Sunday, June 20, 2010

An almost finish!

Hi Y'all! Isn't this a huge strawberry? Very pretty! and very in my tummy gone! I made some fruit dip to eat with our fruit tray for Father's day...our son and his wife came, and we had such a wonderful time! Please disregard the very swollen hand...

Fruit Dip

1 container Cool Whip (I used fat free)
1 regular container instant White chocolate Pudding ( I used sugar free)
1 8 ounce container of cream cheese (I again used fat free)
Honey if you want to make it sweeter...

Mix it all up! I used the blender and added a little milk to thin it a little...yum!! It was really good, really easy. We had all kinds of fruit and dipped into it.
I had these blocks from five years ago; they were exchange blocks from the hospital quilter's group, the Remnants (cool name, huh...). Anyway, in the interest of getting everything done I possibly can, I set them together and one of the hospital ladies quilted it for me. This was a huge stash buster! The backing is red and was donated fabric from a friend. I just have to hand stitch the binding.
Lisa's Garden progress: This is the first week done. I have one more week already waiting for me, but feel great that I have been sort of keeping up. The wool is WONDERFUL to work with! A must try!!

Rosie the poodle has been playing with a toy all day, one of the kid's dogs' toys...she won't let go! She is such a comfort after losing Rusty...just a little doll!

Have a wonderful day, all!!



Quilts And Pieces said...

That strawberry is HUGE! And I love the garden quilt so far! That is wonderful!

ria vogelzang said...

What a beauty is your gardenquilt!
And the strawberry!!!!! That's a real big one!
Enjoy your day!

Pat said...

WOW...that is one heck of a strawberry...I thought it wasn't real!!! (Why is the hand swollen???) The "remnant" quilt is wonderful. Working with wool is nice and relaxing to me...don't have to worry about turning under rough edges when doing applique with wool.....which is always a proflem for me as I'm not good with needle-turn applique at all.

Angie said...

Yummmmm! :) Your quilt is gorgeous, Julie!

Melanie said...

Love the garden blocks. Darling iwth the nine patches. Keep us posted with your progress.

Amelia said...

Quilt is so interesting... I need to get back to quilting...but with summer time I want to spend as much time outside as possible.

Why was your hand swollen?

Yum yum sounding on the dip.

Have a great week and stay cool!

mkhquilts said...

I have this sudden craving for Strawberries! That is one giant berry!
I love your wool flowers with the 9-patch blocks. That is going to be very cute! The Remnants quilt is just darling!
How's the job situ going?

Lori said...

What fun projects you've beebn working on!!
The strawberry is amazing and the dip sure sounds delicious!!

Karen said...

A humongous strawberry for sure. I love strawberries!

Quilter Kathy said...

Did that mutant strawberry taste as good as it looked?!? Interesting project you are making with wool...I've never used wool before.

Karen said...

Love the exchange blocks, that's a great looking quilt!

Anonymous said...

Yummo on that strawberry. I could honestly say I've been eating my fair share but none so large as yours!
Your really trying to convince me with that wool quilt aren't you?!! I'm loving it!!

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Love your projects! I haven't tried a wool one.. yet. ;-) The strawberry is huge! Hope your hand is ok~? Have a great week!

Susan said...

You are making great progress on the Calico garden quilt.

Chookyblue...... said...

you garden blocks look it wool appliqued onto cotton??

Bren said...

I love your new wool project! If I could master that button hole stitch, I would try it.
I love to hear the stories of your patients. I can so relate to your last one. I know his family has been blessed by having Kyle is such a huge blessing. Just yesterday, Zachary told me, "Don't worry about Kyle, Mom. When you get too old, he can live with me." Then Charlotte piped up and argued, "No way, Zach. He is living with me and my family." The argument started....I loved it! Little do they know, their older brother already has dibs!

Becky said...

That is one big strawberry. Yum! Love the scrappines in your quilt from your swap group. Have a great evening!

Stephanie Hughes said...

Love the stawberry! I would eat it just like it is! Steph

Nicole said...

I do not think I have ever seen such a huge strawberry! Thanks for the dip recipe. It sounds like it will be delicious.
The stash buster quilt is such fun!

Darcie said...

I love the remnants quilt! That would be a pretty fun stash buster...and mindless sewing project.

We LOVE strawberries here too. They've been just delightful this year. I make a dip from 1 brick philly cream cheese and about 6-8 ounces of either plain or vanilla yogurt...and a good sprinkling of cinnamon. Mmmmm. ;-)

Happy Thursday, Jules!

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...