Saturday, December 19, 2020

Update on the mystery quilt from Quiltville

Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt is well under way.  All the steps are still available, if anyone would like to participate.  Please see here:

Quiltville's Quips & Snips!!: Grassy Creek Mystery!

Here are my steps so far.  I haven't got all of the step sewn, but all are cut out and the directions printed.  This represents a lot of time, so far, and a lot of fun!  Bonnie's directions are good, and the pressing details really make the little pieces fun to put together.  This year, a friend and I are doing this quilt together, using different colors.  I am using black for gray, and teal for green...  She is using some purples, which I just love!

 I rearranged part of the pantry yesterday.  Cleaned out everything, sorted and tossed, also donated some good stuff to the food pantry.  It feels good to make some progress!  

I have sort of a quilting blogging plan for next year!  Stay tuned...I am excited!

*********************Nurse's Notes*******************************

There is a atmosphere of hopeful joy at the hospital, because of the vaccine.  Also, there is a pulling on of our "big girl panties", because after the holidays, there is going to be a surge of surges with corona virus.  We are making ready, as best we can.  Conference rooms are being readied for patients.  The fitness center is being made ready.  Huge oxygen tanks have been placed...tubings, vents, bipaps, all being assembled.   We are trying to accommodate the coming storm!  

As for me, I did have a fever of 99.1 after the vaccine, some chills and body aches, and a sore arm. Big deal.  Nothing compared to covid!  This lasted all of about 12 hours, and that was that!

So on we go!  Thank you so, so much, everyone for your kind words of support to me and my colleagues.  We very much appreciate you!


The following people made the sweetest comments on the blog last post, and I cannot answer back, because they come back "no reply" when I answer their comments.  I know you can fix this in your blog so that people can reply back to you.  I know there is a way, I just can't explain it, but I know some enterprising blogger will tell me, please?

Danice G

Laurie M

Donna Keating

Susan q 

Linda C


Donna Albright

Sue S.

Thank you for your kind comments, one and all!



sue s said...

I am not a blogger, and not no-reply so I'm not sure where the problem is. That's wonderful news about the vaccine and your short-lived side effects. It's good to spread the news so everyone will get vaccinated!

julieQ said...

Thank you so much, Sue!

Sherrill said...

I will patiently wait for the big reveal before deciding if I'll dive in. The steps are downloaded. I'm glad you guys are planning for an influx (as hopefully all hospitals are) that hopefully won't come. Pfizer send out an email saying they changed the trial so that participants who haven't gotten the vaccine (only placebo) can get the vaccine at their next visit and mine next visit is only a month away!! Your reaction makes me even surer that I was given the placebo

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Illinois didn't have a surge after Thanksgiving. Hopefully it won't after Christmas, either. Merry Christmas!

Karen said...

I am intrigued by whatever your quilting blog plan is for next year.

Kara Kwilts said...

Julie - I know Bonnie Hunter wrote at least 1 blog post about how to fix being a no reply blogger. She wrote it August 23, 2014, here is a link (I think)
I believe I fixed my profile after that. It must be very frustrating not being able to contact people back when they have written to you.
Glad you are vaccinated.
Hugs, Kara

julieQ said...

HI Kara, I just want to be able to reply to those kind enough to comment. Thank you so much!

Nann said...

When we get to this point in the mystery -- every time! -- all my guesses as to how the units work are for naught. How many of us will be sewing on Christmas Day when Clue 5 is released? It's time to bring on the greens!..........And, YAY for the vaccine!

Loris said...

It will be fun to see your mystery quilt come together. I'm still cooking rather than sewing these days. I think my DNA must have already been changed even without the vaccine. HA! JK But I've never been into cooking or baking before.
Your team would certainly know how to prepare this time around. I'm praying it is less and shorter lasting for you all. Heard yesterday that it has finally hit our local hospitals. No ICU beds available. The vaccines have started though so they feel some hope at least.

Janet O. said...

As always, I am impressed with your productivity. With all the work you do, you still manage to do Bonnie's mystery and clean out your pantry. What am I doing wrong? LOL
I have never done a mystery while it is still a mystery. Not a good time of year for me to be sewing.
Oh, I hope people will behave during the holidays and not gather in groups. We ALL miss our gatherings, but will be much better off if we can hold off and let the vaccine do its job before we start letting down our guard. Your hospital is smart to get prepared, but I hope it isn't as bad as you expect.

Barb said...

I love how organized you are from your sewing blocks to your cubbards. I actually lined my cubboards, well...the ones that I don't have to get on the floor to get...haha. It is a wonderful feeling for sure. Have a Merry Christmas.....glad you got the shot. Hopefully, all of this will be over soon.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Your mystery steps look amazing... and is still a mystery to me haha!
Yay for no bad side effects - my 2 doctor cousins have said the same thing - I am so happy!
Stay safe and Happy Stitching!

Lori said...

Looking forward to seeing what your blogging plan is! Bonnie's is truly a master at what she does. I've only done one of her mystery quilts but it went together so slick! Even for a humble quilter like me.
Unreal what is happening in TX with the virus! I wonder if the second vaccine will make you sick at all. Let's hope we can get this under control soon!

Quilter Kathy said...

So awesome that the vaccine reached you so quickly!
My area is in a total lockdown for at least 28 days starting on boxing day.
Bring on the mystery sewing and jigsaw puzzles!

Sandra said...

Lori (Humble Quilter) 2 posts above has instructions on her blog about not being a no-reply blogger. Thank you for all your great comments on my blog - you are showing as a no-reply person on mine so I can't reply directly to the emails I receive.
THANK YOU for all your work helping others!!!

Sandra said...

Me again, your email is listed on your profile so people can contact you that way. Thanks again.

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Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...