Tuesday, July 26, 2022


Well, goodness sakes.  I thought I did not have any dark blues, so I went on Amazon, and found a super-duper good deal, and these arrived, which are mostly NOT dark blue.  

And then?  I found my cache of dark blues!!!  Crazy girlie!!!  I will use these blues for another quilt!!!

The little glass bottle that this plant resides in is a medication piggyback from work. We throw these away by the hundreds every day.  I asked my boss if I could have a few from the trash, and he did not care, so I washed them out and then I root these and other plants in them.  Just trying to help use things again, as we throw away so, so much in this society.  All the food that comes up on trays, even if it is never touched pre-packaged food, and never goes into a patient room, is thrown away.  So much waste!!  I understand why, but it pains me, nevertheless.

My darling friend in Australia is going on a big trip in her caravan!!!  I think a caravan is a camper (as we say in America).  I just love hearing about her adventures, and where she is going, and I am following her updates on my map, and then I look up and learn about the places she is going to.  I love it! Thanks, Lyn!!

Ahhhh, the Appalachian trail!!  A mecca for hikers and nature lovers, this trail has always appealed to me, and it is some 2000 miles long, beginning to end.  I just ordered and received this book.  It is the story of a lady, an OLDER lady, who hiked it beginning to end!  I cannot wait to read it!!!




Elle said...

I haven't seen a glass piggyback in at least a decade! Oh, and I live by "don't ask, don't tell".

Anonymous said...

I read the book. Quite the lady !

cityquilter grace said...

when my daughter was born i got a tiny blue vase with a flower on my tray which i have kept all these years...i have an aussie friend who is on a 3-month sojourn around australia...the photos are beyond amazing!

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Bravo for rescuing items from the trash that can be used and reused. I recycle and upcycle as much as I can because of my Mom’s influence.

Lori said...

You will love that book! What an amazing story! I'd love to caravan in Australia! Sounds like fun.

Lori said...

PS, hubby is working for the airlines and all the disinfectant wipes that people do not use or open get thrown away. He brings them home and I tell ya, they've been handy with both of us having covid!

WoolenSails said...

I usually buy fabric in shops and have some good ones that are not too far, so hard to tell true colors online.
That book looks interesting, might have to check it out. I have been on parts of the trail, and hoping to get to the maine end, at least for the views.


Anonymous said...

Bill Bryson also writes interesting books on expeditions he does in US. He wrote one on the trail as well. Can you imagine being a nurse in some of those poor areas near the trail? I would want to feed, clothe and read books to every child.

AnnieO said...

I like those blues, but yes, they aren't dark! Blue is the color I have the least of in stash. It can be hard to find a really good dark blue print, for sure.
What a fun expedition that sounds, Downunder!
"Good on you", as they say Downunder, for repurposing what would be trash. The amount of plastic I throw away in packaging is sickening. We try to recycle as much as possible.

Chookyblue...... said...

the little cuttings look like they are going well........
Oz is a great place to tour.......

ButterZ said...

Where about sin Aus is your friend . My hubby is doing a loop of Aus. on his motorbike with my 2 brothers. He has been going 3 1/2 weeks now and is over in Broome

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...