Thursday, October 21, 2010

Plugging away until I finally get it done!!!

And....the top is a top! Altogether now, I mean! I feel a particular triumph about getting a huge quilt top in one you? Just a moment of satisfaction, of wow, I did it!! Over 2200 pieces in this quilt top, almost every two inch square I have ever cut and saved is in here, saved over many, many years. I am delighted!! My living room (oh, I mean design floor) is almost too small to show this one...king sized, I think...around 100x108 inches. Is that queen sized,maybe? Anyway, big for me.
Keep in mind, any threads you see are you know what quilt I am making out of the 1.5 inch scrap box?? It's what's cookin'! and a surprise!
Heartstrings helpers updates...I donated this top to is in the mail. Also, I sent
this gorgeous quilt that Lyn of Bluebird quilts made for Heartstrings...and below,

this quilt that Lyn made also! I kept hanging on to them, hoping I would finish another top and send it, but I think I just need to pass these all on to Mary, so the quilts can get to who needs them most.

****************Nursing Notes**********************

The big meeting about work finally came...and I will have a job. That is good! I just have to decide whether I will continue to be a heart nurse, or be a med/surg ICU nurse. I want those heart patients...but we will just have to see what happens and which way the wind blows. More questions than answers arose in the meeting...administration is playing it close to the chest about benefits and stuff with the new Heart we are all waiting and seeing!!!


Everyone...hope you have a most wonderful week!!



carol fun said...

Such lovely quilts - I'm particularly taken with the scrappy Irish chain. I love all those different fabrics. Congrats on the job front - I hope you get the position you truly want - Happy stitching!

Cheryl said...

Such wonderful scrappy quilts! and you should be proud to finish! I aspire to be a finisher :O) Hope the job works out for you.

Loris said...

Great job on that huge leader/ender chain quilt. It is lovely and will be wonderful quilted. I am tempted to make that next one too!
You and Lynn are sending some wonderful quilts for heartstrings. Nice job!
And as to the hospital, I'm glad you are getting a choice and hope it all works out well for you. I would always be tempted to go with the heart pts too. That was always my favorite. Interesting that your benefits,etc might be different.

Lee Prairie Designs said...

Wonderful quilts! They are all beautiful.

I sure hope you are able to get the position you are truly wanting. You would do great in any spot that you would be in---:)!!!!!!!!

I finished a doll quilt with some of the 3inch 9 patches you sent me. I also made a doll for the quilt her name is Miss Sudie ---take a peek. Thanks again for organizing your wonderful swap!!!

Hugs, Carolyn

Becky said...

Your border on your Irish Chain is perfect. Really works with your top.

Congratulations on the job situation! Hope more answers come soon from Management.

Darlene said...

Love your scrappy Irish chain quilt, Julie. I'm excited about your job news - woohoo!!!

Kristie said...

I sure hope that all works out well for your job situation. I hope you get what you want.

Your quilts are lovely. I do love that Irish Chain!

Terry said...

Umm...I think that quilt is just the perfect size for my bed! LOL It really looks great! Congratulations on getting it into one piece! And great news that you'll still have a job too! :0)

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Oh I love your Irish chain! I know what you mean about doing a little happy dance when you finally get a top all together. A small triumph. I never count the pieces though~ its a little scary thinking I sewed that much! LOL Have a great evening!

KaHolly said...

Your quilt came out great!! And the quilts for Heartstrings are gorgeous. Congrats on your job situation! ~karen

Amelia said...

Such lovely work in the quilts...really like that tree with all the colorful like leaves...such a wonderful idea for small pieces.

Hooray for knowing you will have a job - when will this move take place?

Enjoy the weekend!

Quilter Kathy said...

SO many wonderful projects here! FIrst, congrats on that huge scrappy quilt top!
I can see that your 1.5" bin is starting to grow a forest :)
And the heartstrings are so pretty! I am still working away on mine...using quilt-as-you-go method, which I probably won't do again, because I know that I would have finished this and machine quilted it a long time ago.

Nancy Sue said...

2200 pieces! That's an awesome quilt!
Congrats on your finish(es)!

Leeanne said...

Wow you are doing a great job! Oh your wee tree block is :"Crabapples" from Leaders and Enders???
I would love to make this some day...I have a lot of collecting 1 1/2" squares though!

Quiltbenaco said...

Sono tutte belle le trapunte che ci hai mostrato, la mia preferita è la prima, la catena irlandese, mi salverò l'immagine per mostrarla alle amiche!
Ps. Auguri per il lavoro

Ginger Patches said...

That's an awesome accomplishment!! That is definitely a King and it's absolutely gorgeous!!!

Miriam said...

Congratulations on finishing your Irish Chain quilt top! Beautiful!

Congratulations on the job too!

Anonymous said...

Love your scrappy Irish chain quilt top. Eagerly awaiting our nine patch blocks her in Australia. Debbie

Anonymous said...

Hello Julie, love the scrappy Irish Chain quilt...hmmm would look lovely on my bed...grin....I thought all along you would be ok with your job....hope all goes well for you Julie. ...Hugs Lyn

Lori said...

That is a big qilt and oh so scrappy and lovely!! Yes, it feels great to get a top completed!!!

Sharon said...

What an accomplishment, your quilt is great, and so full of so many past projects. I love scrap quilts! Congrats on the job front, that's a big relief for you!

Debi said...

Your Irish Chain is so pretty, you did a wonderful job on it.

Brigitte said...

Go for med/surg nurse. I think you'll enjoy it. Great quilts.

WoolenSails said...

So many beautiful quilts and love the idea of doing charity quilts. I need to start doing more pieced styles and practicing my free motion.


Helen in the UK said...

LOVE the quilt top ... it is HUGE!! I think 90 x 90 is the largest I ever did and I quilted that in 3 pieces before joining!
Love the little tree block, you've obviously found you enjoy piecing all those little scraps together. Will this deplete your 1.5" scraps? Enjoy :)

*karendianne. said...

I love the feeling of having a top finished but I can't even imagine what it feels like to have something so large and so pieced together!!! You go girl. I'm impressed and cannot wait to see how you'll quilt it. I'm interested!

Carol said...

BEAUTIFUL! YIPPEE! for the good job news!

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh it looks wonderful! I may have to try and make one of these!

Caryl @ cinnamon holiday workshop said...

2200 pieces!!! wow is wonderful!!! glad for your job too!!

Shelia said...

Beautiful quilts, I love the scrappy quilts. So many memories in every block.
Work prayers for you, I know how things can go in a hospital, do the job you love!! Shelia

AnnieO said...

Wonderful upcycling of your scraps! I love the tree block--that's going to use up a bazillion 1.5" squares.

House of Mouse said...

Love the irish chain and what was your know I am coming for it! lol

My best,


Mary Johnson said...

And they just arrived! Thank you so much. I'll get the top quilted in the next couple months or so (once these all trips are done) and make sure they're all donated.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...