Monday, December 27, 2010

Progress on a UFO!

HI all!! Remember these blocks?? I had one block made when I showed you before...well, I have made some big progress!! I have 80 of them made, enough for a big quilt for dear husband. They are 8 inches finished, so each piece is one inch finished (strips). This is one setting...
Or, I could set them like this. I don't know yet, dear husband will have the final call. Remember I have been talking about a new sewing machine for years? I have used a very inexpensive Brother machine from Walmart for many years. This year, in my stocking, I got an orange, some chocolate, some gum...and a Bernina. A BERNINA!!!
A dream machine!! Excuse the messy table and poor photo, but you get the idea...this machine (Bernadette is her name) is wow wonderful!! My son and his wife got me a new cutting board and I received two new rotary cutters...I am so blessed!!
Rosie the poodle in her elf outfit...Christmas is tough work for tiny poodles!!

Goals for the coming year for me include: Working on UFO's and finishing stuff up. My rules for me are that I may not start a new quilt until I have finished two UFO's. Hope this will work for me!!

Have a great day!!



Trisha said...

Congrats on the Bernina, Julie! I am so excited for you. Your log cabin quilt is going to be gorgeous, umm... I mean manly! Love it. And I love your goals of finishing UFOs to get to work on new stuff. I should adopt that!!

Chris said...

Wow! You must have been a VERY good girl this year. Love the quilt. Log Cabins are so homey.

Linda said...

Quilt is coming along beautifully! What an awesome stocking stuffer! :-) Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Love your quilt, but I do believe I have loved them all. Amazing how tiny the strips are. Beautiful colors.

Between you and Bernadette lots of finishes should be the order of business for 2011. Good luck;-)


jdqltr said...

Ok, repeating all the other comments, but I just don't know what else to say... I love your log cabin! And it looks perfect for a man. Enjoy your new machine. If you Bernina dealer offers classes, take them all! It's amazing what you can do with a Bernina!

Colleen said...

I agree with the other post, take lots of classes at your Bernina store. The log cabin quilt is beautiful.

Jen said...

Wow! A Bernina in your stocking?! You must have been a very NICE girl! You are going to love it. I love my Bernina! The log cabin looks beautiful! There's so many settings, I can't wait to see which one you guys choose. Glad you had a merry Christmas!

AnnieO said...

Ooh, isn't she spiffy! What a perfect gift--you'll have those log cabins whipped together in no time. Have fun learning all about Bernadette!

Yankee Valley Stitcher said...

Wow your log cabin is looking amazing! I too recieved a new machine for Christmas...a Janome Horizon!! We will both be sewing up a storm with big grins on our faces!! :)

Chookyblue...... said...

OMG that is so exciting.........a new sewing machine.........wonderful....

Michelle said...

Love the log cabin, I'm sure you're going to have lot's of fun with Bernadette!

antique quilter said...

congrats on getting a new sewing machine! oh I love my Bernina hope you do too!

love the log cabin blocks...
aren't they fun to make?

katrien said...

I love the second one.

Caron at Michigan Quilts said...

Congrats!!! I'd love a new Bernina. And I love the first setting of your quilt blocks. Gonna be pretty no matter how you do it, though!

Shari said...

I would have loved to see the stocking that Bernina fit in! Whoo Hoo! It looks fantastic!

The log cabin looks so classic. It will be interesting to see what setting DH will choose. Well done on all that progress and good luck with the not starting anything new promise to yourself... I'm trying to have 2011 only as a finishing year... sigh. Already it's hard and it's not even here yet...

Helen in the UK said...

The blocks look great! Huge congrats on getting your new machine - enjoy :)

Sue Daurio said...

love the blocks!! It's just going to look beautiful when you are done. And Bernadette, what a wonderful addition to your family!! I love my bernina, she's my work horse. I've had her for over 10 years and she's worked like a charm. I can't wait to see all the wonderful creation that come out of the two of you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Darlene said...

Oh, enjoy your new Bernina - Santa was very good to you because you were obviously a good girl. :-)

Love the quilt for your hubby - can't wait to see what final setting he selects.

Sharon said...

Enjoy your new Bernina!!! and the quilt for your husband is wonderful, I love log cabins. I am hoping to finish more UFO's this year, I just started cleaning closets and I could not believe what I found in there.....

Cheryl said...

You will love Bernadette! Your log cabin quilt will be beautiful no matter what setting hubbie chooses! Good resolution--I am still trying to formulate mine, but it will have something to do with finishing things.

Unknown said...

I say that your hubs will choose the second layout. I only say this because I think that is what my hubs would choose. Wow!! Congratulations to you on your new Bernina!! I am sure you will be getting tons of use from it!

Barb said...

So excited for your new will love it...and I just love your quilt in the makings...

Angie said...

AWESOME, Julie!!! Girl you have earned that Bernadette many times over!!! :D I am SO excited for you...and the other quilty goodies that Santa brought you!! The log cabin is gorgeous! And look at adorable Miss Rosie in her elf outfit...she does look like Christmas wore her out. :D Hugs!

Lori said...

How exciting to have a new machine!!!! Woo-Hoo!!
Log cabin quilts are so fun, there are so mnay ways to set them. It looks wonderful!!

The Calico Cat said...

That log cabin with corner stones (Is that what they are called?) is looking pretty great.

Have you sewn all of your blocks? (I wouldn't switch machines in the middle... Ask me why?)

Nancy said...

Love your new Bernina, I am so jealous.
Great log cabin quilt. I know your husband will love it.

Lois Arnold said...

Julie, thank you for commenting on my Whig Rose Quilt on my blog "Quilts & Other Good Things." And, yes, I'd love to not only see an antique 4 block Whig Rose, but to own one! Most of my antique quilts are Pine Tree quilts. I love your log cabin UFO. I have made several and have one on my design wall right now. You'll love your Bernina!

Michelle said...

Yay for a new machine! Your log cabin blocks look great! They are one of my favorite blocks. :)

Loris said...

How fun to start the new year's goals with a new Bernina! That would certainly be motivating.
Have a wonderful time with her.
The log cabin blocks look beautiful. Either setting will look good. Your hubby can't go wrong with his choice.

Leanne said...

Squeal for joy a new Bernina. May you & Bernette become best friends.

Love Leanne

Nancy said...

wow...that must have been one big stocking...I hope you love your Bernina as much as I love mine...they are wonderful to sew on..

Love the log cabin...1" strips? yikes that's little...

MARCIE said...

Nice going on the Bernina! That is great! And your LC quilt is wonderful! And your own elf!

Texan said...

Wow that was some stocking stuffer! ewwww a new machine is soooo fun!!

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