Here are my blocks for this month. It is great fun to stitch with friends!
The following quilters are participating. We will be showing completed blocks on the 30th of each month! Take the time to visit them to see their completed monthly blocks!
The following quilters are participating. We will be showing completed blocks on the 30th of each month! Take the time to visit them to see their completed monthly blocks!
My block was in a scrap bag, and I reworked it into this quilt. I have been enjoying working on this throughout the year. These little string pieces are from the 1930's...90 years ago. I hand quilted through each piece, and hand quilting the border. The rick rack is reminiscent of my mom!! While Lori's quilts are made from even older blocks, I am very drawn to this piece...I think some feedsack scraps are in here. It is just fun to create something new, out of something old!
Please see Lori's blog here, and admire everyone's creativity!
Humble Quilts: 2020 Antique Block Challenge
Hope each of you is having a wonderful day! Today was pie baking day at my the house smells so good! Apple and pumpkin pies...yummy!
I will have a drawing if more than one someone wants them.
How many people are gearing up to do Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt? Should be great fun!!
Have a lovely day!
How would you set these blocks together, if it were your quilt?
I am having trouble receiving comments, on Gmail. Some I do, and some just disappear into the Netherlands. Why?? If you know, I would love to know the answer! I want each of you to know, I so much appreciate you, and your taking a moment to comment. Thank you!
******************************Nurse's notes************************
Covid is getting so much worse, subjectively, and objectively, by the numbers! I pray for a good effective and safe vaccine to help eradicate this mess. I will be required to get this vaccine, first wave. Another one of our doctors became gravely ill with Covid and spent a week in the ICU. He is getting slowly better now, and his wife is now in ICU. They have little children, too. Many of my co-workers have been ill or are ill now. I scrub and mask and try and not breath at my hands look like hamburger meat. I do not go into the break room or congregate with anyone. I do not use the elevators used to transfer covid patients. We text each other from one nursing hall to the other hall! I take the hottest showers in the world, morning and night, and scrub with hibiclens...wash all my uniforms with bleach...they look tattered, by the way! Scrub all my surfaces with bleach and comet....Scrub out my nostrils with Nozin! (alcohol)
Goodness! I will be glad when this is more in control!
Some of the people are saying they are going to have huge Thanksgiving celebrations, anyway...we are not. I just took an old lady, dead from covid, to the morgue, last time I worked! You know what? Her family had a big birthday party with 35 family members...and EVERY SINGLE PERSON THERE contracted covid! It is just not worth the death of someone, and illness of others, to me...
Stay safe!
Hugs to all from Julie
Have a great day, each of you!!
It is pink month at Angela's blog!!! soscrappy This is her link. I am playing with my pink scraps. Pink is my favorite color, so ...