cuz I would try and keep them all the same 'busy-ness' or not....just so one doesn't look out of place among the others. But I do like your version without all the embellishment. I think I would want some kind of contrasting edging on the 3 layers of the center flower though, cuz it's hard to tell it's 3 layers! And that's a lot of work for it not to show! lol

Jo said...

How about adding the leaves and half the violets?

I am working on the same Bom - not nearly as caught up as you are. I usually love lisa's designs but I am not crazy about the piano key border on this one.

I plan on ordering the muslin and wool to finish.

Hope you had a fabulous bday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Julie, my knees are groaning at the thought of riding 47 miles....grin...well done Julie...a great if it was swimming it would be a diffrent story for me....glad the basket arrived in one piece..I was worried about that....your depends on how busy the other blocks are....I like Merilyn's suggestion...Hugs Lyn

FabricandFlowers said...

I think the block needs a little something more but it doesn't have to be everything that the kit suggests. A few purple flowers and... I'm not going to buy the finishing kit. It doesn't match my house decor but I think it is pretty.

Deanna said...

Congratulations on your bike ride! Maybe next year you should, say, build 48 quilts. That would also be vigorous, but not all at once.

I just today finished my first really elaborate border, thanks to you. It will be posted tomorrow (Monday). Thanks for all the inspiration! I really enjoy reading your blog.

Leeanne said...

Good for you, I bet you'll do it when your 80!!
Loving the woolie blocks.
I have been making more strip blocks and getting quite a nice pile... thanks to you!It gives me a nice Zen feeling (this I read on Bonnie Hunters blog)

Appalachian Mercantile said...

Love the basket from Lyn and love those woolie blocks! :)

*karendianne. said...

Congratulations! 47 miles is amazing. Personally, your block made me smile first thing. I love it. When I took the time to reference the 2nd block I had a completely different feeling. For me, I liked the first one. And holy gee wiz what a great basket!!!

Melanie said...

Congrats on the block finish. Can't wait to see what you decide to do on the block borders. Great job on the exercise..... If only quilting were aerobic......Be sweet---- MEL

Carol said...

47 miles! You are AMAZING! That's quite a feat! My thought is just add the leaves to the outside flowers...I think the inside viney thing is just too busy.

Becky said...

What a fabulous way to celebrate your birthday! That's one fabulous basket. Wonoderful gift!

Annie Beez said...

I like the block with all of the embroidery-the second one. I think that is what gives it personality! But of course, it is a personal choice. What a great gift from your friend!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful block - I find that there can be too much going on with some wool blocks - to the point that the block looks awkward. So, in this case, less is definitely more! Becky at

Pat said...

A belated Happy Birthday to you. I think my FANNY would be sore after a long bike ride like you took!!! LOL I think your block is nicer than the original one. That one is WAY too busy for me....maybe it's the stems, but I think it takes the eye away from the outer design and it a shame to do that. Of course, what matters is how the block looks to YOU, so you need to be the one to make the final decision on this.

Janet O. said...

I'm with Regan. I would lay it out with the others and see if it blends well with them, or if it stands out as less detailed. I like it both ways. I would just want it to look good overall.
How gorgeous is that basket?!?! What a sweet gift!
Congrats on the birthday and bike ride. I enjoy a good ride but don't know if my tailbone would survive one that long! What a woman!

Jan said...

Congrats on 47 miles and Happy Birthday! I like the woolie block the way you have it, but it IS YOUR quilt!!! It will be lovely no matter what you do! Rosie is like my Buster and likes to "try out" the quilts!

AnnieO said...

I like your block very much. The second block does seem a little busy but I think adding a second leaf on the stems around the outside might make your block fit in a little better if the other blocks in the quilt are just as busy. Hard to say without seeing them together! Your work is beautiful, though.

Happy happy birthday! Great basket, very original and lovely.

47 miles is a LOT of riding. Hope you didn't find yourself sore today :)

Cherie in St Louis said...

Happy Birthday a bit belatedly. I would put the additional leave on the stem and call it done.

Sharon said...

I got tired just reading about the 47 miles, not to mention how sore my butt would be! I say, leave the block AS IS, finish your other blocks and when you do your final layout, you will know it this block is finished or not. Happy Belated B-day!

Vicky said...

Happy belated birthday! Mine is today, but there NO WAY I'm pedaling 60 miles!! :)

mckie2 said...

I think each block is supposed to have purple flowers so this might look a little weird if there aren't any when the other blocks have them. I'd just put one purple flower between each leaf in the middle.

I'm doing the same block of the week but I've still got 4 blocks to prep.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you!!! I have to ask - were you sore the next day?

Libby said...

Happy Birthday! Congrats on the milestone bike ride.

p.s. I would call the block done *s*

Jeanne said...

Love your basket and liner. That Lyn is a talented and generous gal! I might add a few leaves to the wool block, either inside or outside the circle or both. Good for you riding 47 miles on your birthday!

Teresa said...

Happy birthday and a lovely gift from your friend.

As far as the block, I think it would depend on the other blocks. You would not want this one, although it is a beautiful block, to stand out because it does not have the same amount of embellishing as the others.

Angie said...

Belated Happy Birthday, Julie! I had no idea I was missing your special day! Hugs and more hugs! That is truly AWESOME that you biked 47 go, girl! :)

Nicky said...

Happy Birthday to you Plaid Queen! Love the block as it is! But up to you!

After 47 miles on a bike I would have had those horrid jelly legs! When I ride on horseback there is usually a delay before I feel the pain - hope that's not true for you Julie!

Quilter Kathy said...

You crazy thing! 47 miles...yikes! You're lucky you didn't end up in the ER!

Michele Bilyeu said...

I cannot for the life of me remember if I wished you Happy Birthday or Happy Belated if I didn't. Right this minute, I cannot remember yesterday..not a good thing with my DNA ;) Love your quilts..especially the latest but I am also loving that Lyn made you this delightful gift and inquiring minds want to know...did Rosie Posie Pudding Pie fit AND did she claim it as her own if she did ??

Anonymous said...

Next year eat 48 M$Ms.

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...