Friday, December 3, 2010

Roll, roll cotton boll!

First of all, thank you all so very much for your comments from yesterday's post. I so appreciate your opinions!! I have decided to cut down the applique pieces as suggested by many of you...please stay tuned, I will be enjoying working on this! Also, thank you for your understanding of my patient situation...I just tried so hard to please them, but they were not to be pleased...and I guess that is heart is much lighter now that I got it out! I agree...they need prayer, thank you for that comment!

Tada!! I am almost finished with part 3 of the Bonnie Hunter Mystery from Quiltville! How DID I do it, you may ask? Serendipity!! This step calls for 60 neutral string pieced blocks...remember this spring?? I made a ton of neutral, string pieced blocks!! Cool, huh?? And they are the right size!! I am immediately stopping the embellishment of these with lace and stuff...and using them in the mystery! Is that not so cool? I do have a few to still make, though...but I think I am the first in the world to have so many done. I am just so tickled!!

Off to work for me....

Everyone, have a great day!



ria vogelzang said...

That's fun!! I just read Bonnie's blog and you are allready having the strippieced blocks ready.... ! :))
That's just so lucky!!
Enjoy your day at work! I hope the family of that dear lady isn't there anymore....... :(
Hugs, Ria.

Elyte said...

How clever of you to make these blocks in advance! I am looking forward to seeing this quilt in it's entirety.

Mary Lou Casada said...

I just printed off Step 3 of the mystery and was thinking, "Oh no!!" LOL I'm so glad you've got a bunch done...and they are gorgeous, so I'll be inspired to "dig deep" as Bonnie says! :-)
Maybe having them done is a reward for your patience with patients! (and their families! :-D)
Mary Lou

Linda said...

That worked out great. They're so pretty. I def. think you're ahead of the pack!

Quilter Kathy said...

You lucky duck! That's a big step you've already finished!

Lori said...

Serendipity! And only 1 hour after she posted part 3!!

Amy said...

Julie, Way to be ahead of the curve, your string blocks are so nice - I was trying not to start this mystery, but those string blocks will probably draw me in...

Kristie said...

WOW! You really lucked out with having those blocks!!! When I fist clicked on your blog this morning, I thought "How in the world did she get those done so fast?" Good Girl!!!

A Garden of Threads said...

Sounds like fun. Have a wonderful weekend.

AnnieO said...

Serendipity! How terrific that you've gotten ahead of the game so quickly :) I've yet to start cutting for Bonnie's mystery but am saving all the steps and have collected some fabric.

Sharon said...

You ROCK! I'm not a scrap keeper so making her tops are a challenge for me. I'm now just cutting and piling for her Carolina Christmas, and I'll start bins now for Ctn Boll for next year. I need to not fold all those small pieces and put them back, I need to make bins!
Resolution for 2011, Make Bins!

Louise said...

Wow..those neutral blocks were meant to be, and yours look perfect for this quilt!
I love string piecing, and can't wait to start digging into my string stash.

Anne Heidi said...

How cool! Those blocks are just too cute- how great to have them all done- even before you knew you needed them...

Teri said...

You lucked out on this one. How fun that they will work and you won't have to stress about a neutral quilt.

LuAnn said...

Your blocks are just perfect for this!!! I am thinking my neutrals are way too boring for this. I've got to go to my girl cave and check out my stash. Nice job!

Carol said...

Thanks for the confirmation on using the fabric foundation instead of the paper! So much easier! I won't be able to start till tomorrow night, but soooo looking forward to it!

SubeeSews said...

Way too cool! I remember when you first posted about these blocks. I was a positive person on these back then too!
I have 16 blocks made today from my skinny strips added to some wider ones. They make up soooooo fast!

Pat said... that ever a lucky coincidence that you had several of the exact block you need already made?? Amazing......good for you!

Michelle said...

Wow...I saw that picture and thought, "How in the world did she get them done already?" LOL Nice that you can use them in this project!

Quilts And Pieces said...

Great job! Heck I would be happy just to sew!

Anonymous said...

You fast and wise to have had strips cut already!! Well done!

Jan said...

How nice to have the string neutral blocks done!! Wahoo!!!! Hope things will be better at work. THat must be very nerve racking to have people acting like that. Sending up prayers for you and them!

Jan said...
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Wendy said...

That worked out great for you. The blocks are prefect. I'm behind already.

Darcie said...

How cool for you! That worked out pretty well. Serendipity indeed!

I love color...but I also love the lack-of once in awhile, too. I feel that sometimes our mind and eyes just need that calm and that we can enjoy color when it does appear!

Enjoy the next step, Julie!

Happy Sunday hugs to you!

Becky said...

I love the idea of using one project in another:) I love string piecing. I haven't started this one. Think I'll print it out and do it next year. Have a wonderful evening!

Unknown said...

That is just not fair Julie, All 60 string blocks a;ready made. Aren't you the luncky gal. I've never done any strings but I know you have. Sill admire the one on your header. I dug out some scraps, lights already in the strips pans and have about 10 made. They really are fun once you get started. Found 5 more little prints in some of DD stuff.
You are always doing all you can do for your patients.

Libby said...

How FAB that you have the right blocks already on hand . . . . I would be just skipping around the room with delight on this one *s*

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

I just love your neutrals. I'm not a scrappy kind of gal ... or should I say that I prefer a controlled scrappy (can you say OCD?). Your neutrals are perfect ... scrappy but still very neutral. I can't wait to see your finished quilt.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...