Tuesday, May 31, 2022

A circle of friends!

Good morning!!!  I have almost finished my mini for last month.  I just lack hand sewing the binding down, which I love to do.  Hurrah!  I added hearts in the red pieces of the borders, as the big red splotches were just too much.  I also added embroidery to the hearts, for some texture and interest.

Speaking of mini quilt, here is mine for this month!  Or next month?  Anyway, the wagon wheel centers yielded some off cut circles...thus, this little circle quilt was born.  

I did get three more wagon wheels appliqued.  Very scrappy; nothing goes together, which is just fine.

I made a little rug for Memorial Day and the fourth of July, coming up.  I have made this particular quilt in the past...just a little thing.  

And a tomato!  First of the season.   It is a tiny thing but is a welcoming of summertime.

*************************An idea****************************

What if you needed, say, 2-inch purple strips for a project you were working on, but did not have many purples?  (Just an example).  Or what if you needed plaid brown fabrics?  Etc... you get what I mean.  Would it be possible for us to share our fabrics with each other? A quilting circle of friendship!  A sharing of resources.  A lot of quilters have a LOT of fabric.  Wouldn't it be fun to share with each other, rather than go and try to buy something?  Just thinking of using things up, here.  A circle of quilting friends!  

If I do not have it, I could post it on the blog, and share your email so that people could help you...I bet we could widen and enjoy our circle of friends, and also share our resources, and use them up!  It would be great to share, instead of dying with a huge fabric stash some day, which gets sold in an estate sale, LOL!

So...tell me...what do you need?  Is there anything specific for a project that we could help you with?  

Just thinking here...do you think it would work?

Also, I am having the hardest time getting comments to go to my email consistently.  From now on, I am going to answer in the comment below your comment, if it does not go to my email.  That way, you know I am paying attention, and very much appreciate the comradery and fun of comments!!!


Monday, May 16, 2022

An old, old UFO...and binding!

Good morning!!  I have been kind of casting about, trying to figure out what to work on, which is a product of having too many irons in the fire.  I pulled out this old, old UFO...I think it is called Wagon Wheel.  It is basically a pinwheel block, framed with muslin, and then a circle appliqued on top.  I made a lot, lot of progress on it, in the middle of the night...a quiet time, where I can concentrate and enjoy the process.  What a mess, don't you think? LOL!  I am so glad I saved all the pieces and parts and sashing, etc, all in the same place.  I am enjoying the fact that I have improved on my pinwheel making...not one of these has a point that meets in the middle!  That is OK...we all start somewhere.  Also, it is interesting to figure out why I got stuck and this became a UFO.  For one thing, the applique slowed me down.  For another thing, I am missing a block!  Maybe that is what made this become a UFO! Maybe a squirrelly new project took my attention and ran with it! If you think about it, what is the thing that makes you stop work on a project?

 I am binding this quilt, the mystery quilt from last year.  I am going with a single fold binding on this one...please tell me your opinion of this, versus a double fold binding?

Happy Monday!


Thursday, May 12, 2022

At long last!

This quilt was the Grid girls quilt from last fall.  The idea was to choose five coordinating fabrics and use them in a quilt along.  Here is the result.  I took it promptly to a local quilter, who then had some health issues and also was remodeling her home. She just did not ever get to it, due to these issues.   Finally two weeks ago, I asked for her to just give it back to me, and I sent it off to be quilted.  2 weeks later, here I am!!!  Just need to stitch the binding down.

Have you ever found a heart in the goings and comings of your day?  A lot of sewists are making hearts and placing them where they can be found, and kept by the finder!  Here is the link to the website.


 I am up to twelve blocks, using the scrap bag.  Hurrah!  I have no idea how to set these together!


Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Cross stitching??

I caught Rosie in a nap!!  She is my darling girl!

I was folding quilts and came across this plaid bear paw.  Hand quilted, as I did everything back then.  

Plaids are so much fun!

My goodness, it has been a long time since I cross stitched!! I found a free pattern on Pinterest and stitched it yesterday.  It is so much fun...but I want to make quilts, instead of this.  Anyone out there REALLY into cross stitch?

 And two more scrappy blocks!!  Fun and fast, especially if I have them cut out ahead of time.

What are you working on??


Monday, May 9, 2022

Happy Mother's Day!

Good morning to everyone!  Snuggles is having a free applique quilt along.  You can find these patterns here:

Snuggles Quilts – Snuggles Quilts

I made one twice the size, to make a Medalion style quilt.  Although!  The center block is not twice the size as the others.  I will need to put a border around it.  When designing my own setting, I am calling this a design variation, instead of cutting the block too small!  

These blocks are from a scrap bag...and guess what?  I actually bought a BOLT of fabric, background fabric!  That is my big investment...with a 40% coupon from Joann's.  This white fabric is such nice quality, not flimsy muslin; it actually has some weight and body to it!  Love, love!!!  This way I can pair it with all my scraps.  I am really enjoying it!
Rosie had to check out the blocks for accuracy.  This little girl!!!  Blind now, glaucoma, Cushing's disease, diabetes, congestive heart failure, hypertension...she has all of it.  And yet?  She just flirts and prances herself around like there is not a thing in the world wrong with her!

I hope each of you had a nice Mother's Day.  Whether you are a mother of human children, animal kids, or nurture others...I think we are all moms in our own way!

Hope each of you has a lovely day!


Monday, May 2, 2022

New projects to work on!!

Good morning!!!  I have been working on the Red Sampler, from Bee in my Bonnet.  This was from last year, I think...and goes through her books, using this pattern and that pattern.  I am drafting my own versions as I go.  Loving it!!!

 I started something brand new!!  If you can guess what the quilt is, from this start, I have a gift to send to you!!!    First correct answer wins!

Have a lovely day!


Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!

Rainbow quilts!!!  I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...