Saturday, April 30, 2016

"The Cheerful Quilt!"

 I have been working on these applique borders, for the Cheerful quilt!!
 This quilt began as a quilt-as-you-go quilt that I had hatched in my mind, and ended up stuffed in the closet in a wad of disgust.  Recently, however!  This quilt begged to come out and be something else!!  So I took all the hand quilting out (I know, perish the thought, right?), and put the blocks all together.  This is an old block pattern, of which I do not know the name, but I know you will!  And then??
 The quilt just begged for an applique borders!!  All right, ALL RIGHT!!  You may have applique borders!! (just for you, silly cheerful quilt!)
 And it just kind of snowballed from there.
So here is where I am, so far.  I was fortunate enough to go to Hawaii several years ago, and loved the Plumeria flowers...mostly pink with yellow centers.  All of the Plumeria flowers had five petals, these are Plumeria flowers in multiple colors!!

So I am having fun with it, anyway!!!

And I hope you are having a fun day too!!!


Monday, April 25, 2016

Little things!

 Just a wee flower wall quilt, here!!  I used scraps, obviously, little strings for the border...I love that part!
 Should I do the same for this block?  Or maybe yellow/golds???
And I am working on some bookmarks, to give away as gifts...just some little things, this past few days!

Have a great day, everyone!


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Adding flowers to the mix!

 Well, I have been busy appliqueing these vines down.  The vines are mostly done, so I could not resist adding some flowers, just to see what is would look like!!! I found all the pieces and parts of this quilt in the never ending quilt closet, set them all together, and have been working on the is all my design...and that feels great!!  Needs a lot more work...but eventually?  It will get done!

Happy beginning of the week!!


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Something new...

 Norma Whaley, of Timeless Traditions, inspired this little pillow...well, it is not a pillow yet, but I am working on it!!  The blue string border is for sky...
And the green border is for grass.  It is a long, skinny pillow, and this is just the top.  I look forward to having it completed,  to put on my bed, someday!!!  It is made from wool and wool felt on cotton.  Something new!!!

Have a wonderful day, everyone!!!


Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Sister's choice!

 I have the binding on this quilt and hope to finish it soon.  Scrappy, as are almost all my quilts, this one too reflects a period of my quilting life.  I love all the variety of fabrics!!
 A closer view...
 A small variation, with three inch nine patches...
And my latest and smallest version.  This may or may not be a swap quilt!!!

Have a wonderful day, everyone!


Thursday, April 7, 2016

Tumalo trails...blocks are all complete!

 All the blocks for Bonnie Hunter's Tumalo Trail quilt are complete!  Whoop!!
 I still have to cut sashings and cornerstones and get them all sewn together, but at least the blocks are complete.
 The whole kit and caboodle!!
A thick stack of blocks...53 pieces in each block, and 48 blocks all together.  Fun, and lots of pieces...and piecing!

Have a great day, everyone!!


Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!

Rainbow quilts!!!  I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...