Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Howdy everyone!! I have been busy at work, and off today...so I can catch up a little on what all of you are up to, and sew a little, and clean a little...the usual routine on my days off. I have been making little, bitty stars out of my 2.5 and 1.5 inch scraps and also using the beautiful scraps that Linda, Amy, and Vicki have sent to me. I love these tiny twinklers! They are 4 inch finished...the inspiration quilt I saw at the Dallas quilt show had 3 inch stars...but that involved 1/4 inch cuts, etc...and I am just so happy to use some of my little precut pieces and scraps I already had...this is great fun, folks!! This is of course not the final tally, or arrangement...but these are so much fun...maybe you want to make some tiny twinklers too!! I am also working on the jewel box quilt too...also 4 inch finished blocks...it will be some time before I have enough blocks to even think of putting them together. I am loving working with these diminutive pieces!
You just must look at these gorgeous socks that Nancy has knitted by hand...aren't they gorgeous? We came up with a swap...a barter...she made socks for me and I am making place mats for her, which I just about have finished. How fun! I do have one other pair of hand knit socks, from Kaaren at the Painted Quilt, and they have been worn until they have holes in them!! I love hand knitted socks...thank you so much, Nancy!!
And Lyn at Bluebird quilts!! Lyn totally surprised me, she has HAND stitched these gorgeous embroidery pieces...old sewing machines!! These quilts are just totally lovely, and I will treasure them forever...thank you Lyn, what a wonderful cheer-me-up!!
Can you see the poem under the stitchery? It is all about house-keeping, versus quilting...I will take the quilting any day, LOL!!!
Thank you, Lyn!!

I also received a blog winning box from Vicki in California...wow, I am just blown away....thank you to you, Vicki! I am planning some quilts for Japan from this fabric. So, I am spoiled to the bone!!

***********************Nurse Notes: A love story!**********************

A bypass patient came in, just a wonderful eldery gentleman, and the nurses were all so impressed with his spirit and calm and humor...he shared with me a wonderful story, and it went something like this: He and his wife had met when they were 13 years old...many, many years ago, and just fell madly in love. The girl's family would not let them see each other, and forced them apart...and the family prevailed. Time drifted along, and a World War happened, and the gentleman went off to fight for our country, and the girl got married. The gentleman also got married to another lady, and both of them had wonderful, full and happy lives. About 3 years ago, both spouses died...and you guessed it, the lady and gentleman happened to meet again. I have never seen a couple more fully in love, nor a couple more happy. The gentleman secretly grinned, and said to me, " God saved the very best of my life for last.". Of course, I was in tears...of joy and honored that he shared his story with me. He did so well, he has already been discharged from the hospital, with a new heart valve and bypass surgery...doing wonderfully!


Have a wonderful day, all!!!



Anita in Florida said...

Oh Julie, what a wonderful story! I got all choked up too...thanks for sharing.

Mary Lou Casada said...

Love your little twinklers, Julie!! I have some yellow and white picked out for a two-color version of your stars...but it's way down the list! Gotta finish up some UFO's first! LOL
Love the story from the gentleman!! How awesome that these two found each other, and that the the Lord has blessed them in such a way!! Very cool (and doesn't it make you love your job when you hear stuff like this!!? Awesome!)
Mary Lou

Nancy said...

Love the little stars and can't wait to see what you do with them.

Enjoy the socks. Let me know when they need replacing. ;oD

Loris said...

Sweet story about your pt. I'm glad he is doing well and will go on enjoying the best part of his life :-)
Love the embroidery and socks. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Awesome story! Thank you!!!!
Your little stars....oh goodness delightful!

Anonymous said...

Awesome story! Thank you!!!!
Your little stars....oh goodness delightful!

Merilyn said...

What a great post Julie!! I love knitting sox too, and yes they are definitely warmer than store bought sox! I used to make them on night duty! a good way to stay awake when it was quiet!!
I have read the quilters poem before, and I couldn't agree more with it!!! the best excuse to hide in the sewing room, the best room in the house LOL!!!
The true-love story is wonderful too, I loved that!! And your little star blocks are coming along nicely, well done!!!

Quilter Kathy said...

What a wonderful love story :)
Great name for your star quilt "Tiny Twinklers"...very fun project!

Libby said...

I am such a sucker for a love story - and that is a great one. I've got a tear in my eye for the happy couple *s*

As for your quilt - deeeelish!

Lori said...

Your 4" stars are adorable! They are really stacking up! Yay!

What a sweet story!

Gypsy Quilter said...

Those stars are simply scrumptious!

Lorraine said...

Love your tiny twinklers! ...and I have to share this story with you....my mother met a boy when they were 17 and 19.......he left the country town they lived in for a career in the navy.....the years rolled by...he married and had four children...mum married and had four children....both lost their spouses and after a couple of years he contacted Mum.....to cut a long story short they have picked up where they left off...she has moved across the country to be with him...they are so happy and at 80 and 82 they have a new lease on life...we couldn't be happier for them. Love is grand isn't it!

AnnieO said...

Great story! How lovely that you get to hear such touching ones!

Tiny, tiny twinklers! So cute but boy you need a lot even to make a small quilt, lol! Have fun.

Lookit at all your nice gifts!

Anonymous said...

Hello Julie, such a sweet story to be shared...makes you wonder at times...glad you liked the cheer me ups...hugs lyn

Jan said...

What a touching story, thank you for sharing it with us! I just love your little twinklers! Twinkle, twinkle little star!

carol fun said...

Those little stars just sparkle and shine! What a wonderful story- thanks for sharing it just made my day!

Darcie said...

What a beautiful love story! So sweet of you to listen to him...I sure he'll never forget your for it.

Love and hugs to you, sweet Jules!

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh man, I looked for those sewing machine patterns when I was in Australia this month. No luck. How wonderful for you! What wonderful pick me ups!

Happy New Year, full of plans and promise!!

Good morning!!  Happy Sunday, or Monday to those in Australia and other places in the world! Above is my Amaryllis.  This is the second stem...