Monday, December 26, 2022

Mystery quilt, clue five

Happy day after Christmas!!!  Clue five of the mystery quilt has been released, and many of us are hard at work sewing pieces and parts, and surprising, we are making blocks already!!  

Mine are super scrappy.

I have two made, and others in the pipeline!  Great fun!

 A dear friend from my childhood (we are talking 50 years ago) has sent me these cat blocks.  Rather, she sent me the brown pieces.  I have this many pieced. How fun to connect with someone I used to do 4-H with at 8 years of age??

Hope you are having a great day, each of you!  I am in cleaning mode...zoom, zoom!


Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Mystery quilt, step four finished

Good morning!  Above are my mystery quilt clues.  I am caught up!  Hurrah!!  You can find the mystery here, and all the clues are available, but will not be free forever.

Quiltville's Quips & Snips!!: Chilhowie Mystery!

I finished hand binding this quilt.  It is very, very heavy, as the machine quilter chose to put minky on the back and save my backing for a later quilt. She asked me if I trusted her, and I said yes.  So, I have a very different quilt, and I really like it.   IT IS HEAVY!  Like a weighted quilt.  It reminds me of the quilts we used as a child, which were so heavy that it made it hard to get out of bed.  It was hard to bind, because of the bulk of the minky fabric, which is a very soft, thick, fur type fabric.  

I finished this binding as well.  I am so glad to get these accomplished and in the books!  This quilt is a chemo quilt.

I used another fabric for the binding...using what I have.

 I finished the hand quilting on this little quilt.  I adore it...because it is plaid, LOL!

Have a lovely day, each of you!  I work on the holiday, so Merry Christmas to you! Our hospital is overrun with covid, flu and RSV, like every other hospital in America.   Maybe I can be off Christmas Day if our unit stays closed???  Haha!  Likely story!


Saturday, December 17, 2022

Progress, and Linking to Lori, at Humble quilts!

Good morning to everyone!!  I am linking the above image to Lori's blog, Humble quilts.  She had a super fun quilt along, making the above quilt.  While my quilt is not completed, I really like it so much (read love!)  and cannot wait for my days off to work on it!!  I am stuck at the borders.  Lori said she had trouble making the borders fit that were in the book, so I am considering what I need to do.

Please see the above post on her blog.

I am playing with these blocks, and want time to finish them!  They are 6 inch finished.  

I am working on the mystery quilt too.  See the free pattern here, at Quiltville.   I will show pictures later, as at this point I have a bunch of cut out pieces, and some pieced units.

 I love this tiny quilt, made by Janet...I have it out year round, but it is precious to me, especially at this time of year.  Please see her blog here!

Have an amazing day!  If your day is not amazing...make it that way!


Thursday, December 8, 2022

Mystery quilt!!

Good morning to all!!!  Mystery quilt season is upon us!!!  I have been steadily sewing these little units.  It is great fun to make this quilt each year!

Please see here...the quilt just started and there is plenty of time to join in.

Quiltville's Quips & Snips!!: Chilhowie Mystery!

I saved the tiny bits cut off from the above clue blocks and made tiny little half square triangles.  Geesshhh!  They are itty bitty!

 This little buddy is a quilt made from my "Welcome quilt" cut offs.  I love those plaids!

A great 1930's saying is:  "Waste not, want not."  Although the saying is actually much older in derivation, I like to think it came from that era.  

Hope each of you is having a lovely day!


Thursday, December 1, 2022

November monthly mini

Good morning to all! I finished this little quilt, and it is mini of the month for November.  It is machine quilted from the back, using the pattern of the fabric for a guide for the quilting.  

I made my first flowering snowball block!!  Great fun, and lots of potential here!

 A few more bowties came into being.

Hope each of you is doing fantastic!


Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!

Rainbow quilts!!!  I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...