Sunday, February 27, 2022

Hearts for Ukraine


Hello, everyone.  I just had to join Bonnie Hunter and make a heart quilt for Ukraine.  I am praying for peace, and swiftly!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

A big, big project, coming to fruition!

Wow!  As are many other quilters, I am trying to finish what I have started.  Three years ago, I started making these 1930's fabric blocks, from Bee in my Bonnet (Lori Holt). I did not have Lori's fabrics, darn it all, but I used what 1930's fabrics I had, and this is what I came up with. Not all the fabrics are 1930's, because I had to add whatever fabric from my scraps that would work for the color required.  There is still a lot of work yet to do, as I have to sew strips between each of the rows, then sew all the rows together, and then a border.  But I made great progress today!  

I am very excited to have made progress on this giant project.  

So, if you go to her blog and go back to 2019...all the free patterns are right there, still!  I really appreciate this, because it is maddening to be trying to make a quilt and the pattern is gone after a week.  Thank you, Lori!

 As I was sewing along, I used the trimmings to make other blocks...I have a whole bag full of extra pieces and parts!!  That is fun too...hopefully I can come up with another little sampler.

Hope you are doing well, each of you!


Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Scraps are simply the best thing!

Good morning, or good day, or good evening, depending on where you are!  This project is Bonnie Hunter's leader and ender project of the year.  I have had such a fun time sorting through scraps and just making the wildest...and mildest...combinations!  I adore this.  Scraps rule the roost!

Quiltville's Quips & Snips!!: July 2021 Leader & Ender Challenge: FISH SCHOOL!

The above link is where to find all the information about the leader and ender project.

 Ok y'all. I am so very proud of this!  It looks awful...does not lie wider at some points and narrower at others...there are not the same stiches in each row...there are HOLES in it!  LOLOL!!!

But!  I learned so very much.  I loved knitting it!  It is my first knitting project.  I learned how to bind off!  I learned how to purl!  I learned how to not make holes in the project...hahahaha!  I learned that the yarn must come from the front when you purl, and the back when you knit.  I just absolutely loved the whole thing.  

So, these knitting needles are bamboo, from Amazon.  They sold a zillion sizes for not very much money, and I was hooked.  They are NOT GOOD!  They are rough, the yarn catches on the shaft of the needle, and the knobby bit fell off of one needle, causing all my stitches to fall off the needle.  

So I am on the hunt for good knitting needles.  Which ones are good?

Have a lovely day...remember, striving for complete perfection is not always the best way of learning...must go through trial and error and reading the book again and make positive progress is the best thing!


Wednesday, February 9, 2022


The generosity of quilters is just amazing!  A very kind lady named Mary, from Idaho, made these pillows and sent them to me, for our patients!  Thank you so very much, Mary.  She sewed the pillows from her stash, sent them to me, and I stuffed them and sewed them closed.  They are perfect...and so appreciated. During the worst of the covid, no one was making pillows, and we sure missed them.  They are perfect for a nodding head, for an incision brace pillow, etc.  Aren't these pretty????

I made some pencil pouches for the nurses and secretaries and techs at work.  
And why not start a lovely new project?  Annie and I are making a humdinger of a quilt...want to join in?  Here is the quilt and the link!!!!!!  I think it is glorious!

Vanessa VanTrease Quilts | Everything quilts and quilting related! (


Have a great day, each of you!!

Monday, February 7, 2022

A UFO top completed!!

It all started when I needed something to applique, or hand stitch, during our on-line church service.  I hurriedly pulled this quilt out and started the last finishing applique.  Somehow, that snowballed into getting borders cut and put on the quilt.

I am just delighted to finish this up, at last.  Hurrah!!!  This one is to be hand quilted.

 I have been working on learning to knit! I was so fortunate and blessed to be gifted with books, yarn and knitting needles, so that I could learn.  I have read the books front to back, and cast on several times, and I am working on learning how.  I think I have the knit stitch down fairly well, and now I am working on the purl stitch.  And then?  I would like to make!

How many of you are knitters???


Saturday, February 5, 2022

Mysterious quilts by Annie!

 My friend Annie sewed this lovely mystery quilt!!  We both used a straight set for our blocks, instead of on point.  I really like this choice, although the original quilt is amazing too!  This quilt is going to a very special person.  

And lookee!!!  Annie also made this lap quilt, from the leftover blocks!  I love this so much!!!!  It is so much fun to sew along with a friend!!

You can still find all the clues at the above link.  I think they will be going away soon, so go get them now, because later I think she will have a small charge for the mystery quilt.  

I would love to hear about your mystery quilt sewing!


Thursday, February 3, 2022

And the mystery is solved!

Good morning to everyone!  I have completed my Quiltville mystery quilt!  I am contemplating putting another border on the outside...but perhaps not.  Just let it be, maybe?

Did anyone else sew on the mystery quilt this year?  I know a few of you is great fun!!!

Have a great day today...we are in the middle of an ice storm and I anticipate the power to go out any moment.  Too much ice on the power lines.


Tuesday, February 1, 2022

An oldie...

Good morning!  I have, at long last, put this quilt together.  Yahoo! I have had the blocks made for a long time.  I have a patient in mind for this one; she loves purple.  In fact, she wears only purple pajamas, refuses our drab hospital gowns, has her hair dyed purple, has purple nails and a purple handbag and hat!  Every single article of clothing she has is purple, and her car?  IS PURPLE!

So, this is for her.  She comes in over and over again to our unit and has done that for years.  I will surprise her, next time!

I finished the applique on this block.  I am in love with is even and perfect?  Why no!  Why would you ask?  Hahaha!

Perfection is is not!

Have a lovely day!


Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!

Rainbow quilts!!!  I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...