Monday, October 11, 2010

Take me to your leader! and ender...

Well, this is not much of a picture...but that is where I am at! In the process of making scrappy Irish Chain blocks...It started out as a leader and ender project, but quickly turned out to be the main event! So, I am making one billion little squares into blocks. Fun! The blue strips behind the bunch of squares is the beginning of my Blue Ridge Beauty quilt, so that one is next up!! Maybe that is...I am my own planning!!
The last of the nine patches for the swap arrived Saturday I quickly divided them up into the packages, and then realized...the post office is closed on Sunday. So today, I scurried over to the post office...which was closed for Columbus day! Except the self serve I sent out tons of nine patches today! Please look for my e-mail if you are a swapper and let me know if you have any problems whatsoever! I am hoping for Joy for everyone!!

Have a nice day, y'all!! You know, I am not a Texan...but I talk like one now! Wow, who knew??



Karen said...

One billion! Are you sure it isn't one billion and one?

BitnByAQuiltingBug said...

It will be beautiful with all that scrappyness! By the way, I wanted to tell you how much I love the quilt in your header/banner. It's just lovely.

Cyndi loves to stitch said...

wow, a billion the math for that one would really blow my mind!!! hahahah, bet it's goin got look great!

A Garden of Threads said...

Oh my look at all those squares. I will be checking the mail everyday. Take care and have a happy quilting week.

Leeanne said...

Love how the madness works with the Leader and Enders! I'm sure we are not the only ones who 'forget' that it is NOT the main project!Oh well it's great to do stuff, just so we can laugh at ourselves :-)
I'm with the quilt on your header of this blog...was this a Leader/Ender project too?
(I might have said this once before)

Quilter Kathy said...

That photo looks like a lot of fun is going on in your sewing room! Will be checking the mail :)

Sharon said...

Oh my...can't wait to see this one, love the scrappiness! I need to check out that book about enders.

~Joan said...

Wish we could do an all-day sew together!


Terry said...

I thought that was an awful lot of squares for just leaders and enders! LOL I've got a long way to go to catch up with you! :0)

Barb said...

Wow....that is amazing, how many quilts do you think you will get out of them?

Kristie said...

I can't wait to see how it turns out! I just love scrap quilts!!!

Kit Lohr said...
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Debi said...

Sorry Julie, I was working on my husbands website and forgot to log out! I love those little squares, your Irish Chain is lovely.

Lori said...

What a nice big stack you have there!! I love me a scrappy quilt and can't wait to see more!

Darcie said...

lol You crack me up!


Jeanne said...

They sure add up quickly. I started sewing the leaders and enders during my class with Bonnie and had quite a few after just one day. Can't wait to see what you make from your billion squares!

Susan said...

Sometimes those quilts have a mind of their own and just take center stage.... Looks like lots of fun being had.

Sue-Anne said...

That's funny - leaders and enders becoming the main event! Looking forward to watching the quilt grow though.

WoolenSails said...

I have never done string piecing, and still don't get it, lol. I tend to sew and iron as I go, I do things the hard way.


SubeeSews said...

Those leader/enders have a way of taking over the sewing machine time. I do keep patches at hand to always use as L&E's. Then I have to decide what size I want to sew....decisions.
My 9-patches came today. They are all so lovely. And thanks for the "extras" love fabric!

Amy said...

I am having difficulty with my email, but wanted to let you know I received my nine-patches in the mail today. They are so wonderful-thanks for hosting this swap!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...