Thursday, January 27, 2022

Time enough to sew

Good morning!  I had a few days off work, so I sewed, and sewed, and sewed!!  I am to here on my solids quilts...using up those solids is a good thing.  I have even more blocks cut out.  I find that if I have things cut out ahead of time, I do much better at making progress on my projects. 

I finished all the blocks for my 1930's quilt!!!  Hurrah!  Now to sew them together!!!  A merry puzzle!

These are my leader and ender blocks.  I have more completed than I thought I did!  These are quite versatile and can be sewn together in lots of ways.  Fun!

These red bowties are my rainbow selection for this year.  They have been cut out for at least a year, so it is time they get sewn together.

I got this binding done!

And this binding done!

And this binding completed.  I changed colors from blue to red, with the binding, around the edge.  

 This is immediately going to one of our vets.  This gentleman was a medic in Vietnam, and then a nurse for many years.  This quilt goes to him and his wife.  She has been faithfully at his side for 44 years. 

Have a good day!


Thursday, January 20, 2022

A free applique pattern

 Good morning!  I prepped an applique block today.  The background is a scrap, and will be squared is pretty crooked.  The pattern can be found here:

Want to join me??  I want to make this quilt, this year.  


Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Mystery quilt progress

Here is where I am on the Bonnie Hunter Quiltville mystery quilt.  I did not put the sashing as suggested, and I also did a straight setting instead of on point.  

I always change something, I guess, LOL!  Rosie was on the quilt but ran off before I could get her picture.  I just gave her a bath, and she smells so sweet.

 These are small, about 1 inch finished or less.  Would anyone like them, or should I toss them?

Congratulations to Robin, and Joyce Carter, who were randomly selected to receive a little coin zipper purse from me...from last post.  Please send me your addresses!  And I will send you an email to let you know, too.

Have a lovely day!


Thursday, January 13, 2022

The Spider and the Fly!

Good morning to everyone, or good evening, if you are in another part of the world!  How are you doing?  I hope everyone is well and chugging right along!

Above is Annie's Spider and the Fly quilt.  Annie lives on an island...a beautiful island with goats and green and loveliness!!  I wanted to share our quilts together, as we had planned to do, but......

Here is my quilt!  LOL!!!  I am delighted and excited to say, that as of this morning, I finished all of the blocks!  HURRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am so excited to be getting closer to done.

Have a lovely day, each of you.


Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Sometimes you just have to have a finish!

I just wanted to start and finish something, all in one I did!  This is a zipper pouch, and the pattern is free, and found here:

It makes a well finished pouch, and takes a bit more time to create, but I think it is worth it.  I will give it to one of the nurses at fact, the first one who says she likes it, shall have it!

I also made a few of these zipper key ring pouches, just right for a few coins or a credit card, to run to the grocery.  If you would like one, please comment below, and I will have a drawing.  If there are more than two...the others are already given away.  So leave your comment!

I made some patient pillows today.  These are 13 inches x 16 inches, and do very well to support a head, nodding to sleep in a chair, or sometimes a surgery wound brace.  Our volunteers used to make them, but the lady who did most of the sewing is 95 years old, and since covid came along, she decided she was finished with that, and did not want to sew for the second half of her life.  (Her words!)  

I made a hat for a lady at work who wanted a blue one.  Covid has us in the worst way at work...people text me all the time with the latest that is going on.  And guess what?  They are letting covid positive nurses take care of patients.  I am livid about it...and will wear all the protection I can...stay out of the break room and take every precaution not to get sick or take it to my hubby.  Not just our hospital, this is happening all over the country.  We just do not have any nurses, so they are letting everyone just work...craziness!  Time for the managers and educators and directors to come out of their safe offices and take care of covid patients!


 Annie sent me these!!  And more yarn, and needles.  I am doing it!  I know you all have heard me prattle on for years about learning to knit...well, here I go!!!!!!  



Sunday, January 9, 2022

Mysterious quilts are so much fun!

Happy Sunday to all, or Monday to you in Australia!!  Above is my Quiltville mystery quilt progress.  There are still more pieces and parts to sew together, so I do not think these are the final blocks.  But it is lots of fun to wonder about how it will turn out!!!!!  It is also so much fun to do with a friend.

I have all the parts sewn, so I am just enjoying sewing blocks together.  FUN!!!

A lady who was in our quilt guild made all these hats, for premature babies. I was given these to take to our director of neonatology, but I wanted to take a picture first.  Aren't they just darling little things???

Hope you are having a great day today!


Monday, January 3, 2022

Happy New Year!!!

Good afternoon!  I worked the New Year's holiday, and so I am taking this moment to catch up a bit.  I am working hard on Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt, at Quiltville.  All the clues are still free, and you can get them here: 

Quiltville's Quips & Snips!!: Rhododendron Trail

 But hurry!  I don't think they will be free...or a mystery...for that much longer!

 I love these soft colors...a summertime, soft looking quilt.  Only a bushel basket full of blocks to still make, and there you go!!!

How are you doing...any goals for the new year???  My mind is whirling with possibilities!


Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!

Rainbow quilts!!!  I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...