Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all!!  Of course, my main quilting mission at this time every year is Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt. Annie, Cheryl, Kathy are some of the quilters I know are working on this quilt...are you working on this quilt as well?   I am on track to finish strong! Each bin is a clue.  These are saline syringe cartons from the hospital, which are thrown away each day.  Why not recycle them?  I have yet to finish the fifth clue, but I do have my fabric at the ready.  Just need that ever-elusive thing...time!  Lucky the kitty is helping with inspection. Quality control, you see!

I finished another pink block for Block heads five.  Great fun! 

After all this quilting...we just MUST rest!!!
My iris is blooming in December.  Hmmmm.  why???

I have been playing with plaid log cabin blocks.  Stay tuned!  They are such great fun!!!  I did have a picture but darling kitty helped with the touch screen...and poof!!  Picture deleted!!!  Next time, hopefully, I will have a quilt made of them.  

Hope you have a wonderful day.  I am working a 12-hour shift in hospice today.  Hope all goes really well.



Friday, December 8, 2023

Mystery quilt, clue number three

OH, for the glory of a day off work!!!  About is my starting point, clue three of the mystery quilt.  All the clues are here:

All of clue three is cut out and ready to go.  Here are my first four sets.  It is great fun and not too late to join in!!

I finished another block for Lisa Bongean of Primitive Gathering's quilt along.  The patterns are only free for a month.  I have it on my calendar to print the pattern out each month.  

This block holds a secret, though.  Under one of those pink flowers is a pin, that held the vine in place.  It is totally sewn in, now!!  I will wiggle it out, one way or another.

 Here is a picture of Lucky, our kitty, who grows about 2 inches in length per day.  Exaggerating?  Maybe a little bit...but wow, is he ever growing fast!!  He was 4 ounces when we found him.  6.5 pounds today, and 4.5 months old.  He is purring in my lap as I type.  He is the softest thing.

Have a great day, each of you!


Saturday, December 2, 2023

Mystery quilt!!!!!

I have had this small quilt out for fall.  I loved making it about 15 years ago.  It is so soft and worn !
I am working on the Quiltville mystery quilt!!!  I am working with yellow fabrics, so of course I save the trimmings and make a scrap heart; these are fun!!  The link is below for the mystery quilt.  Plenty of time to jump right in there...I know Kathy is making it...who else is joining in?  

Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!

Rainbow quilts!!!  I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...