Monday, December 6, 2010

What in the world? Great fun!

Hi everyone! I am off today...blessedly! I had a great weekend at work, just wonderful patients and families...and I am tired. I have cut a bunch of 1.5 inch strips, and have in mind two quilts: a log cabin (see above), and a pineapple quilt. (Thanks Subee for that wonderful idea!!) I am trying to use all my fabric stash up...and have made wonderful progress this year. I do not know the name of the block above...just a log cabin variation. The pieces are all 1 inch finished. I plan to make enough for a full sized quilt...8 inch blocks....hmmm, how many is that??
What in the world are we making with these? I am caught up....ready for the next step in Bonnie from Quiltville's mystery. Do you have any idea what we are making????

Hope each one of you have a wonderful day! I am sending out the Christmas cards and wrapping today....



Cheryl said...

You get soooo much done and work too! I haven't even started shopping for gifts! I am anxious to see the mystery quilt evolve. I did not join because of the time of year, but am dying to know what it turns out as.

Yankee Valley Stitcher said...

i am working on roll roll cotton boll also. I have 11 of the strip blocks done and plan to work away on them today! Good for you for getting yours all finished so quick!!

Caryl @ cinnamon holiday workshop said...

log cabin and pineapple blocks...two of my favorites...
and the mystery quilt caught up...YOU are amazing in all that you do!! I will probably do it next year...but not now...too many other things to do!!

Susan said...

What a great block....... I printed a copy of it to add to my "Wanna Do" list of quilts. It does look like a great way to use up smaller pieces.


Robin said...

Your mystery pile is growing fast. I am jealous that you have it all done. I'm off to my sewing room to start sewing HST together. I'm a bit behind. BUT, I'll catch up soon. When I saw step 3 I wondered too, what are we making here? I guess that's why it's called a mystery, Bonnie never disappoints.

Quilter Kathy said...

I like that new log cabin variation! How do you have enough light strips left after making all those foundation blocks?!?

Anne Heidi said...

Such a cute log cabin block- I really like the 4 patch in the middle!

Nicole said...

I love a log cabin quilt! Yours is going to be such a fun scrappy one.
I should be sewing today too, since I have the morning off, but here I am, fooling around on my computer! I need to follow your good example.

Loris said...

Amazing work going on there in Texas! This spot on the central coast can't seem to keep up :-/
Love your little blocks waiting for more of the mystery. Can't wait to see what Bonnie cooked up.
I finally got a little wall quilt quilted and will bind it today, finished crocheting a hat for a gift and survived our computer 'Go Live' this weekend at the hospital. We were blessed with not a crazy influx of pts but boy this is a challenging change on all fronts. Have to fight for time to actually make eye contact with pts. Very weird and uncomfortable at times. The docs were going crazy trying to learn how to enter orders. But in the midst of it we had a STEMI pt come in and got him to the cath lab in record time and then on for a CABG in less than 90 minutes from his call to the ambulance. Pretty cool! He will be home before the week is out :-)
Merry Christmas!

Karen said...

Good choices. My pineapple is 1 1/2" and it's a perfect size. And what is not to love about a log cabin!!

Pat said...

You have been doing very well at using your stash...I am very impressed!!!! (Want to come visit and do that with my stash, too? LOL)

mkhquilts said...

Your Bonnie mystery is lookin good! i have about 20 more string blocks to go. And NO, I have no idea where this one is headed! Ain't it great!

Sharon said...

Love your little blocks! I am cutting up all of my reds and greens into 1 inch strips to make log cabin blocks...may wish I had done the 1 1/2 like you, but I think they will turn out fine! Enjoy!

scraphappy said...

Mmmmm, such pretty colors on RRCB. I think the string blocks must be representing cotton. The seem too big though, do you think we'll be cutting them up? I think maybe the log cabin variation is called chimney something, maybe chimneys and cornerstones? I remember reading about something like it in a Jennifer Chaiverini book.

Lori said...

The diagonal strip piece really threw off any ideas I had.
I started my string blocks today and didn't do them diagoanl! Argh! Thankfully I didn't get very far. I have 5 blocks made of the right ones.

I adore log cabins and yours will be fantastic!!

Shari said...

I just love log cabin blocks - a great way to use stash! You are very productive and I'm so glad you have a day off to recover from a stressful job...

I'm keeping an eye on Bonnie's quilt but not making it. Don't want to start a new project until some of the older ones are cleared out! And I really mean it this time!

Teresa said...

Oh I do love your string blocks and how great you can use some that you already had made up.

The honeybee is also one of my favorite blocks and what a great way to set nine patches. I do think the applique is a little too big of a scale for the nine patch, but it sure is pretty. It could just be the dark fabric.

I admire caring and professional nurses and can only imagine the stress that goes along with the job. I am sure your patient was embarrassed by her family's behavior.

SubeeSews said...

I warned you that those Pineapples are addicting but SOOOOOO beautiful. Happy sewing!
HA! My word verification is "smory" almost my whole name!

Linda C said...

I think that log cabin block arrangement is called sunshine and shadow but don't quote me, LOL.

Log cabins and Pineapple log cabins are probably my favorite type of quilt blocks. I have two sizes of the pineapples in my UFO piles that I pull out every once in a while. That is the only reason I cut 1 1/2 inch strips, come to think of it---that and string blocks.

Looking good, Julie!

Happy New Year, full of plans and promise!!

Good morning!!  Happy Sunday, or Monday to those in Australia and other places in the world! Above is my Amaryllis.  This is the second stem...