Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Orange Crush Part 3! (and part 2)

Good Morning!!

Pretty bad picture! Nevertheless, I wanted to show you my embroidery. I see it called stitchery these days on all your wonderful blogs, but my Mom called it embroidering like this and had us doing it when we were really little! Is there a difference, probably so! Please let me know! :) I have a fingerprint on the picture, and a shadow, but still would like you to see my little dragonfly...

I have had a productive morning...Above is part three of Bonnie's Orange Crush Mystery. Of course, you have to see all the threads and no points trimmed...I love the way they turned out!
The pieces on the left lay more flat, as they have had that little point trimmed off in the middle. I am enjoying my new rulers, the Easy angle and the Conpanion angle! I never would have thought these would fit together so well! So have learned something new and am enjoying it so much. This is the completed part 2. The points even match in the middle! (sometimes) :) I used to be stressed (only slightly) when my piecing was not perfect, now it is such a joy to just enjoy it. The quilt police have left the building! I am using mostly 1800's reproductions, but if another pieces sneak in, that's ok too. I have been hoarding my little stash of reproductions for a long time, but I need to use what I have! I need to have faith that more fabric will be available when I need it, and that is can live in the store until I do(Bonnies' words)!!
I am wondering in anticipation...how will the blocks/quilt go together? That is the fun of it!! I love to get the parts done and wait in anticipation until the next clue.
I sincerely wish you joy on this Tuesday! I hope each person has a little time for themselves and their projects. My 67th post...tomarrow is the 68th and the quilt drawing!! fun!


Finn said...

Hi Julie...oh my, your PARTS look wonderful!! What a great way to use your treasrue trove of repro's. I'm sure much more will keep being available to inspire you.
And YOU, have inspired me to cut up some of the precious few I have received as gifts *VBS* A lovely bunch of indgo's all washed and waiting *VBS*
Lots of joy to be had today...big hugs, Finn
P.S. Love your dragonfly!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Well done!! I, too, have difficulty leaving the fabric in the store, I feel as though I'm obligated to adopt it and bring it home.

Anonymous said...

love the colours! The blocks you've laid out could be the ones; the look Bonnie-like:)

Ginger Patches said...

I think I mainly just use the word stitchery 'cause it's easier to spell lol!! I love your OC blocks in the reproductions great idea!

Libby said...

Grandma called it embroidery, too. Whatever the name your little dragonfly is a cutie.

Patti said...

My mother called it "embroidery" also, and started me with a simple running stitch to outline a design when I was five or six. I see no difference between "embroidery" and "stitchery". Probably a new twenty-first century term for an old, old process.

Texan said...

Your embriodery is great and that is what I call it too :O)...so far I have managed to transfer some embroidery patterns to fabric, haven't got to the stitching part yet LOL...

You orange crush is going to be so pretty!

~Bren~ said...

I think embroidery is the American term and I know most Aussie's call it stitchery. I think it is the same thing, but I agree with Ginger...it is easier to spell stitchery!
Your orange crush block is WONDERFUL!!!! I am sure the entire quilt will be lovely!

~Joan said...

My lands, girl. I thought that was a tattoo! Glad to see you're embroidering on fabric and not skin!!


Amelia said...

Looks great.

If that is not what Bonnie has in mind...the layout would make a beautiful quilt. Maybe you are on to something big!

Amelia in Oklahoma

jacquie said...

I love your embroidery...very cute little guy. The quilt is coming together beautifully!

*karendianne. said...

Oh Julie, WOW! You're totally fantastic here today. I am in love with your piecing. So fun!!!

And the dragonfly, too.

Flying to you with Love, *karendianne.

Unknown said...

So you are doing your OC all in reds. Should be pretty. Mine or sort of everything with a few zingers. Cute blocks those # 2 would make. I was doing some of that myself.

Mary Johnson said...

What a cute dragonfly - I call it embroidery too and have done some on a small doll crazy quilt and am anxious to incorporate some more in my quilting when I get settled.

KC Quilter said...

What a sweet little dragonfly, Julie! I am so partial to dragonflies as we have the most beautiful iridescent blue ones that come to our water garden every summer. And I'm like you, always called it embroidery and have wondered what the difference is between embroidery and stitchery. I always called crewel work stitchery. Hmmm.....maybe I should read your comments to see if anyone else knew LOL!

Marilyn Robertson said...

Nice dragonfly! I have been resisting the Orange Crush Mystery and then I see what you are doing with it. I think my reisistance may be wearing thin. Time will tell! I love the reproductions!!!

YankeeQuilter said...

I know what you mean about being afraid to cut up some of your repro fabric. I keep a box with some 5x5 charm squares of almost every repro I have bought. Some day they will all go into a quilt.

Kucki68 said...

I love the little dragonfly. Can you tell me if you did it yourself or where the pattern came from, please?

Jenni said...

I have a lot of repro fabrics too, but when I use bits and pieces of them I don't want to use it all, because then they'll be gone! Silly really, as there are plenty more at the shop (and in the stash). You're orange crush blocks look great - I'm seeing this quilt happening all over blogland.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...