Thursday, December 29, 2011


Alrighty then!! Thanks to all you nice ladies who very nicely told me...YOU DID YOUR BLOCKS WRONG, SILLY GIRL!! I took all the black blocks apart from last post, and am in the process of doing them correctly. I am on my THIRD attempt, having put them all together wrong...again! I have no idea, after piecing things for years and years...I am having a tough time with this! My fabrics are getting a little ragged...yet I will persevere! LOL!

Have a great day,


Monday, December 26, 2011

Thank you, and Orca bay progress!

HI Y'all....Above and below is my progress on Orca Bay, Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt. You can join in! It is not too late...and it is great fun! I love these little stars, they are Step 6, I think...and I still need to catch up on the red string step too. I love strings, it is great fun to work with these little pieces!

The black and white stars together...I did not have many blacks (like three total), in my fabrics, so I had to purchase a few fat quarters. Not tons of variety, but I like the blocks anyway!

*********************Thank you*************************

You sustained me. Thank you for that. I so appreciate each prayer and good thought that helped me through this incredibly tough family time. Thank you, thank you, thank you!



Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011

A party, progress, pieces and parts!

I had the good fortune of being off from work when The DFW Gang had it's Christmas party!! It was just so much fun...wonderful ladies all, and some huge talent in that group! It was a sewing party, so I worked on Bonnie's Orca Bay quilt, and finally have gotten pretty much caught up. All of the first step, all of the second step, most of third step, and some of the fourth step even done, just posted today! Yippee! I loved working with the was a blast for sure.

The beginning of Step four...more strings, this time is red...pretty, pretty! I have enough red strings, I am sure...I am glad that I save everything now.

I received the most fun gift from Teri (click on her name to see her blog)...A really fun nine patch quilt, fabric for a wrapping (my favorite) and a really neat pincushion too! Thank you dear Teri, I just really love my gift, and what a surprise!!

At the party, I won a door prize...this wonderful hand embroidered pillow by Debi. I love it! It is on my guest bed as we speak! Click on Debi's name to see her blog.

More goodies from the party...we all brought 6 fat quarters, and played a game to decide who won the whole pot...I won the red ones! Another lady won all the green was really fun. I also received from Debi a really fun bag, mug rug and armchair caddie. Debi is a very prolific quilter, and great fun. She is also (my observation), a born leader. It was fun to see her pull everyone together and organize a really lovely day for all. Naturally in the business world, she is a director, and on her way up to more and more leadership, I am sure.

*****************************************************************Nursing and the Hospital

Many, many of my friends are getting their layoff notices. Employees for 38 years are now being laid is sad, right before Christmas. Tense times, I can tell you. We are stopping talking about it at work, because it upsets all of us, so we all just work on the best we can and try to keep our chins up, and put the patient first!! always....

I had such a lovely patient this week...a quadraplegic person...with such a magical, lovely personality, she was just a magnet for everyone. I can only wish to be such a lovely person under such adversity. Lots of health problems, all related to her underlying immobility...I just loved her on sight.

Know what? Christmas is not very far away! I am going now, to clean baseboards, ready the guest room, and clean, clean, clean!!

Have a wonderful day, all!!


Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!

Rainbow quilts!!!  I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...