If you signed up for 3 inch finished nine patches:
25 people signed up.......so make 50 nine patches to make 2 for each participant. You are making FIFTY 3 inch finished nine patches of this size.
If you signed up for 6 inch finished nine patches:
39 people signed up.....so make 78 nine patches, to make 2 for each participant. You are making SEVENTY EIGHT 6 inch finished patches of this size.
If you signed up for both...make both batches!! Have fun...I sure am! What a wonderful way to get to know people...for the people with blogs, I am going to list links to your blogs on the side. For those ladies with no blogs, I am listing your names. Thank each and every one of you for signing up...please let me know if you do not see your name...I am so far from perfect...I could have missed it and you are important!
Remember, these are scrappy...two colors...just be careful to get them the right size so it all fits together.(note to self)! LOL!
I find that if I do a little at a time, I do not get overwhelmed...and starting early is a great idea. In fact...there are prizes (fabric yummyness) to the first people ( 3 inch only, 6 inch only, and both) who turn in their nine patches! Stay tuned...other prizes too as we go along.
Just an idea....I am so excited! I am infusing each piece and strip of fabric I cut...each stitch and hum of my machine...with JOY!! This is great fun to me...how about y'all putting on some fun music, or a favorite TV show...have a great time...maybe dance a little! Boogy just a little bit! Such exuberant fun will infuse our nine patches...and as they fly out all over the world, we can spread a little JOY to our friends!!!
Speaking of all over the world...we have swappers from the Netherlands, Canada, Australia, the USA, France, Britain...and I am sure more than that! cool, huh??
I am sending this out in an e-mail to each of you too. I did not ever hear from Julie S...or Cindy (number 2)...please you two, please let me know your e-mail addresses stat! We have a couple local hospital swappers too...
Have a wonderful day!