Thursday, October 7, 2010

What am I up to now??

Hi Y'all!! First Friday's of the month....I love those days, for that is when Kaaren of the Painted Quilt posts her first Friday freebies...I have made almost every one, and printed those I have not done yet. This is her pattern, above, for Halloween...I used wool on a cotton dish towel. I did not really have an appropriate background, so the dishtowel was pressed into service. I am not going to USE it as a dishtowel, however...The stitchery is not done yet, nor the pieces sewn down...I will do that on an insomnia night. You will love her designs...please go and visit Kaaren!

Another person to go and visit is Darcie! It is her birthday today! She is just the most wonderful longarm quilter in the world...won't you go over and wish her happiest birthday?? Just click on her name!!
Ok...this old rickety chair is a pretty constant companion to me. It usually holds all my quilt pieces and parts as I sew at the kitchen table. You can see, Rosie is resting on her bed with her quilt and blanket on the right. Hard life, you know. All these 2 inch squares are from my 2 inch scrap drawer. I just got some of these drawers cleaned out and was feeling rather smug...when I just realized...that as long as I am a quilter and cutting all my little pieces into these drawers, I will never be truly done with these drawers. Isn't that what it is all AHAH! moment for me. See Bonnie Hunter's leaders and enders book with the squares? I am making three quilts from this book! All from my scrap drawers!
Ok, first are the "twosies". See if you can guess what I am making...without peeking.
Then are the twosies sewn to purple centers...I like purple...pretty!! Scrappy!!
Hmmm....look like alternate blocks, right? I got all 66 of these! All out of the 2 inch scrap drawer! And of course the white polka dot was from the stash...pretty old is all I can say about that!
Hmmm....purple center, and more 2 inch blocks pieces...what in the world?? I bet you have guessed by now!!
Scrappy Happy Irish Chain!! So, I am working on putting the 25 square blocks together now. Now, this is not exactly like Bonnies's in the book...I am doing it a little different, but the concept is the same.

I am also doing a couple more quilts from this book...loving it! I don't know what struck me, but this seems urgent all of the know what I mean when that quilting urge strikes.

Have a great day, everyone!!

Remember to go visit Darcie and tell her Happy B-day!



Terry said...

Your blocks look great! I've wanted to make a scrappy Irish chain for ages now! I think I see some two inch squares in my future! LOL Gotta get my hands on that book too! :0)

Karen said...

I want to do the stitchery you are working on. There just isn't enough time right now. I like the combination of applique & embroidery on this one.

Leeanne said...

Lovely! I love Bonnies stuff and ideas...I haven't made anything from the Leaders and Enders book....YET! But have made a Crumbs quilt and I'm making Maverick Stars, so scrappy and wonderful.

Loris said...

I love Bonnie's book too. Your scrappy Irish will be wonderful. I am digging through wool here trying to find some for applique. I found some but it is in old clothing. Not sure if I need to do anything to it felting...does it need to be felted first? must keep researching.Have a great weekend!

Jen said...

Pretty quilt! Or it's going to be anyway! I love Bonnie's super scrappy quilts. Yes, as a quilter we will always have those scrap drawers filling up. As long as you regularly purge it, it shouldn't be a problem. And that's how you get fabulous quilts like Bonnies!

Betsy said...

Julie, Karens project is also my favorite and I am so hoping to get to it soon. I like the idea of putting it on a dish towel. So creative of you.

ana s. said...

Just wanted to say that I finished the same quilt recently that you have as a picture on your blog. It was so much fun (even though I had to make the border twice). Great picture.

Elaine Adair said...

Purty, Purty, Purty!!! Can't wait to see it all, completed!

Penny said...

NICE! Time to cut 2" squares from my heap of scraps!

WoolenSails said...

I admit, I am one who gets excited when the new month comes and the new freebies, lol. I got one thing finished today, you definitely have more energy than me.


Kaaren said...

Love your scrappy Irish chain, Julie. I can see one of these in my future as well.

As for the Halloween design, what can I say? *wink* The tea towel is a great idea!

Libby said...

Scrappy Irish Chain quilts are always the most delicious *s* Darling dishtowel.

Shari said...

Lovely scrappy Irish chain! Another 'free' quilt - ha ha. Fast work on Kaaren's freebie!

Lori said...

I LOVE an Irish chain quilt and especially scrappy ones!!
I was totally loving Kaaren's project this month. How fun!!

Cindy said...

Julie, I love this pattern, I love that you're using scraps and I love how you've incorporated the white. I can see awesome quilting or embroidery motifs in the "whites"...

Nice, nice job.

Angie said...

Your Halloween 'towel' is adorable! I'm going to go print that one off for me. :) And I'll stop by and give Darcie birthday greetings too. Thanks for letting us know it's her birthday.

Marilyn Robertson said...

This is going to be a beautiful scrappy quilt! Love it!

Darlene said...

Love your scrappy blocks - I need to get that book. :-)

I love your stitchery project - it's fabulous.

Susan said...

WOW..........That looks like so much fun.......... Doesn't Bonnie Hunter have the best ideas on what to do with scraps and isn't Kaaren just the best to share her patterns with us?

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

I love your scrappy Irish chain!!

Cheryl said...

I love your scrapy irish chain also !! Very colorful !
I also love the header quilt with the plaids ... beautiful!

Ginger Patches said...

That stitchery is so cute, I am definitely going to go get that--thanks! I love your leader-ender quilt that one has been on my list for awhile :)

Deanna said...

What do people who do not quilt do when insomnia strikes? I feel very sorry for them.

ALthough I also feel a little sorry for me because I do not have that irish chain. Wow I really like it. OK, time to finish a few more projects and then, yep, that one is definitely on the list!

Stephanie Hughes said...

I love it! You're doing great. Thanks for sharing the blocks with us.

AnnieO said...

Your stitchery is adorable. Kaaren is a great designer--hard to believe she is still so new to needlework. And I love Bonnie's brain too, so clever. Both of these Type A ladies who never stop creating and giving are just wonderful. Great projects you've got going. Had to laugh at the chair you use--funny accessory!

Lee Prairie Designs said...

Your Stitchery is wonderful! Thanks for sharing your lovely work. I haven't had time to work on "Karen's" monthly design but I will have to after viewing yours!

:) Carolyn

Darcie said...

You stinker!!! I had no idea that you did that! (Serves me right for being so out-of-the-loop with blogging, doesn't it!) Thank you thank you! You're the sweetest.

Love all of your sewing and stitching progress. You're always so full of energy and enthusiasm.

I hope work is treating you well.

Love and hugs!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...