Monday, March 7, 2011

Thoughts for my day...

Plaids are absolutely the best! Have you ever wondered how you are going to use up that box of know, the box you sorted out and put in the bottom of the closet? I love my plaids, and have decided to try and use them all up, now that my reproductions are almost all gone. I decided on the jewel box pattern...and I love it so much!! I have an entire quilt cut out...just need some sewing time. It is a surprising fast pattern, all chain piecing, and I love these colors. I don't worry if the plaids are not quite straight, although I do try to cut on the straight of grain. I love to think of some of these older plaid patterns worn by Highland Warriors of old; their family much fun!! Somehow I don't think the bright orange is quite traditional...but I could be wrong, LOL!!
A dear friend sent my some greens to help finish my Crab Apple Tree quilt, and I had some triangles left over. I paired them with some of Linda's neutral scraps, and tada! A delectable mountains table runner!! I am going to try and finish this soon...probably hand quilting in the wee hours of the night.
Cross stitching is so relaxing for me, much more than 20 years ago when I first did this craft...I am loving working on this!

I found a neighbor who knits...she offered to teach me!! Hmmm, now when will I fit that in, LOL!!

Hey , just something to think about...I recently was invited over to help organize a lady's stash and just generally play in fabric, which is always fun. She is 68 years old, and has some illnesses and health problems. We were to organize the stash into colors, and types, like reproductions, 1930's, brights, and so forth. I was just amazed...following the paths through the house, we went into a room...filled completed from floor to ceiling with tubs and bins and boxes of fabric!!! A whole room!! We worked steadily most of the day...and did not even make a dent. It made me feel so uneasy and just bad...this fabric will never, ever be used up...and more was being bought almost daily. I am not judging her, please know...I know that she must have a big empty place in her heart. A lesson for me though...don't do this!...use mine up!! Give it away...but DO NOT go to any fabric supplying place...unless I need something to finish a project!!! Thus is my lesson for me for the day!!!


Thank you so much, all of you...I somehow did not stitch down a "B" on my Beattitudes quilt from last post!! I so appreciate you noticing...and just how did I miss that, LOL!!??

Have a super week!!



Mary said...

I'm in complete agreement. If I need fabric for a border, sashing or backing in order to complete a specific project...okay. Otherwise, I'm trying to exercise some restraint until I've completed some outstanding UFOs. When those are done, I'll have some really neat remnants for another scrappy quilt! Love your new plaid layout.

Merilyn said...

I do love your plaid quilt-in-progress! I have no plaids in my stash at all, have no idea why LOL!!! They look great all together!
You mentioned your 68 year old friend, and her floor to ceiling fabric stash - on my! but she has had a long time to accumulate this LOL, I just bet there were some rare beauties in there!!! I'm afraid my stash pales into insignificance compared to hers LOL, but sometimes I do think I need to restrain my collecting, such as it is!!!

Nancy said...

Oooooh, you are going to love knitting. It's easy to throw into a bag and take with you. You will love it.

Your plaid quilts are wonderful. I need to get busy and use my plaids.

Barb said...

You are so right...sometimes I feel shame when I look at mine and keep adding to it. I really need to use it. Inface, I am working on a Beatitudes quilt as well and broke into some of my coveted fat quarters...why not...right???

Ali Honey said...

It sounds quite obsessive to me. I know ladies in USA can purchase fabric much much cheaper than we can in NZ and many have whole rooms of fabric.

It's what is made with it that counts - otherwise it is known as a fabric SHOP.
I love the jewelbox design too.

Pat said...

Love your plaid quilt so far and since I am the "Green Queen", I love that green piece, too. Your cross-stitch is going to be great with a little scene for each month of the year!

Michele said...

I love those greens! That must have been a lot of fabric! There are so many fun crafting hobbies......I want to do them all!

A Garden of Threads said...

Hi Julie, The jewel box looks great, I am not a fan of plaid but your quilt could change me mind. Wow, maybe you could go shopping at your friends for fabric. Enjoy your week.

Jane said...

Hi Julie! Are your plaids quilting fabric or recycled shirts ala Bonnie Hunter? I'm collecting shirts, but have trouble finding brighter colored ones and I haven't come across much in the way of commercial plaid quilt fabrics.

Be careful with the knitting. It can also become an obsession and lead to rooms full of yarn! Love reading your blog & seeing your quilts!

Lori said...

I do have two boxes of plaids but also have a project plnned out for them. It was supposed to be a fall project but maybe now it will be next fall! LOL
I love the jewel box quilt you have started.

I agree with you about the stash. Mine is probably very small compared to most and I like it that way. I'm surprised the woman wasn't giving it away to help her get organized.

Quilter Kathy said...

Another great plaid quilt in development over at Julie's place!
That was very sad about the lady with the overwhelming stash that isn't been loved or used :( A good lesson for us all to remember I guess.
Funny that I didn't even notice a missing 'B' on your quilt!

AnnieO said...

Love your plaids! I have no plaids in my stash at present. Not sure how that has happened!

The delectable mountains table runner is great! Fun, quick idea for a fast finish.

ROOM full of fabric? Gosh, that is hard to imagine but hoarders come in all sizes. I agree, she had an empty place (or found it impossible to pass up a bargain--one reason I do not get email updates from fabric sellers!)

I love cross-stitch or other handwork relaxing too. Gives the mind room to play while the hands work :)

Cheri said...

THANKS~really! Just the encouragement I needed for the task at hand today.

*karendianne. said...

Gosh what a so, so pretty post and at the same time so very deep and thoughtful. Thank you for this one! The price of fabric is really going up, up, up. I think your words are timely and quite useful.

Jeanne said...

I love plaids, too. I wonder if they will breed like strings do when you try to use them up? Looking great with your current project!

Denise in PA said...

I always love seeing your plaid quilts! And that Delectable Mountains is great - I have to make one of those!

The story about your friend is very thought-provoking. I'm not anwhere near a roomful, but my stash is quite abundant and I'm feeling the need to slow down on the buying...slow waaaaaay down.

Becky said...

Great new plaid project! Great use of scraps. I'm with you about using our stash. I used an old piece for a backing today. Wow! What a beautiful piece of fabric. I couldn't have found a prettier one to purchase.

Sharon said...

You really cannot go wrong with plaids! This is going to be a wonderful quilt.

Jan said...

Your plaid quilt is going to be great! Love the delectable mountains! You are so right about using up that stash---I'm trying to use mine, but it keeps growing for some reaosn!

Terry said...

I love your plaid quilts! They always look so beautiful! And I'm doing the same thing...using up my stash! I only fabric shop when I need something for a background or backing. It feels good to use what I have! :0)

tich said...

The Jewel Box is one of my favourite designs. Some traditional tartans are really bright, so the orange is fine.

Deanna said...

Some people just love stuff.

Anyway, I hae some plaid wool pendleton shirts that I am loking for ideas for. Suggestions?

Shelia said...

Love the plaid jewel box. It will be a gorgeous quilt.

Linda O said...

Love the little green quilt! And the cross stitch is beautiful! I, too, need to use more fabric rather than acquire it...thanks for the inspiration!

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...