Hi Y'all! I have been working pretty much non-stop for a while, and what a blessing a day off is! Spring is officially here, and we are greeted by this lovely creature...is she a moth? Anyway, she was on a tree in the front yard, and was happy to pose for me.

Above doesn't look like much...but I can say it was labor intensive! I pressed for hours on the back and top of my blue and yellow monstrously big quilt, so I could send it to be quilted. I am so proud of this! I cut threads, and cut threads, and cut threads! Can't wait to see this on my bed, all finished. It is all folded, ready to go in the box to send.

I layered this little quilt for hand quilting...that kind of quilting is so much fun! So relaxing...

My friend Joyce sent some fabrics from Arizona, so what did I do? I made spools! Klosjes!! I love them!

Is anyone out there working on this project? What else for a background but...plaid!! I love the blocks, they are found at Bunny Hill, and the patterns are free.

The second of the snowman blocks. I have a third prepped, but not done yet.

Do you ever sift through those tiny cuttings, thinking, wow, those are sure pretty...and then toss them? You can keep them you know...just get some in a pile on two layers of cotton batting and a backing, arrange them like you want them, spray with spray starch and press the daylights out of it, then I just quilt across from edge to edge and side to side. Presto! A fun hot pad, guaranteed to protect your hands while getting things out of a hot oven...and you did not have to throw away those tiny trimmings! I still need to bind this one.

OK, for the exciting stuff. For a couple days, we saw this tiny poodle (about 12 pounds, maybe), running around our house and part of the neighborhood. When we approached her, she would duck and run like anything. Well, dear husband eventually got close enough that she trusted him, and now she just eats out of his hand! She is overgrown with fur and dirty, and hungry...and darling! So full of life and fun. We have tried to find the owner around the neighborhood, but we have come to the conclusion that she has been dumped here. We have so many animals just show up around our neighborhood, it is unbelievable. So....I will keep you posted what happens with her, she is a little love, and eats well, and cuddles better! A very sweet lap dog type lady.
***************************Nursing notes!!!!!!!!!!!***********************
Well, this is the
REALLY EXCITING part! I had a patient come in, fresh from the tele. floor, with positive cardiac enzymes and chest pain. Exactly my age. A huge mountain of a guy, nearly 400 pounds and 6'6''. So, off he went to cath. lab, and this test showed that he had a huge clot in his left main (the large artery that feeds the left side of the heart). This is a killer...and the doctor was shocked that he had not died immediately. Well, long story longer, he went for emergency bypass surgery, and had a balloon pump placed, and guess what?
I went to surgery with him! I totally got to see the entire bypass surgery, and truly, I am forever awed. Wow! Magic in a surgical team's hands. Long day, and a routine one for the team, but I will never forget it. After 20 years of this nursing thing, I still am awed each day.
Today? The patient is sitting up eating lunch and walking in his room! Yippee! A save!!!
Thanks for listening...and have a super day!