Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Jared takes a wife: A Bonnie Hunter Quiltville quilt!

Good morning to you!!  I have been working on these blocks, thirty in all, when they are all completed.  This pattern is found here:  Quiltville's Quips & Snips!!: Jared Takes A Wife!   Just click on the word to get to the post.  I have all the purple pieces pieced.  Say: purple pieces pieced,  five times fast, LOL! It is a tongue twister!   Now, I am busy on the green sections.  This quilt has been cut out for a number of years; time to get it made and on to the new owner!

I do not have any of that terrific yellow that Bonnie used for the sashing...oh, poor me.  I may have to go FABRIC SHOPPING!!!  Hahaha!  

I have been melancholy and dysphoric since my sister passed away (died).  I found myself shying away from even typing the word dying...it is so abhorrent to me, to associate it with her.    I miss her so much.  Of all of us, she was the home body, loving to cook and keep house and sew and still have a wonderful career, too. She was the historian and the memories of the family.  I miss her so very much.  The above scrappy bear paw was used by her daily, for years.  I made it for her in 2010 (according to the label on the back of the quilt), which reads: 

 "May 2010:  For Shireley, with much love.  I hope you feel a hug each time you snuggle with this quilt.  Hand quilted, from my heart to yours, Julie"

I am very glad I dated and labeled it.  I am glad, that she had it all through her nursing home time.  I am kind of glad her husband returned it to me, but kind of sad too...I am not sure what to do with it.  It will always be hers, so I will just display it and not use it, I guess.  It is special to me.  Just too, too sad.  

 So guess what?  After our snow event, with deadly temps in the zero range?  I thought we had lost our outdoor kitties!! But here is the moustache cat, showing back up for supper!!  She is a feral cat...coax as I might, she will never let me pet her or touch her.  But...she survived the cold temps!  Hurrah!!  She is missing a tiny bit of left ear tip, now.  Frozen?  maybe. She has a perfect moustache of fur, if you can see.

Next time, I will show you the little quilts my BIL sent me that my sister made. A few pictures, too...but mostly everything is being tossed, because he has decided to move into assisted living, and sell the house they lived in.  So everything will be gone, as he only will have room for the essentials.  Not sure why he is doing this, as he is a big guy and independent in all ways...I don't know why.

***********************Heathy habits**********************************

So far we have been:

1.  strengthening those abs, to support our backs!

2.  Drinking our water.

3.  Taking our vitamins

4.  Adding a walk to our days

5. Some simple exercises, every day, every day, every day!

6.  Healthy eating.

How about this for a healthy habit?  I want you to take a good look at your medications.  I want you to know them inside and out.  PLEASE do not depend on a doctor to prescribe things for you and take them blindly!  Know what they are, what drug class they are, what they do, what are the side effects to look for, and what you need to do to monitor yourself.  Example:  blood pressure meds:  You need to be measuring your blood pressure before and after the drugs, to see how they are working.  I cannot tell you how many people come to the hospital and don't know what meds they are taking.  "I just take what the doctor says," or "my wife just gives me some pills every day."  Or "I take a blue one and a yellow one."  Makes it tough to make a med list for the doctor to continue meds, or make treatment decisions. 


I am continuing my reading about the 1930's era.  What a horrifying, fascinating time!!   I read in terrible fascination about what the people did to survive, and it was awful.  I am finished with "The Grapes of Wrath", and am now reading "The Worst Hard Time."  Thank you to everyone who recommended books to me.  

What are some foods that were made out of practically nothing, in the 1930's? 

 I have one...biscuits!  Lard and salt and flour and maybe some leavening...that was it!!  Anyone still make those??  Please share what foods made by your family, that came from the era....I know we all know some hard times, hard scrabble food!!

Have a great day, each of you!



Tired Teacher 2 said...

My Mom had a 30s recipe she called Poor Man’s Cookies - no eggs, just flour, lard, raisins and spices, if I remember correctly. They are baked as a bar. My family loved them.

Donna said...

Julie the tipped ear on your feral cat may mean that he was caught and neutered then released again! That could be why he was missing! I am so sorry you lost your beloved sister. It must be really hard! I have two sisters and cannot imagine losing one of them!

Karen said...

My husband's grandmother used to make vinegar pie. My mother-in-law said it tasted like apple pie??
Your purple and green combo made a wonderful quilt top.


Love your purple blocks and it is always good to work on those -long term- projects!
And I have lost a sister to heaven a couple years ago--but we hadn't been close in a long time and she had not been in her 'clear' mind for a long time--so I feel a bit relieved that now she is at peace and dancing with the angels and with our parents--I do miss her--I miss who she was and how creative with decorating she was--before she got so sick--
and now I share your grief though--cause my best friend also became an angel just 2 weeks ago--from complications due to Covid (blood cloths a month later)--we did alot together--or did before Covid--she is the one who helped me shop and set up this apartment 18 months ago--so everywhere I look I see her and miss her terribly--
I am thinking of you--and I do hope it does get a bit easier for us in our losses--
luv, di

Kathleen said...

yep - tipped ear is a signal - a GREAT one, that the cat was a TNR - trap, neuter, release. Some kind soul tried to help control the cat population. All good !

Loris said...

Your colors are so lovely in your Jared quilt. I'm so glad you are finishing it. It's a beauty! My heart goes out to you with remembering your sister. Sisters are the best friends.
My sweet Marianne has a tip missing from her ear. She was a rescue from years past. She is leaving us soon which is kind of heartbreaking but we have been so blessed by how much time she has given us. I'm trying to be strong about it.

Lynn Dykstra said...

It is very important as nurses to use the word "died". It is a cruel but necessary full stop in talking with families. I have heard too often of euphemisms adding angst. "He's gone? Where did he go?" I argued with a head nurse who urged us to say "expired". I challenged her, "Library books expire. Milk expires. People die."

I am so sorry you are walking in that shadow of death. It is a painful place to be.

Terry said...

Take your words on the label of your sister's quilt to heart and wrap yourself in it and feel like you're getting a hug from her. I know it's not the same as having her there, but she loved it and used it and now you still have that little part of her with you.

Binsa said...

My thoughts for you Julie a difficult time.when my dad passed and I was grieving I remembered the good times with him. I haven’t stopped grieving for him and at odd times I cry.It has become a little easier as I hope it does for you Hugs and love.Hard to put into words.

Sherrill said...

DH has been gone 8 1/2 yrs. and I'm still sad often, mourning his loss and all the things we'd planned to do. I honestly don't think it'll get any easier for me at this point. I hope you just remember all the good times and have no regrets (I do and think it makes it that much harder). When you posted the pic of the quilt you made your sister, it made me think of the one I made for mine (she's been gone close to 1 1/2 yrs). I searched through the blog but couldn't find it. She was a gardener so the quilt was garden-themed and she was shocked when I gave it to her at Christmas--she cried.

cityquilter grace said...

milk toast and potato pancakes....

MissPat said...

Julie, it is very normal that you still have such strong feelings about your sister's death as it is early on after her passing. You will always miss her. Be kind to yourself as you work your way through the grieving process. It is sad that your BIL has chosen to sell the house and move to assisted living. The conventional advice is to wait a year after the death of a spouse before making major changes,but perhaps living in the house they shared is just too difficult for him. So many families are facing the same challenges as you are in this very difficult year. Perhaps a grief support group would help you in the future.

Lorraine said...

I am so sorry for the loss of your sister. You showed us the quilt that you made for her and perhaps, when you are feeling most sad wrap yourself in that quilt. I am sure you will feel her spirit with you and that in itself will make you feel better.
As for your feral kitty, I do know that when feral kitties are neutered or spayed they clip their left ear tip to alert people that this kitty is neuter/spayed.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Sending oodles of virtual hugs to you as you grieve for your sister. But I wonder if she would have wanted you to display her quilt or if she'd rather that you use it and wrap yourself in it, especially when you are the saddest?

Flickenstichlerin said...

So nice, wonderful blocks and color combinatons. Go get the yellow fabric for binding.

Janet O. said...

I really like your green and purple blocks. I've made a few quilts in that combination.
So sorry about the deep sadness from the passing of your sister. Since I believe firmly in life after death, I usually say "passing", because they have passed from this life to the next.
Seems your sister would be happy to know that the quilt you made for her could now wrap you in her love.
Praying for your peace and comfort, as always, my friend.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Losing someone close is devastating. We both lost a son (2015 and 2017) then my Cousin died (2019). That one was the most difficult for me. She was as a Sister that I never had - for all my life. Time will help. I agree with your paragraph about medication. I never take anything offered. I control all things with diet and exercise and of course quilting. 2021 appears to be much better for us and my “Claim Processing and Billing Clerk” time is over - all 13 months of it. You take each day at a time and know that your family of quilters are supporting you in your loss of your Sister. Take care and enjoy life! Hugs

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh my - great big hugs to you. I think that is special that your sister had a quilt to hug her for all those years. What a special bond. It is so hard to lose someone so sending you giant comforting hugs. Her quilt is beautiful!
and your Jared Takes a wife is coming along very well!!!

Lori said...

So sorry about your sis. I cannot imagine your loss. I got my dads quilt back when he passed away and eventually I passed it along to a fire survivor. Knowing the love that went into the quilt was being passed along was nice.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I think you need to take a nap with your sister's quilt. Your brother in law is probably just trying to cope with his loss. I do know that they say not to change anything for 6 months after a loved one dies (to keep from making choices that might be regretted later). You might hold onto some of that stuff in case he decides he wants some of those memories later.

Randy D. said...

I’m so sorry about your sister’s death. I can’t imagine having to go on without someone who was close to you. Getting the quilt back is definitely bittersweet. I guess her husband didn’t want it— maybe regift it to another family member?
Big hugs to you!

A mom said...

There's a channel on YouTube called "Great Depression Cooking". Sadly, Clara passed away, but her videos are great.

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Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...