Sunday, May 21, 2017

And then there were four!!

Here are my blocks so far, using batik fabrics.  Great fun! The pinwheels are made from the cut off triangles, using the connector corner method for piecing the blocks.  Super fun so far!!

******************Nurse's Notes*************************

We had only 3 critical care nurses on the whole floor yesterday.  I had two fresh hearts with swan ganz catheters, art lines, central lines, ventilators, chest tubes, pacer wires, foleys....all of it!  Plus!!  I had a fresh tracheostomy and peg patient, on the vent. Non of them stable, 2/3 on tons of drips with hourly blood sugars. 

I ran my BACKSIDE off.  Literally.  It is all gone  (NOT!  hee!)  I was so exhausted that I just collapsed when I got home, with over 20,000 steps on the step counter.  But?  I am OK today, and raring to go for the next day!  Sleep is a great re-set for about for you?

Have a great day!!



Hanne said...

I love your blocks :-)

mkhquilts said...

WOW!! Im so surprised you had 3 heavy care patients on a CICU unit! Is that safe? Im not an ICU nurse, but that seems like a heck of a load!!!
Love your blocks!

Deborah said...

Thanks for you dedication as a nurse. It is a very tough job!

GO STARS! said...

I love your blocks. After spending 9-10 weeks in ICU with my niece (brain tumor/ventilator), I have learned a new respect for nurses. The amount of time/medications/machines for each patient is often enough to keep one nurse per patient busy all night but 3 patients, oh my!

pforgerson said...

Bless you for all of your hard work.

Lori said...

Wow! I don't know what most f that meant, but it sounded complicated! Thanks for taking care of people!
Cute batik blocks!!

Chantal said...

I'm with Lori. Did understood all of it but got the most important part: You are doing an AWESOME job!! Lucky are the patients that get you as their nurse. To still have the passion of our job after so many years, is what keeps us young. Gorgeous blocks. Love them all. Enjoy!! ;^)

Missy Shay said...

Those look like fun blocks!

Janet O. said...

I am loving the batik blocks! Beautiful!!
You had 20,000 steps? Wow! I have a lot of issues that often prevent a sound night's sleep, but I think it would reset me, if it could. : )

Quilter Kathy said...

I'm exhausted just reading about your day!
Even a long sleep couldn't help me recover from that!! LOL

Tired Teacher said...

God Bless nurses!

Loris said...

Yikes! I hope they all did well. Wish I could have been there to help!

jude's page said...

Love your blocks, they look fantastic, and I reckon I might need more than a sleep to recover from that. You must be fit.

Kyle said...

You're a fabulous care giver who makes fabulous blocks.

Karen said...

I am tired just reading all that you had to deal with at work. I don't know what all that stuff is but sounds like you are a very experienced nurse dealing with the patients who are very ill.

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...