Thursday, March 3, 2011

What are your sticking points??

HI Y'all!! Above is my revised Beattitudes Quilt...pattern by Nancy Halverson. I loved making each of these hand blanket stitched blocks...and then slapped on a border, and promptly disliked it. I then folded it carefully and hung the top on a hanger, and shoved it unceremoniously in the closet!! So in the spirit of "finishing the UFO", I very ceremoniously hauled it right back out of the closet today and changed the border!!! I found a piece of Cranston calico in my stash from the 80's, and that is the border. I like it much better...hurrah! Now I can commence with the quilting part!!! Remember I raided my husband's pajama bottoms for the fabric for the letters? Hee!!! Soooo....

What is your sticking point in quilt making? Is it the border? (that's me)!!! I dislike applying it making all those endless blocks? Is is binding? What is it that is your sticking point in finishing the quilt?

Since my sticking point is borders, I am trying to make a point to do the border first, piecing or cutting, if I can...that helps a lot!

I also put the final border on the nine patch/churn dash!!! It is not quite as wavy as it looks in the picture!!! Hmmmmm...may have to rethink that....
I have been cross stitching!! A free pattern, a BOM from the Internet...I did all the border stitching first...then the snowman block for January...
Then this cute birdie heart block for February!! I am loving this...I seem to have more patience for the stitching than I did in my youth....I can't seem to take good pictures of this project...but it is darling!

*****************Nurse's Notes*****************************

I seem to have turned a corner, maybe, with the hyperthyroidism! I have truly not slept more than 2 hours night for 8-10 months...I was tired, let me tell you! guess what? I have slept 6 hours a night for two nights in a row!! I feel sooooooo much better...Yahoo!! Next lab test is next week to see what if the thyroid levels are down...and I am putting up with the skin rashes that accompany the anti-thyroid drugs...but they itch!!! I can handle that...if the sleeping continues!!!

Have a great day, all!!



Jane said...

Oh, I so understand about sleep. Glad yours has improved. Your churn dash quilt is wonderful!

Texan said...

I am glad to hear your sleeping is getting better! Not sleeping isn't good for a person at all. I hope it continues to get better!

LOVE that churn dash nine patch quilt, I mean just love it!!!

Your appliquéd quilt is real cute too!

9patchnurse said...

I am with you, I get stuck at the borders. I don't know why I think they're such a hassle. When I put the effort into them, I love the quilt so much more. I love binding though and always stitch it by hand.
ps: yay for sleep!

Mary Lou Casada said...

Thyroid stuff is the pits!! :-) I'm a hyPO girl, and wrestle constantly with levels and such. Isn't getting to sleep just the greatest thing!!! LOL LOVE, LOVE the churn dashes...I so gotta do me one of those! My sticking point is probably borders, too, or boredom! LOL I get tired of what I'm working on and go on to the next thing.
Mary Lou

Angie said...

I'm glad you've finally been able to get some sleep, Julie. I am amazed at what all you get done WITHOUT sleep...makes me look like I'm bed-ridden, for goodness sake!! :D Both of the quilts are perfect. :)

Wonky Girl said...

I think we are tired of looking at the same quilt by the time borders are needed. But, most all my quilts are scrappy colors so choosing a border is fun to me. Plus, i usually have several quilt projects going at once. You found the perfect border for that holiday quilt :)

Pat said...

My sticking point is the quilting....which I really can't do and can't often afford to have big pieces long-armed. So.....I often put things away after the top is completed and they never see the light of day again. :( I love the two tops you showed today. As for the not sleeping....I don't know how you managed for that long on so little sleep. I've struggled for a little over a week due to a horrendous cough and am about to tear my hair out if I don't get some really good sleep soon. I'm glad to hear that is getting better for you and hope it lasts.

JayTee said...

I love both of your quilts...nice work

Barb said...

I have been wanting to make a Beautitudes quilt for a long time now...sometimes my sticking point is just doing it.

Lori said...

I would have liked to seen the quilt with the border fabric you didn't like. I'm glad you changed it. Those blocks look like a lot of work.

I tend to get stuck on the binding. Its not that I don't like to do it, it is just kind of a pain to wrestle the quilt on the table to get it sewn.

Anonymous said...

I have the same quilt be attitudes, it is a hard one, but so worth it. I did notice that the b is missing from the be forgiving block. Just thought I'd mention it in case you missed it. Otherwise your quilts look great!

Loris said...

Love your work with the Beatitudes quilt. That blanket stitch around the applique really is such a fun touch. Love the pictures.
and the Churn Dash is really sweet. boy it seems like you just made that in an instant.
I think my sticking point is sometimes getting started..the hypothyroid in me :-/ but once I get going, I usually don't want to stop till I'm finished. Big projects tend to wear me down and I'm so glad when they are done.
Glad you have some improvement with sleep. You are quite something to have held it together through all of that. I hope the itching stops soon.
Love the cross stitch. I'm hoping to get in some embroidery soon:-)

Vicki W said...

Borders are my point too. I found it does help me if I do the border piecing first. Great news on your thyroid. I really love sleeping! When I cut wheat out of my diet is was instantly sleeping 8 peaceful hours a night. I feel like I am in heaven!

~Joan said...

Hubby's PJs?? Does he know?? That makes me think of George on the Fons & Porter ads. They keep using up pieces of his shirt. Poor fella.

Love the Beatitudes and the 9-patch churn dash. That pieced border was worth it. Adds real pizzazz.

Nancy said...

Wonderful finishes!

I detest tacking the binding, but inch by inch it gets done. I also drag my feet on preparing and attaching a label.

I am happy that you are starting to feel better - sometimes it takes a while for medication to kick in and do its thing. Take care of yourself.

A mom said...

I am also having lots of sleep/thyroid issues. Waaaaah. No fun.

I love your churn dash quilt, and the beattitude quilt as well. My sticking poing is ..... I'm not sure. Maybe I'm too new yet. Glad you're doing better.

Jo Anna

Bonnie said...

My sticking point is binding. I actually enjoy hand stitching it down, but joining the ends is what drives me nuts!

your quilt are lovely for sure. I love the applique quilt but they are all great.

Glad to hear you are getting things under control and getting more sleep. hope it continues.

A Garden of Threads said...

You cannot sleep with your thyroid problem and all I could do was sleep with my thyroid problem. Have been on meds. for the problem for over twenty years. I understand your feelings well.

Doing blocks that are all the same, in pattern, colour, size, are my sticking point. I lose interest in them.

Take care, Jen.

Michele said...

My sticking point is the border right now too! I plan to put two on this weekend and get them off my UFO pile! I'm so glad you are doing better......sleep is important :-)

Yvette said...

Your "Be Attitudes" looks great with that border. I love how you used your hubby's pj's. LOL!

OOOH, you already know how much I love the 9 patch!

I am with you on the borders. I really dislike the whole process. I think if I had a huge table to put my quilt on to measure and pin it wouldn't be so bad. Oh, who am I kidding, I will still hate it.

Glad to hear you are getting your thyroid under control. I have been on thyroid meds for more than 10 yrs so I know what you are going through.

Marj said...

Is there supposed to be a letter "b" on the dog block in the lower left corner of the B attitudes quilt? I love all your projects, good vibes for easy finishes.

Leeanne said...

I love your nine patch/churn dash quilt, oh soooo yummy.
Mmmmm my sticking point would be labels, I really like to have my quilts labeled, but when you finish the quilt, quilting, binding etc, well I don't always feel like making a label, so I have been starting to make them while making the quilt or towards the end, I might have a leftover block I could use.

Merilyn said...

I love all parts of quilting, but I do detest basting!!! I do it by hand (can't stand the safety pin thing, I find they get in the way when I am quilting) I also find that being a certain age kneeling on the floor turns you into a cripple fairly quickly these days! LOL! Sending my quilts to be quilted by my local long-armer is definitely a healthier option!!!

Nicky said...

My sticking point is basting - the knees tend to creak quite a bit! That's why I liked 'quilt as you go' but it doesn't suit every quilt...

How can you do so much without sleep? I really struggled for a few months with a three year old with night terrors and a newborn - now 13 and 10 but I still remember I was a zombie!

Anonymous said...

Missing "b" in giving block. Looks beautiful.

Libby said...

Sticking point for me is cutting - it's not my favorite step to begin with. Then add a pattern that tells you to cut 87,000 half square triangles (do I exaggerate?) and suddenly I just don't even want to start the journey *S*

So glad to hear that you are getting sleep. Funny how just a few hours of good rest can make all the difference in the world. Now to end the itching *ugh*

Michelle said...

Love your Be Attitudes quilt. I have mine about 1/2 complete. Borders are the hardest for me too...I just don't have much creativity when it comes to that point.

Julie S said...

Love what you did with your churn dash border. I had to order more fabric for mine and it hasn't arrived yet. But since I've been looking at it without a border for a couple of weeks now, I am starting to consider leaving it borderless. Borders are my big sticking point also.

Julie S said...

Love what you did with your churn dash border. I had to order more fabric for mine and it hasn't arrived yet. But since I've been looking at it without a border for a couple of weeks now, I am starting to consider leaving it borderless. Borders are my big sticking point also.

Jan said...

GLad to hear that your sleep is improving and you feel better! Love the cross stitch and the quilt!

Quilter Kathy said...

Such fabulous photos to enjoy!
Borders are my problem...hate sewing them's so boring and bulky and awkward and challenging to do a good job (but essential for the quilt to lay flat!)
Glad to hear you are sleeping better.

Helen in the UK said...

So pleased to hear that your sleep is improving ... long may it continue!
My sticking point is the basting stage. I have to grit my teeth and crack right on with it otherwise I'd just end up with a whole pile of quilt tops only :)

Jen W said...

Just found your site today Julie and
I love it! Your quilting is amazing...definitely have you bookmarked! But I really love the BOM cross stitch pattern - too cute.
Could you share the link????
Thanks so much! Jen

Linda C said...

I am not crazy about borders--esp if I have to do triple borders like my project about a week ago. UGH! Binding is also not a favorite part though I do a good job on it and it makes for easy hand work. Guess what I am doing today, LOL.

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...