Wednesday, November 27, 2013


 Good Morning!!  Happy Wednesday to you!  Do you remember the block of the week for Summer 2010?  From Primitive Gatherings?  Well, I participated in that, and made the quilt that was offered.  The blocks were three inch finished applique flowers, alternating with nine patches.  I loved it!!  So...I am doing it a bigger size!  I enlarged the patterns to 6 inch squares, and am appliqueing the blocks as I go.  I have these nine patch blocks from the Celebration nine patch block swap, and I am using them for the alternate blocks.  I have enjoyed blanket stitching these blocks more than anything in a long, long time!  I think you can still get the pattern from Primitive Gatherings, at least it was there last time I looked.  I have lots of blocks to go still, and lots of work left on the ones I have prepped.
This is part of the Temecula Countdown to Christmas quilt.  Please click on the link to make your own version of their gorgeous quilt!!  I started out making these little stars, and somehow, I just could not do them very well.  I think maybe my seam allowance is off just a little bit, because they are far from perfect, LOL!  Anyway, I decided to make this little quilt instead.  You really cannot see it, but I hand quilted in the plain squares, and sewed buttons from reclaimed shirts in the two inch stars.  The binding is the most fun part, for has a built in little flange that is part of the binding.  This was on Pinterest, and you can see the technique HERE.  I really ended up liking this little quilt a lot...much more than when I initially saw my wonky little stars, LOL!!  I think that it is fun to make patterns your own...go your own your own thing!!  I encourage everyone to just let loose and create whatever you want is great fun!!  I want to thank Temecula quilt company for providing such fun little patterns through their blog for no charge, just out of the goodness of their hearts...these little quilts are wonderful and great fun to make!!

*************************Nurse's Notes***********************

I had the most wonderful patients these past few days!!  Just telling you about personalities, not the private medical stuff.  For me to remember later...don't want to forget these dear patients!!  One patient was an older fellow, and he was called "Cowboy"  He said that his daddy called him that from the time he was born, and that he never knew his real name until he went to school.  What a dear, dear man...his wife died after a long wonderful marriage, and he reconnected much later with his junior high sweetheart, and they are just so sweet together!!  Loved taking care of this couple...

Another patient was a Cajun from New Orleans.  What a dear, sweet man he was too!!  He told me tales of cooking, and celebrations, and Mardi Gras.  He said I just have to go, just once!!  I wondered why his wife did not come to see him, but at the end of his hospitalization, she came up...with their son who is 50 years old with cerebral palsy, with profound deficits.  His wife had been home taking care of their son, an infant really, at 50 years old.  The sweetest people you ever want to meet.  I think that adversity can break a person and make them bitter...or it can make them strong and sweet and better!!  Obviously this was the case here.  Anyway, both patients blessed me every time I stepped into the room!!


I am so thankful for my life, and for our dear creator, and for his many blessings every day that I am showered with.  I sincerely wish you a most wonderful Thanksgiving this year and each day of the year!  As for me?  I will be working at the hospital, in charge on my floor this holiday.  So I am cooking today and we will enjoy the wonderful food for many days!!!



Browndirtcottage said...

I always enjoy reading your stories about your patients. How lucky they are to have you this Thanksgiving tending to their needs!

I am also amazed at your quilty projects. Love them all!!

Kim said...

Yep that is the part of nursing I miss! There are so many fine wonderful people in this world and sadly we only get to read about the rotten ones in the newspapers.
I bet they will remember you too and give thanks for their kind and loving nurse Julie.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving

regan said...

I love that little stars mini! Adorable! And the stars are perfect! My favorite on your appliques is that round orange flower with the scattered leaves! LOVE IT! So fun! And I'm always so happy to hear of your experiences in nursing.....what a joy it must be to meet those people, and be part of their lives at such a time. You're a blessing to them!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Julie!

Loris said...

Love seeing your quilts in progress. The flowers are lovely!
That is good news that you get to be in your own unit tomorrow. Celebrate with you own group. I'm working tomorrow too. The hospital is giving us lunch but for some reason we decided to bring our own party in too. I'm doing the vegie platter and hoping I stay away from most of the 'other stuff' :-)

Quilter Kathy said...

Your patients will enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving with you tomorrow!
Love what you did with the Temecula stars!
I am working on that project today. It's going to be beautiful and if the stars weren't so fiddly, I'd be tempted to make another one!!

Pat said...

Love your quilts you are showing today. Enjoy your dinner today and I know your patients will enjoy seeing your happy face tomorrow.

Sharon said...

What a great post, especially at this time of year. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

Leeanne said...

Lovely post. Being thankful is the best we can give to ourselves.
How lovely to meet these wonderful characters in hospital, I'm sure you have left a lasting memory with them as they have for you. Happy Thanks giving, I wish we celebrated that here in NZ.

Kyle said...

What wonderful stories today. They always touch my heart.

Lori said...

Two wonderful quilts and wonderful patients! I like hearing about the people and the family's you care for.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Janet O. said...

I love what you share about your nursing experiences, Julie. It helps me keep things in perspective. I, too, have been greatly blessed by the Lord and I appreciate reminders that keep me grateful.
The Primitive Gatherings quilt looks so nice. Smart of you to enlarge it for the remake.
I didn't even try to start this Temecula quilt (shocking, I know). You were smart to "go your own way". It is so cute. : )

Sue SA said...

My tiny stars lost their points as well, but they made a nice table mat despite this!

Nancy said...

Love the stories of your delightful patients.

God is indeed good. Enjoy your holiday shift and may all your patients be pleasant.

Jan said...

I enjoy the stories about your patients, so glad that there are some nice people left in this world----LOL! I like your quilt. Happy Thanksgiving and God bless!

Joni said...

I love that part of my job the most. I am in ICU and every patient is precious. My dad is currently in ICU and is suffering from quadriplegia, he is an athletic man and so active. I am grateful for his patience and understanding as he makes his way thru this new stage in his life. Thank you for your wonderful stories! Bless you!

Patty H. said...

What wonderful sweet stories! I look at the residents at the facility I work at and I wonder what their life was life, how they became who they are. It is so hard not to become attached to them. Most of them have dementia and communication problems but to see their eyes light up when you speak to them is heart warming.
The quilts are so pretty! Thinking I may need to get involved in a quilt of the week or month thing.

Helen in the UK said...

Belated Happy Thanksgiving (I got behind with blog reading!) Hope you had an easy time with you holiday shifts :)

Sarah said...

I love the Temecula countdown to Christmas pattern this year. Accuracy may be an issue for me! Wonky stars maybe. I love reading your nursing notes too.

Patty H. said...

Thank you, Julie. I changed my email settings. I think. Have a great week.

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...