Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Quilt of many colors

Please watch this video...my mother also made my own clothing, and I had similar experiences at school. 




Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Watching Dolly's video brought a lump to my throat, how I love that! Your "QOMC" is positively wonderful!

---"Love" said...

You've chosen the most appropriate name for your beautiful quilt! It just goes to show that beautiful things can be made from scraps, even in our lives! ---"Love"

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I've always love that song.

Lori said...

I love Dolly! And your quilt!

Janet O. said...

Oh, Julie, I am sorry you were teased like that. It is a very touching song.
My mom made my clothes, too, but then it seemed most mommas were making their kid's clothes in my area.

How I magically used lots of scraps but ended up with even more!!!!

Well, I am making a simple rail fence, for a chemo quilt.  I ended up using a lot of my 2.5 inch scraps strips, and felt rather virtuous, bu...