Sunday, October 17, 2021

Annie's quilt!!

Happy Sunday (or Monday, depending on where you are, like LYN!) to you!    In my silly mind, my friend Annie lives on a desert island, alone with her goats, and her Bernina sewing machine.  In truth, she lives on an amazingly rural, yet refined and urban island, with many people about!!!  She is an amazing quilter, and we have had such a fun time sharing ideas and energy and fabric and life with each other!!  Above is her quilt, from Bonnie Hunter's quilt, here:

Spider & The Fly Digital Pattern (


Here is my version.  Ahem...not as far along, but I have been working on it, and hope to make more progress for pictures soon!!!

Is anyone making this quilt, too????

On we go!



Libby in TN said...

Interesting how it looks completely different with 9P centers. Both are going to be lovely.

Rose Marie said...

Your twist is interesting and gives a total different look! Love it!

sue s said...

It'll be fun to see how these turn out. I've been debating this pattern but haven't bought it yet.

Binsa said...

Evening Julie enjoyed your post.It is 10.20pm Monday night and we are watching James Bond movie Thunderball

Janet O. said...

It is always fun to see different takes of the same pattern. What a different feel your two quilts have, yet each one is a great quilt.
I laughed at your imaginings of where Annie lives. I would love to see it (and her) someday. Wouldn't it be fun to plan a visit to her island? Now she is probably scared, if she has read this. ;)

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...