Friday, April 11, 2008

The great quilt giveaway!!!

Hi Everyone!!

Well, in honor of my 68th post coming up, or to celebrate spring, or whatever (that means randomly), I am having a giveaway! I am doing the Orange Crush mystery quilt by Bonnie at Quiltville. So....I had lots of 4 patches left! And what is a girl to do except make a little quilt. The quilt is about 14 x 20 inches approximately, and is called "Harlequin Squares". It is really very square and flat, the picture is not too good. ( Do you like my very old-fashioned wall paper? It is original to the house, in the dining room.) Oh, back to the quilt. I hand quilted it 1 inch apart and hand stippled the border. It has a hanging sleeve and signature and date on the back. I absolutely loved making this quilt! All the fabrics are 1800's reproductions.

So if you would kindly leave me a comment, I will put you in the drawing! If you could pass the drawing on to others in your blog rings, that would be great, too. So comment, OK?!! :) The drawing will be on April 30th, to give lots of people time to comment and participate. There may be other goodies in the package as well!

Ok, these are my colors for the Orange Crush quilt. The orange on top is really more orange than the picture, and the red plaid is more red. Vibrant! I hope it turns out well. These are stash fabrics for the most part. Hope everyone is having a wonderful day today!!



Kristie said...

Oh yes!!!! Me! Me! Me! Put me in for it! I love it! The 1800's fabrics are my favorites! That is one reason that I am doing the Civil War Diary Quilt, because I like the fabrics. I plan on decorating my new house in that style...if we ever get it finished. I just love the little quilt, such a great idea. I am also doing the Orange Crush, but I so like your fabric choices better than mine. I can't wait to see it.

Anonymous said...

Pick Me, Pick Me, pretty please.... hmm what can I bribe you with?'s gorgeous Julie, fancy giving it away, but I won't argue if you pull my name out... Did I say Pick Me?..... Love your fabrics for the orange crush, and oh please pick me....

Cathi said...

Please, please pick me!! I love that little quilt. I am thinking about doing Orange Crush -- but so far have been able to resist.

antique quilter said...

I would love this little quilt it would love living here in our home with other little quilts I own.
she would be hung with pride on my wall of little quilts I am planning!
great job and love the fact it was made with left overs :)

Unknown said...

Hi Julie,
Beautiful work and how generous!! Please enter me in your drawing, I would be honored to have some of your beautiful work in my home!! I will pass the info along.

Sue Cahill said...

It would be so unbeleivable to win that lovely little quilt! I'm going to keep everything crossed even if it s painful.

karen said...

What a cute little quilt!! I love it.

tami said...

It's beautiful. I LOVE it. Pick me! Pick me! I have the spot all picked out on my stairway wall. :cO

Darcie said...

That is a fantastic little quilt of leftovers. Just like a tasty casserole...the leftovers are just as good or better than the first time around. lol I would love to be in your drawing!

I love your plaids! I used to be so wild about plaids when I was doing lots of piecing for myself. Good luck on the Orange Crush!

country mouse said...

Oh Yeah! Happy Spring! I would love to be entered to win such a sweet little quilt!

Great fabrics for your Orange Crush Quilt. The more I see from those who are doing Bonnie's mystery the more I think about joining in myself.

Jan said...

Isn't it nice to see Spring? I love your little quilt--you did a great job on it!!! Your colors for Orange Crush are great!

*karendianne. said...

Golly gosh count me in!!! I love this little quilt. So simple and sweet. Very neat.

Nicole said...

Can you add my name to the list for the lovely little quilt?

oh and ..... pick me, please? :D

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, such a beautiful little quilt ! Please, pick me, it wold look sooo nice on my wall ! :>)
(cross my fingers and toes)

I just LOVE our fabric selection for the Orange Crush project, I'm sure the quilt will be gorgeous ...

Smiles from my little corner of the world !

Marilyn Robertson said...

Ohhhhhh pick me!!!!! I just love your little quilt! The fabrics are right up my alley! The fabrics for the Orange Crush look great. I have been resisting this mystery quilt, but I feel my resistance is fading! I have so many projects to do.....but another Bonnie mystery....maybe I should...

Beertje Zonn said...

What a beautiful Quilt!
Kind regards

Beertje Zonn

Tine said...

I just read about you and your give-away over on Canton Village Village Quilt Works! What a great blog you have.
And I have to say, I like your wallpaper very much.
And the's fantastic! Keeping my fingers crossed :-)

Dandelion Quilts said...

Wow, this is very nice of you! Look at all of that hardwork. I love reproduction prints! You have a nice blog, I shall come back. Jackie sent me this way.

JUSTINE said...

I just LOVE scrappy quilts. I'm a closet blog watcher and when I saw your lovely quilt I finally decided to comment!!! I'll give your lovely quilt a good home (& send you a pix). Please pick me!

Nancy said...

Put me in the draw also...although I never win anything....

Love the little quilt. I am sewing today also...

Nancy in MT said...

Your scrappy quilt is just wonderful, as is your handquilting. I love the fabrics you have chosen for your orange crush quilt. We are finally having signs of spring, the sun is out and no snow for several days now. I would love to be included in your giveaway. Thanks, Nancy in MT

ikkinlala said...

What a pretty quilt!

Anonymous said...

Me too! I love the background/border fabric!

jacquie said...

This is a beautiful little quilt. I think I could make a good home for it. I'm glad I found your blog. Jackie at Canton Village sent me over. Love your blog and your quilts. I'll be back!

Stina Blomgren said...

Ohh...beautiful little quilt...clever to use your leftover scraps from your the colours. I´ve been very determined NOT to start OC before my CC is finished!!! Borders missing there...
But..please add me to your give away..Thanks

Leanne said...

What a lovely quilt.....Put my name down.

Jeanne said...

Please add my name to the hopefuls. The quilt is terrific.

Patti said...

What a perfect little quilt! Great use of your extra squares. Isn't it just so much fun making little quilts? Takes just a short time - relatively speaking - and gives one such a feeling of accomplishment. This would live very happily at my house!

Texan said...

Please count me in on your drawing!

What a nice prize!

Debbie said...

Oh what a nice giveaway! I would love to provide a good home to this lovely quilt!

Ginger Patches said...

Yikes I just now finished a post...I'll go edit real quick...great little quilt!

Lissa Jane said...

OH OH OH OH This is so cute!!!!! dont you love projects that are leftover ones?? I just made a wee quilt for a swap and I didn't have to make blocks, just used up some bad maths blocks (I can't add up apparently)

This is such a cheery quilt and I need to be cheery'd up! LOL


Anonymous said...

I just think that quilt is calling my name. Pick me!

May Kristin said...

The little quilt is lovely!
I would be pleased to take part in your giveaway, so please put me in your drawing! Take care!

PiecefulChaos said...

I just found your blog through another blog that mentioned your giveaway. Love the quilt and your blog! Please put my name in for the giveaway - I'd love to win that beautiful quilt!

Sipiweske Quilts said...

What a lovely little project! Count me in . . . M.

Darlene said...

Sweet quilt! Pick me, pick me, pick me - pretty please. ;-)

Paula said...

PLEASE pick me!!!! I love your little quilt! I think it would look wonderful hanging on my wall, laying on my table....etc!!! LOL It's adorable!

Joanna said...

So kind of you to give away something so darling! Count me in!

Pat said...

Julie, that is such a cute little quilt. You did a great job.

The Calico Quilter said...

That little quilt is absolutely adorable and I will be "crushed" (get it, crushed?) if I don't win! What a sweet and generous thing to do - giving away all that work.

Quilter Kathy said...

Love your fabric choices for Orange Crush! And your 4 patch leftovers quilt is adorable! Please enter my name in your generous quilt draw!

Granny Lyn said...

Your generosity is amazing,
quilted by hand and heart, and you still give it away? ohhhh I hope it's me, I have nothing as fine as this little baby.
thanks, crossing my fingers,

Anonymous said...

OMG I just love your little quilt enough so to come out of lurking to please do add me to your draw! I hope someday to make enough of these to hang on a wall...still need to finish the two little ones I am working on slowly very slowly! I hope you will still consider me as I do not have a blog just enjoy reading everyones so much inspiration!!
Nicole Kelly

Ruthie said...

That little quilt is so cute! and you made it so fast.
Love it.

Finn said...

Oh yes Julie, me too! What a fun little quilt you have put together. It's very sweet and I can't believe you are giving it away! But I'd be happy take it! Hugs, Finn

Sally said...

Wow, I just found you! I'd love to win that snappy little quilt! Put my name in please.

Ilissa said...

Beautiful fabric. Please count me in. Thank you for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

oh this is much to wonderful....hoping for lucky stars!!!! Thanks SEW much for sharing such a lovely quilt. Hugs, Annie from San Diego

Becca said...

What a beautiful little quilt! I would love to be in your drawing. We're hoping that spring makes her appearance here soon-it snowed yesterday!


Meike The Dutchlady said...

Count me in too please. I have a perfect empty space for it on my wall ;-)

Joan J said...

Don't you love how "words gets out" when it comes to give aways?! Gotta love it. Very sweet quilt! I'd be honored to have it in my home!

Deb C. said...

Oh beautiful. I like civil war fabrics, but tend to buy bright pink and purples for my 2 young daughters. This would look so great in my office. Yes, I'm a quilter with bare walls. How odd. Aren't we all like the shoemaker's children, or is it just me.

Grazia said...

Here I am!!!!
You're so generous!!!!
Thank you very much Julie!!!

dot said...

Congrats on 68t post. I hope to read at least 668 more. The little quilt is so very cute. You can add me to the drawing.

Sherry said...

Count me in. . .. your quilt is beautiful & I would love to have it for my own.

Your Orange Crush fabrics look terrific also!

Chris@Cats On My Quilts said...

Sign me up. And by the way, that wallpaper looks just like the paper in my sewing room. It was there when we bought the house in 1984 and is still there.

Nanette Merrill said...

its absolutely darling, you are so nice

Anonymous said...

like the colours you choose! I'm not doing the orange crush, but I'll keep "lurking ...

BusybeeDebQuilts said...

Julie - I love the quilt ... just LOVE 4 patches! Please enter me in your drawing!

Perry said...

My time, my time!! love this quilt! It is so pretty and I have just the place for it!!! Good fabrics for the Orange Crush.

Linda said...

I love the quilt and can't imagine you giving it away but since you are, please put my name in and pick me! Beautiful work! I will pass the info along.

I like your crush fabric too...

I am so ready for the next step, I can't wait to see all the quilts with all the different colors. Quilty hugs, Linda said...

Julie, what can I say...your mini quilt is just too cute! I have the perfect place for it in my dining room so please feel free to send it here to beautiful New Jersey for a closer inspection.
Peggy A

~Joan said...

Count me in on the give-away.


MARCIE said...

Very cute little quilt! Please count me in on your drawing. Love your apple pie advice. Really tho, how bad could it be?

Anonymous said...

Nice quilt. Good luck on your blogs

Unknown said...

Hey look I think I'm your 68 comment. Does that give me a advantage to win the Here's to many more blogs. Cindy F

KC Quilter said...

Wow, Julie, how generous of you!!!! Yes, please, put me in the drawing. That is a darling quilt.

Heather said...

What a generous gift!

Saige said...

Yay! A fellow hand quilter! I really like the look of the Harlequin Squares. In the few quilts that I've done, I machine pieced, but hand quilted, and good gracious! it takes a long time. I am completely in awe that you would give a quilt away.

SandyQuilts said...

I have to throw my hand in the air .... the quilt is too cute.

Pintoo said...

this is great!!!. i should learn quilting now..

frugallm said...

I'm drooling! I have wanted a quilt for so long and have no sewing skills whatsoever!

elkmeese at

Jo-Anne said...

Here's to hoping I have a little luck coming my way!! This is an adorable quilt...I would love it and treasure it!
Have a wonderful day!

P.S. LOVE the wallpaper, too! :):)

meggie said...

Adorable little quilt! I would love to win that. I am sure it will bring joy to the winner!
What a kind soul you are.

Anonymous said...


vonnie said...

Congrats on your great quilt giveaway!! 1800s fabric.....what a treasure! and so kind to offer!

Hootyboosmom said...

So beautiful! I would love to win this! Thank you so much for offering something as pretty as this!

Chookyblue...... said...

congrats......any excuse to delebrate wil do.......well done

Chookyblue...... said...

opps I meant
any excuse to celebrate will do........

Anonymous said...

This is absolutely fabulous! I want to start quilting but don't really know where to begin. Please count me in, and I will blog about it as well.
amateurdelivre at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

The quilt is very pretty.


Katy said...

The quilt is absolutely gorgeous!!! I would LOVE to win that! What a great giveaway!!!! Thank you soo much for this chance!!! :)

Egater said...

Hi! Greetings from Estonia, from the island Hiiumaa :)
Your quilts look beautiful! And because of that I hope that this time I am a lucky one :)

Unknown said...

WOW it has been awhile since I visited blogs , You know how it is with us doing the OC. Love your little Mini. Put me in the drawing. You sure have plenty takers already. Just want to see your work up close and in my hand. Eileen

Anonymous said...

That little quilt is so very, very cute...thanks for the contest. Your blog is great and I love the colors for your Orange Crush quilt. I only wish I could get ambitious and join in...
Pam A fr NY

Floss said...

What a lovely quilt, please include me in the draw.

Floss said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
*~hj~* said...

Hi Just found you a roundabout way! Please include me in the giveaway! Thanks!

Amy said...

What a colossal idea! And what impecible timing I had to visit your site for the first time. :0)
The word is out----And clearly just about EVERYONE has heard---wow----90 posts prior to me.

I have only done a small wall quilt myself that was hand quilted---otherwise I am a machine quilter (not long-arm though.) THe quilt is adorable!

Tara said...

Oh.. how perfect for spring -- into summer! :) I can't sew a lick, and would love this little quilt -- it'd be big to me! :)

Betsy said...

I would love a little quilt so I have yet to make one. It is beautiful

Phyl said...

The quilt is absolutely darling! I lvoe the fabrics in it.

I am posting about your give-a-way here:

Hugs...and congrats to the winner...what an awesome gift/prize!

Lucy said...

What a lovely giveaway!! count me in. I would love to hang it in my hosue with my other mini quilts!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful quilt. How special you are to give it away.


Betty said...

Beautiful quilt. Please enter me in the drawing. Nice of you to give this away. God bless you.

Anonymous said...

That quilt is just beautiful! I so admire those who sew and quilt. I would love to have an opportunity to win, please enter me :)

Sharon D

Dawn said...

I'm just loving your little quilt - it would look perfect on my newly painted yellow walls! Good choice for your orange crush fabrics - dont forget to show us as you stitch along!.
Kind regards - Dawn

Beth from the Funny Farm said...

Yes! I would love to display that quilt here at our farmhouse!

bbbbbbbbb said...

I never win anything. But not for lack of trying!!!!

Anonymous said...

hello julie

please add me to your drawing.

that littlw quilt would be right at home here! LOL

Debbie said...

Love your little quilt - I love the colors and the size! please add me to your drawing ^debbie^

Wendy said...

Oh you gotta pick me...that quilt would be prefect in my house.

Susan said...

Oh, that quilt is a beauty. Yes, put my name in. Who knows I might even be the winner.

Cherie Moore said...

Love your fabric choices for the Orange Crush mystery! I've been lurking but you've brought me into the commenting world :)

Anonymous said...

Count me in your give away.
I love your small Amish quilt.
I look at your blog every morning.

Quilt Enthusiast said...

Count me in.
Love the Amish little quilt.

Bunny B said...

Oooo... lovely!! I'd love, love, LOVE to win!! Thanks so, so much :)

Miss Jean said...

Congratulations on your 68th post or for spring or for sunshine!!! I love the 1800'a fabric - the quilt is darling!

scraphappy said...

Wow, what a GREAT quilt. And what a great way to get people to visit your blog! Just look at all of those comments.

Linda C said...

What a cute little quilt, Julie. I didn't come by to get my name in the pot though. Just thought I would see what you have been up to--quite a lot, it would seem! This many visitors would give me the proverbial snowball's chance you know where in the first place, LOL.

Deb said...

Love your quilt! I am tempted to start the orange crush, but just have too many irons in the fire! Thanks for doing this give away!

ladydi said...

What a darling little quilt, and such lovely work. I sat right down and drew a pattern so I can make my own in case I don't win. I do love small quilts!

Vickie E said...

Sign me up. glad I found your blog!!

Terri Fisher said...

What a darling little quilt! Thank you for sharing your beautiful handiwork with the blogosphere! I love the 1800's...the Civil War era is my favorite in US this fabric just resonates with me. Please count me in on your giveaway...and Happy Spring to you, too!

Anonymous said...

I keep trying to get my Grandmother to make me a quilt, I would love to win this!

Karrin Hurd said...

Great quilt, I too would like to be in on the drawing!

Ulla said...

What a great give away.

Ulla said...

What a great give away.

Ms. Jan said...

Darling little quilt--thanks for hosting a great giveaway!

~Bren~ said...

How did I miss this??? 120 comments?? I think my chances are slim, but I will add my name anyway!! The little quilt is GORGEOUS!!!!!

Arlette said...

Wow, what a lovely quilt and you're giving it away??? LOL I appreciate the opportunity to enter your giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Happy Spring! Please add me to the very long list of hopeful women (and maybe men???)for your giveaway.
I am doing my OC as a SC (strawberry crush)in very hot pinks and lime green. Can't wait for the next clue.
Good idea for leftovers! Hope I win.

Anonymous said...

Would love to have this quilt come live in my home. Beautiful!


Anonymous said...

Lots of comments in here and my friend Stina told me to go and leave a comments to your give away. So count me in your drawing.
Nice idea to use your leftover fabric to mad a small quilt..

Take care!

Paula, the quilter said...

O, you can throw my name into the hat too! That little quilt is a dear.

Jen said...

I would love to own this quilt! I tried making one this size myself but still haven't finished (so I'm not a sewer...)

Anonymous said...

I would love to win your little quilt, it's just lovely. Those reproduction fabrics are my favourite.

Fabrics for your Orange Crush look great, too. I would love to do that quilt, but I really mustn't start another project until I get some finished.

Libby said...

Well, I sure would love to have a try at being picked *s*

Bea said...

I think I will be the last here - but this cute quilt is fantastic! Please pick me!

P. Lee said...

My family loves quilts - as I type I am curled up in the one my mother made me for Christmas - Oh please enter me!

Christine said...

Read about your giveaway on Stina's blog. You are very generous to part with such a lovely little quilt. I love little quilts and yours is just delightful. Please add my name to the list of entrants. I would give it a very good home.

Nan said...

Such a lovely quilt and so lovely of you to want to give it away to a loving home! I hope I am so honored.....

Love the fabrics for the orange crush, too!

p.s. I read about your give away on Linda's blog (All Stitched Up)!

Shar said...

oh it's a gorgeous little quilt! I love it! Please enter me in your drawing.


Helen from N.Y said...

Its been that kinda just sat down and did my favorate thing started reading blogs please throw my name in with all our other friends for that lovely quilt. Thank you
take care
Helen from N.Y

Debbie said...

Hi Julie,
What a generous giveaway.How could you give it away, wish I was that good. Thanks.

martimez said...

I like very much this cute quilt!
Márta from Hungary

Mrs. Sew and Sew - Karen said...

Please enter me in your drawing. I love the little quilt. It would fit in perfectly with my dolls that live here.

I love your blog. Have a great day. Karen

Idaho Quilter said...

I would like to have my name thrown in the hat, for a chance to win a very charming little quilt.

Linda T said...

Count me in! I love seeing other people's work - great quilt.

ZONE F DG TEAM said...

How adorable!!! Please coun tme in.

Anonymous said...

I just think the little quilt you made is, so darling..I would love to win your harlequin quilt'..So please add me..

julie said...

Congrats on your upcoming 68th post, spring or whatever (my sons birthday on the 30th, umm, umm).
Count me in the draw please. Nice birthday gift for him don't you think? "Harlequin Square", aptly named.
PS. I can relate to that wall paper.

Pat Winter Gatherings said...

I can't believe you are giving away a quilt. Please put my name in and I will keep my fingers crossed. Thank you.Pat

Lorraine said...

What a gorgeous little quilt....would love to be in the draw....I haven't started the organge crush yet...too many other things on the go!

Heike said...

What a nice quilt. I love those fabrics very much.

Sherry said...

What a wonderful giveaway prize. I'd be happy to display this little quilt in my home.

Nancy said...

What a neat quilt. I really like the 1800's replica fabrics. Hope I win.

Susie said...

I don't know how I missed your contest. This sweet little quilt looks like another pattern called Uncle Frank's Socks. Cute, cute, cute.

Shelina said...

Wow what a gorgeous quilt! I can't believe you are giving it away, but since you are, you might as well give it to me. I love it!

Di~ said...

I want it too! Hand quilting whew, you are generous! I never win these little giveaways, but guess I'll keep trying! Thanks!

Unknown said...

Gosh what a lot of comments - please add mine to them

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...