Friday, January 30, 2015


 It just cries out for a red border, doesn't it?  Just yearns for it!  But...I did not have a big 'ol hunk of red.  And I did have this pink.  Which makes me so very happy!  The red pieces, the little ones I auditioned, thinking that I would have to go shop for red...made it a red quilt. A very red, planned out quilt. That is pretty much not what I wanted, I guess.
Because the pink just calls out to me!!!  I love it!!  REBEL!!!!

***********************A personal note*******************************

Maybe I am just a rebel at heart, you know?  Yes, I have a regular job (since I was 13 years old), am college educated, follow most of the "rules"...except...

A pink border just because I like it!!

Letting a dog in to visit her dying lady mistress at the big trouble for that one!  Wow...a cardinal sin for sure!  (that was years ago, and now we have visiting therapy dogs all the time)

Eating at the bedside for families...against the rules!!  But...a lady's husband was dying...and one nurse wanted to kick her out for eating a sandwich at the bedside and staying right with her husband.  NOT!!  on my shift! I stood in front of the door and guarded so she could eat her sandwich!

Talking to strangers...hugging them if needed...yep...not really in the rule book, is it.

So maybe I am a bit of a rebel!!  Not sure if this is bad or good, but my heart just sings with the PINK BORDER!!!




Angie said...

Pink border is awesome! Just keep bein' a rebel - whatever works, right?!


Hi Julie--love your pink border--works for me--and thanks for being a 'rebel' on your job--too many rules sometimes--
Smiles diandmissgracie

Sherrill said...

I guess there are probably bad rebels and there are good rebels. Sounds like you are one of the good ones!!! I sure do like seeing the therapy dogs at the Ronald McDonald house--does a lot of good for those little kids!

Vicki W said...

That's the perfect finish!

Lane said...

If those are your rebellious acts, then I say rebel on!! Pink borders and compassion. There should be more rebels like you.

Caryl @ cinnamon holiday workshop said...

yup....I just love that rebel in you!!!

Lesley said...

I adore the pink border and love that you are a rebel! Follow your heart!

Robin said...

Keep on rebelling! That pink border just makes the whole quilt sing.

Angie said...

The world just needs more REBELS like you, Ms. Julie, and more pink borders!! Never let them keep you from shining, sugar.

Nancy said...

I love the nursing notes on this post - some rules are silly and you made the right call in each of these circumstances.

The pink border is perfect for this quilt. Nicely done!

Unknown said...

Love, love, love, love that pink border - it just makes that quilt sing! (and I'm really not a pink person at all)

audrey said...

And it's perfect too.:)

Linda O said...

You are the best kind of rebel! Pink border looks great!

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Nothing wrong with a kind-hearted rebel! Love the pink. Almost red ... but far enough from red to really pop!

Leeanne said...

You go rebel girl!!! You have heart!!!

Lilac Joan said...

Wish you had been a nurse in some of my hospital visits, both as a patient and being with family. I love the pink, love the rebel, love the nursing posts.

Chantal said...

Go Rebel you!! Go for the pink border! Go for the sandwich eaten in a patient bedroom! Go for hugging strangers! Go Rebel you with your beautiful heart and invisible wings! ♥♥♥

Loretta said...

You REBEL, you!!! Love the quilt and your nursing stories!

I remember standing guard for another nurse and she snuck a tiny dog in to visit it's owner in ICU! Yep...I'm a rebel, too!

Lori said...

Im a bit of a rebel, too! Love it!

Patty H. said...

YEs! Love the pink border. I think everyone has a little bit of rebel in them. Good for you for allowing those things to happen.

Janet O. said...

The pink border works for me, too, even if the quilt was crying out for red. We don't always get what we cry for, do we?
You are a rebel in the best sort of way! : )

Megan said...

Three cheers for rebellion. Long may you continue to be a rebel Julie.

Sydney, Australia

PS. As for breaking rules at work, my philosophy is that it's easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission.

AnnieO said...

Good name option for the quilt--Pink Rebel! Your kind heart has guided you all your career, no need to change now :)

Flickenstichlerin said...

Dear Julie,
good idea to be a Rebel, otherwise nothing will change. Grea pick for the border. It is such a pretty project. Love stars.

nestki said...

The pink is perfect! This quilt makes me happy to look at it.

Jo said...

Good for you. Keep,it up

Me and My Stitches said...

Such a happy quilt! Rules have to be made (sometimes to save people from themselves!), but common sense and common decency should always come in to play, in my opinion. If I'm ever in the hospital...I want you as my nurse!

Susan said...


Little Penpen said...

Your pink rebel is beautiful! And I love that you are rule breaker when it concerns patients and the hearts of their families. I am right there with you.

helen said...

GREAT the pink border!
And continue to be a rebel, please!!
Best wishes!

Lois Arnold said...

The world needs more rebels like you, Julie! The pink border works, but more importantly, you comfort those who need comforting in whatever way it takes. I think that's one of the beatitudes or as we teach our little kiddos, the BE attitudes!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Your kind hearted nature should be rewarded by the color that speaks directly to it; great border choice! Hugs to you for making such a happy difference in the lives of so many, you're my kind of rebel! :)

Terry said...

I love the pink...good choice! :0) said...

I love the pink and the friendship stars as the corner stones.

Sue SA said...

Rules were made for breaking, because not every situation in life is black and white...sometimes it is pink!

joe tulips said...

Perfect rebels, you and the quilt! When I saw the pink, I didn't even think there could be another option. I tend to go with chunk size too!

Yvonne said...

What a happy quilt!

AnnieQuilts said...

That's the way to rebel - keep it up!

Unknown said...

Thank goodness there are rebels like that! I had a few times such as that throughout my career. You just have to follow your heart in many instances. Congratulations. I love the pink border. I just added a red border to a table runner that is pinks and teals, just because it called out to me!

Karen said...

I liked your nursing comments.

Michelle said...

The pink border is perfect!! Seems to me you are not a rebel, but a compassionate person. Don't stop being a rebel! :)

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...