Sunday, March 27, 2022

Back from the quilter!

My quiltville mystery quilt is back from the quilter!  I am absolutely delighted with the finishing this quilter it! 

Here is a close up of the quilting.  I just adore it!

 This quilt is next up for hand quilting, but I am out of batting...will wait for a Joann's sale.

Hope you are doing great!


Saturday, March 26, 2022

Cancer quilts

Good morning!  My friend Shelly, at my work, was feeling tired and was pale.  Her husband took her in to the ER...long story short, she has a GI workup for anemia, upper and lower scopes, and... she has invasive colon cancer with metastasis to the liver.  She is 48 years old.  She had her PET scan yesterday.  

The hospital doctors already put in a chemo port, (mediport) and she will start aggressive chemo to shrink the colon tumor and hope they can resect that part out.  

Shelly likes bright colors, and especially blue.  I cut a blue quilt out, but I cannot get it done quickly enough.  Just cannot, so I worked on this one a lot of the night last night and will back it in blue, get it quilted, and to her ASAP.  


This is pile of blues I had...all my light blues.  
Now they are cut up into strips, and I will work on them, to make a pineapple blossom quilt.  

This is an x-ray of my doggy, Rosie.  Rosie has some congestive heart failure...diabetes...glaucoma numbers rising...blindness...collapsing trachea...just on and on. Poor darling girl...every moment is precious with her.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Ukrainian quilts

 Good morning to all!

This pattern is called Scrappy Susanna.  It is by Andy, a very fun quilter indeed!!!  I am making this quilt for Ukraine, from my 2.5 inch strips.  

You can find the pattern tutorial here:

Hope you are having a fantastic day!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Spider webs and the paper plate method!

I was recently at the Dallas Quilt Show!!!  Oh was cancelled for two years I think, due to covid...I did a quick run through and adored seeing the quilts.  I am skittish due to covid, but kept my mask on and tried to avoid too much crowding...still that covid ICU nurse, here.  I am sick of covid, and that is a fact, LOL, just as everyone is!

 There were many fewer venders...covid influenced, I am sure.  But!  I saw many scrappy creations that made my heart sing!  Above are some tiny 3 inch churn dash blocks...I fell in love with the quilt that they came from, "Long Time Gone," by Jen Kingwell.  They are tiny blocks, all in a sampler.  Love, love!  I am just playing around with making some of those tiny churn dash blocks. Long Time Gone Quilt Pattern by Jen Kingwell Designs : Arts, Crafts & Sewing

You can find it at Jen's website, too.

I use paper plates to organize my cut pieces.  I cut out the pieces, label the block, and take them to the sewing machine.  Or if I don't get them sewn that day, at least I have them labeled!!  Ask me what happens when I don't label them, LOL!

 Isn't this fun?  It is a spider web piece, made of cherished leftover pieces.  I am in deep love with it.    

Thank you so, so much for everyone for your response to the last post!!  I sold everything except the quilt tops...

Speaking of that, 

Elizabeth Withnell, will you please contact me?  I emailed you back, but your address bounced back? thank you so much!!!  About the quilt top...


Monday, March 14, 2022

Sale benefitting Ukraine!

Are you ready????  Ok, everyone.  I am led to sell some things and send the money for the benefit of the Ukrainian people.  Above is my entire collection of Kaffe Fassett fabrics and bright fabrics.  

$ 40.00 takes all...a lot of fat quarters, some small pieces.  Shipping is included!!!!!!



The above two pictures are of my kit, "Borderland", by Barbara Brackman.  The kit includes the book, quilt shop quality fabrics (kits) for each block, and several yards of border and finishing fabric.    I will never finish it, as I have had it for a while, and it is not getting done.  One of those little kits was 12 dollars, so this is a huge deal for someone inclined to finish this one. 

$60.00 takes all.  Shipping included!!



These plaids came from Keepsake Quilting.  Almost all are fat quarters...some are smaller.  These are pastel, woven plaids.  I am in deep lust with them, but I would like to help!  

$50.00 takes all, shipping included!!



How about some quilt magazines?  I tried to pick a variety of my favorites.  Just one of the Simply Modern magazines is 17.99 new.  

How about $30.00 takes all?  Shipping included!



I have this quilt top.  It is an old one...maybe 1940's and 1950's era fabrics.  Hand pieced, not machine!  It is old...primitive style...not perfect in any way, and that is why it appealed to me.  I have not finished it, and so I am offering it here.  I had all these plans to hand quilt these quilt tops, but time is a wastin'!
It does have some stains, as shown...age spots, I guess.  I do not know if these will come out, as I have never tried to clean it at all.

$40.00 for this one...shipping included.



This quilt top is older, thinner, more fragile.  It too is all hand pieced.  It has genuine 1930's fabrics in it, and 1940's and 1950's too, in my estimation.  

a close up.
It is pretty large...and it is Not square.  It needs love and adoration, and that hand piecing is so amazing.

$40.00 takes it, including shipping.


These are from the quilt shop, in a bundle.  They are low volume reproductions.  

$50.00 takes all, including shipping.

 Pending sale...

I have more things to sell that I am photographing...if you have a desire for anything in particular, books, fabric types, maybe I have some?  I do not have tons, but I have some, and maybe I could help you and you could help Ukraine!  Anyway, please take a look and send me an email if you would like to purchase an item.  I appreciate you looking.  My goal is $700 dollars for Ukraine!!

The organizations I am sending to is 


You choose which you would like to support.
I will post more later on.  

My email address is


Now, where was I???

It has been a whirlwind, these past few days...I am sure you can relate.  I finished the hand quilting on this quilt!!  This is so exciting for me.  I quilted the sashing and borders and all around the applique.  The texture is so yummy!

I also finished the hand quilting on this quilt!!  I promptly dumped it into the washer and dryer, and the crinkling is lovely.  It is a small quilt, maybe lap quilt sized.  Someone will enjoy it on a hospital bed.  

I caved and started this red sampler, and here are my first blocks.  Hurrah!!  I also did a lot of miscellaneous piecing...bowties, four patches and leader ender blocks, but I will save those until they are actually in a quilt to show you.

Ukraine has been much on my mind, and I have made some small coaster type quilts to share at my work with the nurses.  Many prayers accompanied this stitching.  

 And this one is now quilted, too.  Quiltville is starting a heart string quilt along for Ukraine...oh yes, that sounds perfect for me!

**********************Nurse's notes************************

We are in a dip at our hospital, on Omicron covid virus.  We only have three patients in the hospital as of Friday!  One of them is my patient.  A lovely woman, she is a very ill person.  She has been on the ventilator for almost a month now...100% oxygen (Fio2) and 18 of peep (positive end expiratory pressure.).  These are VERY high settings for the vent.  She still tests positive for the virus.  Her husband was also ill but has recovered somewhat, and is now visiting her.  Does your local hospital allow visitors?  They were not vaccinated, and since she had cancer, chemo, and was a big lady, and diabetic...she is dang sick. All the things for comorbidity.   I pray for her very life, but she has made it this far...she has had clots, a heart attack, kidney failure, and pneumonia, several blood transfusions...all related to the virus.  Dang Covid!!!!!!


Ukraine!  I have been glued to the TV, when I can be, and this is so distressing.  I wish I were there and have explored joining the Red Cross...I could be in Poland, helping refugees right now!!  But I have my hubby to care for, and a job...What can I do?

My good friend Joyce Carter said, and she is probably right, that the people of Ukraine need money, not quilts.  I cannot help it, I feel very led to make quilts for the refugees...but how can I get more money to send?  I am kind of maxed out on spending, right now...but I have some things I would can sell to raise some money for those poor people!!  Please stay tuned...I am going through things and selling some lovely items and sending the money to those worthy agencies that can help.

This general feeling of impending doom related to Ukraine has made me reevaluate my self reliance and independence...those 1930's feelings, you know?  I mean...a grill to cook on...stores of food...flour  and yeast stocked up...a camp stove....water and the like.  My early family training is kicking in!  Prices are sky here...hamburger is 10 dollars a pound.  Gas $4.15 at last fill up.  Wow!  How about where you are?


On that have a great day, each of you!


Wednesday, March 2, 2022


I am playing with borders today.  Just trying things out a bit!!!

 This border is attached!!  Hurrah...borders are hard for me to decide on!

Hope you are doing great!!


Tuesday, March 1, 2022

The fate of our Dear Jane???

Here is where I am with Dear Jane.  These blocks take me an hour to 3 hours each to make.  My friend Lyn has already completed her Dear Jane quilt!!!  and it is beautiful!

I just took this out of the quilt closet to take a look and devise a plan of what to do next.

 I am working on an applique block per month and I just sit quietly and stitch during online church.  The birdie block is the block for this month.  You can find the free patterns here:

Block of the Month – Snuggles Quilts

I am quite worried about the Ukrainian war with Russia.  I feel driven to make a blue and yellow quilt, which I cut out last night while worrying about the situation.  With worry, though, comes prayer, and I want this little quilt to be filled with prayers and love.  I will give this one to a Ukranian refugee, and I know they are coming to our shores, too.


Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!

Rainbow quilts!!!  I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...