Wednesday, March 3, 2021

A finished top, and almost finished on another one!

Good morning, everyone!!!  I am off work today.  My husband told me he can certainly tell when I am home, because a lot gets done...that made me happy. Pretty high praise, I would say!   Above is my finished "Forgotten" quilt top.  I considered all kinds of fancy borders, but the pink won out.  Sometimes simply done is best. 
Flat?  What is a quilt top supposed to be flat?  LOL!!  I made these blocks long, long ago, pre blog, when I did not know about 1/4 inch seam allowances and such silly details as that.  I am glad I know now!!  It is bordered in pink, and I love it, and will hand quilt it.  There is not a machine quilter in the world who would touch it, LOL!!!  I am delighted in this quilt!!!

I am edging ever closer, putting the mystery quilt together from Quiltville. I am not caught up to the fast sewists, who had theirs together in a week!  

 The center is together,  I am pondering borders, and think those outside stars must be finished, so I will cut scraps for that.  It will be a big quilt for someone, I hope!!!  I have loved making this quilt!

I made a home made soup yesterday, and it was yummy!!!  
I have a number of these plastic containers.  Rice comes in them, and they are study and worthy of using for something.  I am thinking I will make homeless gifts from them?  Socks, and Band-Aids, and Annie suggested maybe toiletries.  Any thoughts of what to put into the containers??  I have now 14 of them (just recounted).  The lids screw on and are water tight.  Any other ideas for them??

Thank you, everyone for your sweet support on my news of my sister's passing.  I am just sad, and when my sis was sad, she sewed up a storm.  So that is what I am doing, keeping busy.  I appreciate you!



Terry said...

Both your quilt tops are beautiful! I think the pink borders were the right choice for the first one! :0)

Kathleen said...

skin lotion is always loved by seniors or homeless, as is lip balm - little touches of self-care they don't usually get. cute little jars !

Tired Teacher 2 said...

The pink border looks great with the blocks and touches of pink in the sashing! I use jars like that in my pantry for noodles, pasta, dry beans, and rice. They stack nicely, and I can easily see what I have on hand. For the homeless jars: individually wrapped hard candy, lip balm, a small flashlight.

Binsa said...

Love othof your quiltsJulie.You are such a sweetheart a great idea for the jars.

Elaine Adair said...

Once again, your luscious sense of color, apparent even with your early quilt, comes thru. The quilt with the squares is the perfect use for leftover fabrics, your layout and setting makes the most of and it turned out absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!! I love it, and the pink border is just right. What a pretty example that making a quilt top does not have to be overly difficult. Thanks for posting it. Hope I get around to following this great example.

No idea for the jars - my collection is all gallon ice cream buckets - there must be a use for them somewhere! Perhaps I'll have to stop buying ice cream?

Julierose said...

Just love your pink-bordered piece--it will all quilt out I am sure...and/or wash out...
just such a pretty one...
And I save those lettuce plastic containers for small crumb scraps...almost have enough for every color...nice works Hugs, Julierose

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Your quilts are beautiful. Your top quilt may not lie flat, but it'll have a special place in your heart. Those jars looks a great size and certainly worth keeping.

Quilting Babcia said...

I love both of your new tops. Hand quilting the first one will add a lovely texture and erase any tiny ripples you may see now. My husband collects those jars and stores various nuts, bolts, screws, etc. in the garage. They make great storage for so many things since they're clear and everything is visible. I save swiffer boxes for lots of little scrappy hst's and other small blocks.

Chantal said...

So sorry to hear about your sister passing. My deepest condolences, Julie. Big HUG, right here. Love your tops. It would be nice if the outside stars were finished. It will be so different from the others. For the empty jars, soap bar and a face cloth, like someone said a lip balm is always nice and hand lotion, maybe with a nail clipper. They will make great gifts and I'm sure they will be dearly appreciated. Take care. ;^)

Debbie said...

Going with the personal care items, I would also add toothpaste and a toothbrush and maybe even a comb. So sorry about your sister. No words can express the relationship of sisters. For mine, we always said best friends/ best enemies. But the latter was more when we were younger. I hope you and she shared many a good times.

KaHolly said...

Your quilt tops are just lovely! Some jars could contain healthy snacks. I was sorry to hear your sister passed away, Julie. Keeping thoughts of you close to my heart.

Lynn Dykstra said...

This is the list we use for The Night Ministry hygiene kits
deodorant (travel or regular size)
body lotion
lip balm
disposable razor
shaving cream
wash cloth
disposable wipes

scottylover said...

Love your mystery quilt! I spent part of the evening pressing my center blocks. Got half of them pressed, then need to trim them and the sashing parts before I can get it all together. I'm not doing the string border so am thinking on it, too. Can't wait to get it done!


Sandy said...


cityquilter grace said...

how about a needle and some thread? safety pins? i was homeless for a year and had these items with me, but many don't and clothing repairs or adjustments are always needed...perhaps a few extra buttons as toothbrushes are also helpful...

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

The quilt top turned out great! Have fun quilting it.

AnnieO said...

Very pretty pink border on your well-aged blocks. They are very cheerful and will please anyone lucky enough to get the quilt. The mystery quilt looks terrific. Many hours of stitching time in that photo. xoxo

audrey said...

Yay for finishing up the older quilt blocks into a top! It's wonderful to know that hand quilting can ease out the worst of the 'rumples'. So very sorry about your sister. Life is hard sometimes.

---"Love" said...

I really like your "Pink" quilt! That soup looks delicious! Wish I had a bowl full. ---"Love"

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...