Monday, February 22, 2010

A compromising situation! :)

Dear everyone!!! How are you? Guess what?? I have the center of the blue and yellow sampler pieced!!! I just need to do some hand work, applique to finish on 3 sections, then it all goes together. Then two borders...then piece the backing (I have the fabric, a gift, was to be thrown out by a co-worker-she gifted it to me). Then it will be off to the quilter! A silly piece of me wants to hand quilt it, then I came back to reality. NO way I can hand quilt a king-size quilt in the limited amount of sewing time I have available to me. All this fabric came from the stash. I estimate about 12 yards used, at least. I have only a few little pieces of yellow left. Yippee!!
Another view...
Jeanne of made a wonderful Christmas quilt...I loved it at first sight. I have very few Christmas fabrics, so I made my blocks with just the reds and greens I had. I am making 30 of these blocks. Fun and simple compared to the huge quilt above!

A compromising Situation! ********************Nursing Notes*******************

Well, I had a pretty easy day last shift...shhh, don't tell my work. Even though it was busy, everyone was stable in our nursing unit, no one coding or crashing. I had a critical stable heart valve transplant, and a chest pain patient. Well, the chest pain patient was 47 years old. I heard in report that he had lots of ladies visit him...and was married.

Soooo, when I went in to assess him, he was polite, nice enough, very stable. Next time I went in at 08:30 to give him his meds, and his girlfriend was there. Keep in mind, he is married. He said his wife was coming at noon and under no circumstances was I to mention the girlfriend to the wife...all this said right in front of the girlfriend, who just listened and smiled when he said this. I gave him his meds...and left, really not my business. A few minutes later, I took him his breakfast and ice and water. I noticed his gown was off, just draped across his nether regions. OK...later about 10:00 I noticed his heart rate going up...quietly knocked on the door, went in and...well...there was a reason his heart rate was clothes, girlfriend draped across him, and you get the idea...I quietly left.

About 30 minutes later, his heart rate was down to normal, and I noticed girlfriend quietly slipped out of the room.

About 12:00, his wife arrived. He was all smiles and kisses, said to her he missed her so much, couldn't wait to be home...with a very sharp look at me. I did not say a word...anyway, wife left about 6pm, and he immediately got on the cell phone.

About 6:30 PM, another very pretty lady came in to see him. Off went the gown down to his waist...and I witnessed a very passionate kiss occur. At this point, I called the doctor and asked if we could transfer the patient off the critical unit, because he passed his "stress test" for today!

Whewww!! If he did not have chest pain handling that many ladies...he was OK!! As the patient advocate, I could not say a word...but I really wanted to mention something to the wife. What do you think??

Anyway.....that was my compromising situation!!!

Have a most wonderful day!



Terry said...

Wow! That guy has some nerve! LOL

Love the blue and yellow quilt btw! :0)

Lori said...

Nope, not your business but I hope he was transferred away for passing his stress test! Ugh!!

Love your blue and yellow quilt! You are a machine! I can't believe how fast you've finished it!!

Kathy said...

LOL! What a stress test! And he passed. Maybe that is what got him into the hospital in the first place??? LOL

I love your blue/yellow quilt. I'm so glad you came to your senses and decided not to handquilt it! Now I'm off to look at that Christmas quilt you are referring to.

Danielle said...

Love the blue and yellow quilt! It's so very pretty, and can't wait to see it all quilted up!

Your patient should be thinking all of that action is what put him in the hospital in the first place! You did the right thing, but maybe the visiting rules should be stricter! LOL Immediate "family" only....

Nancy said...

OMG....that reminds me of my dad. He was in the hospital nearby where my sister worked. She would go every day to visit on her lunch hour. My Mom would visit in the evening. (I lived out of town) One day as my Mom was getting off the elevator, the nurses surrounded her and kept her at the nurses station forever. She was not worried but they just kept asking her question after question...things they already knew, although she was polite....she finally told them he would be upset if she didn't get to his room. He was a clock watcher and knew when she should be there and would worry.
The nurses had tried their best...but she walked in while the "girlfriend was there". My Mom proceeded to say "HI" to my sister. Needless to say,that evening, his bell wasn't answered immediately and he ended up having chocolate and flowers delivered to the nurses station...
Sadly, he passed away without ever leaving the hospital... He was only 47, but boy he had a wonderful life. Thanks for the memories....LOL

country mouse said...

Oh my, the blue and yellow quilt is amazing!! Great job!!

As to the patient...OMG, some people have a lot of nerve. I don't know what I would have done in your shoes, part of me would say his wife should know, the other part says its none of my business. But the way he was behaving in the hospital...that just blows my mind.

Sharon said...

Nope, none of your biz. It could cost you your job the way things are these days. Just be glad he slithered off to another ward! Hey, what his name Tiger? heheh

Pat said...

I guess it wasn't any of your business, but.....his elevated heart rate WAS your business. If he'd not been transferred, I think maybe you could have consulted with his doctor and told the doctor you figured out why he had an elevated heart rate twice on your unit....and then let it become the doctor's dilemma!!! I feel badly for the wife...that's for sure. He is a real crud and while I don't wish anyone ill health, I think she'd be better off without him!!! OH...yes...I LOVE the blue and yellow quilt!!!

Kaaren said...

Love the quilt, Julie.

As for your patient...I think it's all been said...says I shaking my head.

Loris said...

The blue and yellow is absolutely beautiful! With all you do, you have sewn it in record time. Good idea to have it machine quilted and you can get onto to the lovely new red and green :-)
Excellent judgement in calling the MD for your patient. No use wasting an ICU bed on someone who doesn't need it. I hope he figures out how much deception costs before it finishes him off though.

Amelia said...

Oh yes, send that big beautiful thing out to be quilted....but tell the quilter that her quilting should not be the dominant thing when you look at the quilt...your beautiful blocks should be.

As for the patient, I agree, not any of your business - best thing get him off your hands.

Karen said...

The blue & yellow quilt is look really good!

Nancy said...

I'm in love with the blue and yellow quilt. It is fresh and filled with sunshine.

I'm sure your patient's situation is what caused his heart trouble in the first place. Telling that many lies every day is going to get him in the end.

PatchworkRose said...

Talk about making every moment count. I think that the wife probably knows and chooses to ignore.
Love your Quilt :-)

Mary Johnson said...

Your Blue and Yellow quilt is gorgeous! It would be lovely hand quilted as you said but who has the time?

fabricartist21 said...

Julie you commented on my blog and asked me if you could blog about me and I am saying yes I would love to have a nurse quilter as a blogger friend. I am a quilter, nurse, blogger, etsy shop owner, e-bayer and I also tweet all in that order. I am semi- retired and only work partime. I love your quilts!!

Rae Ann said...

I would say... First of all... your quilt is SO gorgeous!!!Love the yellow and blue.
Now... on to the compromising situation. I think that someome should tell his poor, sweet wife! I realize it can't be you... but someday someone will and then it will all catch up with him.

Pokey said...

Beautiful quilt...YIKES! on the other....

mkhquilts said...

Julie-I love your yellow sampler so far! Very elegant looking! I'll be watching your site for the finished product.
As for the patient-wow some people have some nerve! I am constantly amazed at people's behavior in the hospital. Like it's a hotel or casino! Does that guy take Viagra or something? Maybe that's why he had chest pain in the first place! I think I would have reported his behavior to the nursing supervisor and let them have a talk with him.

ria vogelzang said...

Love your blue and yellow quilt!! Absolutely stunning! And what cute little christmas-stars!!
I think you did a great job on your patient!! But what a terrible guy!
How ever he can treat his wife that way....... I will never understand...
No wonder he passed his stress-test........ (ugh......)!
You have a great day!

Deb said...

Julie.. for all we know the wife might be saying "thank goodness he found someone else to play with and she still gets his funding" What goes around comes around..LOL interesting Cardiac floor though.
As for your lovely quilt it is wonderful!! I love the different blocks and the different is going to be another master piece

Kristie said...

Oh my gosh! What a day you had! Amazing how some people live their lives. Hmmmm....sounds like a soap opera! :)

I just love that blue and yellow quilt! Looks like you spent a lot of time piecing that baby. Very beautiful.

Elaine Adair said...

Absolutely STUNNING quilt - best part is that there are so many interesting juxtapositions! LOVE it.

Nursing notes? give that guy a key to Motel 6! Some people are their own worst enemies, in more ways than one?

Debi said...

I really love how your yellow/blue quilt is coming along. You are definately finishing this one quicker than I did! As far as your pattient goes, well he will certainly get way or another!

Cathi said...

Don't believe that guy!

I love your blue and yellow quilt -- so very pretty.

AnnieO said...

Your quilt looks wonderful! And all from stash, that is fantastic.

Your patient, not wonderful at all. Ew.

Stephanie D said...

Stunning quilt, Julie! And all from stash! Amazing that all the blues go together so well--you must buy lots of the same shades.

As for your patient, well, what goes around comes around, and he will get whatever's coming to him.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh your quilt is just gorgeous, but I about choked when you thought you might hand quilt it! Glad you decided not to. Not that hand quilting isn't gorgeous - but those big ones just never get done in my world!

Sue-Anne said...

Your quilt looks fantastic and I'm glad you came back to reality with the handquilting!!!

Trisha said...

Julie, your blue and yellow quilt is just gorgeous! I followed the link and found the scrappy star quilt and it is very cute. I like how the lights and darks alternate every other block.

As for your patient, I am appalled! It blows my mind that someone could be so unfaithful.

Shari said...

Great quilt! And definitely send it off to get quilted - then you can enjoy it!

Some people are just too much! But you just have to let it go... fate will take care of him... In other news about nursing - did your trucker with swine flu recover?

Anonymous said...

FABULOUS job, Julie! And so quickly too! Can't wait to see it quilted.

Now, your patient?! A year ago, I would've been shocked. Today? Not so much. Isn't it amazing how people act these days, even in a hospital?! So sad.


Libby said...

Oh dear - I hope Mr. Stress has been moved. So unfair of him to put you in such a position.
Sure do love your blue and yellow sampler!

Siddis back home said...

What a beautiful quilt you are showing! Have a nice day!

*karendianne. said...

Friend, I know this was said once already but about this Sampler... UnREALLYAmazing!!!

What a creepy situation to be in. Sorry for that friend. Of course I think you already know he'll get HIS without any help from any of "us."

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Chookyblue...... said...

probably should have been booking him into some cheap and nasty motel..........who's to tell the wife????? hard one...
what a waste of a hospital bed........
..quilt looks good............

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Teresa said...

My guess is the wife already knows and would not appreciate your calling it to her attention. If she is staying married to the jerk she probably is pretending that no one else knows what is going on. So I would just keep quiet and let her deal with the toad.

Your quilt is beautiful!

Jan said...

YOur blue and yellow sampler is just beautiful--you did a wonderful job!

Sue said...

Just love your blue and yellow quilt. It really does look stunning. You must of had so much fun doing all the piecing. Well done.

Barb said...

That is as bad as it gets.....

Love your quilt!!

Texan said...

Mercy me what a awful situation for you to be in! People never stop amazing me... thats for sure...

Your Sampler quilt is just amazing!! Beautiful!!

~Joan said...

Hi, Julie. This is Joan from Keeping You in Stitches. We emailed each other a few times way back when we were both doing Bonnie's Carolina Crossroads mystery quilt. I have just stumbled onto your blog again. I love looking at your quilts. We are definitely kindred quilting spirits, a la Anne of Green Gables. Your plaid quilts have inspired me to use more plaids myself. Need to break out of the Thimbleberries rut.

~Joan said...

I meant to ask you if your blue and yellow quilt was a pattern or just some random blocks your pieced together creatively?


Darcie said...

Oh. My. I totally forgot about your blue and yellow quilt and this *Mr.* is all that I can think of. Sheesh...the nerve.

Ah yes...the blue and yellow quilt. Cheers to stash busting! It looks amazing, Jules!

Quilter Kathy said...

Love the blue-yellow is really spectacular!

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Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...